A Yuan rubbed his eyes, then shook his head, and said in surprise: "Brother Gao, Brother Mo, Qingli, I, I'm not blind, am I?"

Gao Dashan said in a daze, "Your eyesight is fine, and I saw it too. It's a weasel and a pangolin fighting!"

No wonder the two were discussing whether their eyes were blurry or not. This weasel was very small, about the size of a newborn kitten, and was thin.

And what about the pangolin? Even the tail and the head are more than 1.5 meters long, and it looks like a small crocodile.

But these two guys with huge disparity in body size are actually fighting, an extremely fierce, life-and-death fight!

The little weasel didn't lose the wind at all, instead bared its fangs and claws ferociously, forcing the pangolin back again and again from time to time.

Of course, that pangolin is not a vegetarian either, its size is many times larger than that of the little weasel, and it is impossible for the little weasel to defeat it all at once.

After avoiding the attack, its counterattack was also very intense.

Mo Yunshen had heard of pangolins, but he had never even heard of such creatures as weasels. Seeing this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This little weasel is so powerful, no wonder there is a word 'wolf' in the name! Today is also an eye-opener. I can't imagine that two animals with such a huge difference in size can fight evenly!"

Gao Dashan and A Yuan also nodded repeatedly, exclaiming that it was amazing! This weasel is simply against the sky!

Mu Qingli twitched the corners of her mouth, and looked at the three of them speechlessly. It was basically a chicken talking to a duck, and they could still connect.

She can guarantee that this guy Mo Yunshen can't know what a weasel is. He must think that a weasel is so powerful in the first place, and Brother Gao and A Yuan will be wrong, thinking that what he is feeling like them is the sight in front of him. What a wonderful thing to see.

Mu Qingli explained to Mo Yunshen: "This weasel may be a mutated species. Ordinary weasels are not so vicious. At most, they can only steal a chicken that hasn't grown up. It's a bit more powerful. A rooster can also peck their heads and run like a mouse. Not to mention fighting against such a huge pangolin, even a dog can drive it away!"

Mo Yun was taken aback for a moment.

A Yuan has already nodded and said with emotion: "Yes, yes, so this one in front of us is really strange! Obviously we are not mistaken, this is a weasel, but how can it be so powerful?"

It was only then that Mo Yunshen suddenly realized, rubbed his temples and said with a smile, "So that's what happened!"

At this time, the battle between the weasel and the pangolin is coming to an end, and the result can be said to be unexpected, or it can be said to be expected: the pangolin is retreating steadily, and it seems that it will soon be defeated by the weasel.

The weasel suddenly screamed and jumped up, and rushed towards the pangolin, throwing the pangolin, which was stumbling backwards and already a little unstable, to its back.

Amid the low exclamations of surprise from the four of them, the weasel bit the pangolin's throat fiercely with its pointed mouth. The pangolin struggled violently, but no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't get rid of the pangolin.

After a while, its struggle gradually weakened, and its body finally went limp, its head tilted, and there was no sound.

The little weasel bounced on its belly, flicked its tail, and made a cheerful squeaking sound.

Mu Qingli and the others were dumbfounded, looking a little silly from the sidelines.

What made them even more stupid was that the little weasel jumped off the pangolin nimbly, bit the pangolin's tail, and dragged the pangolin towards the depths of the grass.

A small weasel and a pangolin so big, there is such a huge contrast, but the little weasel dragging the pangolin does not seem to be strenuous at all...

"This—" A Yuan opened his eyes wide open, dumbfounded.

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows, "Let's go, let's follow!"

The three of them nodded together. Of course, they had to follow to see clearly. If necessary, try to catch the weasel and study it.

Well, although it is very powerful, if the four of them face one of them, they still have a chance of winning.

The four followed them all the way, and the little weasel focused on dragging its booty, and their movements were very light, so it didn't disturb it and was discovered by it.

Mu Qingli selfishly thought that even if she found out, with the ability of this little weasel, she wouldn't take the four of her seriously, right? After all, it even defeated such a big pangolin.

The little weasel is bringing the spoils home. The four of them followed all the way in a detour, and ended up in front of a stone cave.

This distance is nothing to the four of them, but it is not close to the little weasel. You can see it dragging its huge booty from the calmness at the beginning to the staggering steps now-tired!

The little weasel threw the pangolin in front of the cave, and lay down beside it, panting for breath.

Then, it shook its tail and stood up, walked to the entrance of the cave to a cluster of purple stalks, about three inches high, with leaves hanging like silk, and began to nibble on the grass leaves.

All four of them were taken aback.

Mo Yunshen doesn't understand, but Mu Qingli and the others do. Weasels are obviously carnivorous animals. When did they become so meat-eating? Even a random clump of grass is eaten?

Moreover, I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the weasel seems to be reluctant when eating the grass. This expression is obviously—not to mention pain, it is obviously disgust, right?

Since it doesn't like to eat, why does it still want to eat?

The little weasel didn't eat much of the grass, it only chewed three or four mouthfuls and then stopped, then continued to bite the pangolin's tail vigorously, and dragged it into the cave...

Mu Qingli's eyes fell on the clump of purple stalked grass.

"You said, could it be because of this clump of grass?"

Mo Yunshen's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "I think it's very possible. Just now this guy was so tired that he was panting, but after eating a few mouthfuls of grass, he was full of energy again! Could it be that this grass can increase mental strength?"

A Yuan smiled and said, "Let's pick some and take them home!" Now the weasel has also entered the hole, and we can't catch it even if we try to catch it.

A Yuan walked over as he said that, bent down to pull weeds.

Unexpectedly, the little weasel that had already entered the cave rushed out of the stone cave screaming like an arrow, blocked in front of the clump of grass, and screamed fiercely at A Yuan.

A Yuan was taken aback, and the three of them couldn't help laughing.

When he came back to his senses, A Yuan also laughed, and said to the little weasel, "Hey, I'm not that pangolin, if you're sensible, get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude!"

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