Mu Qingli thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It's not poisonous anyway, you can eat it if you want."

Xiao Ya'er tasted two of them, spit them out without swallowing them, threw away the two plants in her hand, and said with disgust: "It's not delicious at all."

Mu Qingli: "..."

They didn't go to see the golden bee first, but continued to move forward, first finding the forest that A Yuan mentioned.

A Yuan was riding Ermao Fei and saw the forest in the air. Although he was not mistaken about the direction, flying in the sky and walking on the ground are obviously two different concepts.

Five people—especially the two little guys who are trying not to delay the progress, it is really difficult to quickly walk to the "not too far" big forest that A Yuan said.

I had lunch on the road, took a rest, and then continued to walk for an hour and a half, as if there was no sign of sight, even A Yuan felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, uh, I really didn't expect it to be so far away..." He scratched his head and said shyly.

Obviously Ermao just waved his wings a few times and arrived, obviously in the blink of an eye.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen didn't blame him either. Anyway, sooner or later, they will have to find out all about this line of sky.

It's just that this guy shouldn't mislead them, swearing, "It's very close, really close!"

This kind of artificial feeling is very close, but after walking for a long time, I still haven't seen the shadow of the destination.

After walking for about half an hour, a large forest that was several times higher than the surrounding trees finally appeared in sight in the distance ahead.

A few people cheered up and speeded up.

Although you can see it as far as your eyes can see, it still took more than half an hour to actually walk over.

Fortunately, there are relatively few forest weeds in this line of sky, and it is not very difficult to walk. Otherwise, five people may not be able to walk until dark today.

When approaching the big forest, another very special fragrance of trees hits the face.

This kind of fragrance is similar to the fragrance of fresh grass and grass leaves, but it is different from the natural fresh smell of grass and trees that is usually smelled.

It really has a fragrance.

"It's finally here! Brother Mo, you have seen a lot, can you know what kind of trees these are? I don't think I've seen such a tree before!" A Yuan smiled deeply at Mo Yun, and the adoring little There were stars in his eyes, so that Mo Yunshen subconsciously glanced at Mu Qingli.

How long will he be the one who takes the blame?

Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan looked around curiously and sniffed: "It smells so good! It smells so good!"

"Hey, that's right, I said what's different, it's this scent! It's so strange, what is there in the woods, why is it so fragrant? This scent is really good!" Ah Yuan knew afterward Said with hindsight.

"Let's go in and have a look!" Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli looked at each other.

Mo Yunshen and A Yuan led the way, the two younger ones walked in the middle, Mu Qingli led the way, and the five walked into the forest one after another.

There was a rustling sound in the grass, and some small animals like rabbits were startled and fled away into the distance.

None of the five people cared about it, and their attention was focused on the increasingly rich scent of various trees in the forest.

Mo Yunshen raised his eyebrows suddenly, turned his head to Mu Qingli and said, "Do you think these scents seem familiar? Why do I feel like sandalwood, agarwood and the like—God, Qingli, look, that , That, is really Chen Xiang!"

Mu Qingli subconsciously looked in the direction his hand pointed, "Ah!" exclaimed: "Sure enough!"

It was a rotten tree. Most of the bark had decayed, but it stood upright. The remaining part of the semi-decayed bark was full of nodules and insect eyes. It didn't look good at all, but it was rich The scent is coming from there.

Chen Xiang, this is Chen Xiang! Just for this pure and strong fragrance, this is definitely the best agarwood among the best!

Moreover, with such a big body, the three of them couldn't hug each other, and it was several feet tall...

Mu Qingli stared at this section of dead branches and rotten wood, her eyes were hot and glowing red.

Even Mo Yunshen had a face full of infatuation, he couldn't calm down!

Cultivators are most afraid of impetuousness, and the top-quality agarwood has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind. It can soothe the emotions very well, and it is of great use to the practitioners.

Otherwise, why do you need to light incense when practicing Zen? Because under the influence of Xiang Ning Shen Jing Qi, it is easier to realize the epiphany!

I didn't expect to come across such a large section when I came in—no, it should be said to be an agarwood tree, this is simply a big pie falling from the sky!

"No wonder the fragrance is so strong! No wonder, hehehe!" Mu Qingli ran over and hugged the extremely ugly agarwood in the eyes of the three of A Yuan, with a look of intoxication.

Mo Yunshen also stretched out his hand to caress it, as if he was careful not to hurt this extremely ugly rotten wood, and sighed with a smile: "I didn't expect such a good place in the first line of sky! If so, what are you waiting for, lady, take it Take it!"

"Must!" Mu Qingli laughed.

Taking out the saw from the space, Mo Yunshen took it and started to work.

The three of Ayuan looked at me and I looked at you, and then looked at the ugly tree. Ayuan couldn't help but wondered: "Brother Mo, Qingli, is this really so good?"

Xiaoya'er and Xiaoluan also looked confused: yes, yes, they seem to have never seen their sister and brother-in-law so happy!

In fact, it’s just that they haven’t seen it before. For example, when they caught dragon loach, when they got Tai Sui and Daxuevine fruit, for example, when they first discovered Nitian Shentian, they were actually so happy.

"Take a sniff, does that nice fragrance come from this tree? This is a very precious spice that is very useful! In short, it is a very good thing." Mu Qingli explained.

The three of them nodded with an "oh", so is this fragrance very useful? Why do they still think this is a rotten tree?

Mu Qingli couldn't explain too much to them, after all, in this isolated village, everything is less important than food.

For them, food is the most important thing.

For example, whether it is agarwood, gems, or even gold and silver, people outside will be crazy when they see it, but to them, it seems that it is really useless.

Those who have never lived outside the society naturally do not know the usefulness of these "external objects", and these external objects are naturally not attractive to them.

Xiaoluan suddenly pointed to the not far away, and said, "Sister, look at that piece of rotten wood over there, it looks like this, isn't it also something that my sister and brother-in-law like?"

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