The battle was finally over, the big fish was half-floating and half-sinking on the water, Mu Qingli and Mo Yun sat on it panting deeply, and there was still blood flowing out of its messy body. Dissolved in water, dyed clear water bright red.

The embarrassed and exhausted two people looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Mo Yunshen couldn't help stretching out his hand, brushing aside Mu Qingli's strand of wet hair sticking to his face, and said with a smile: "We're lucky, not bad!"

He was also obviously very tired, and the hands that were fiddling with her hair trembled uncontrollably.

Mu Qingli originally wanted to stare at him, but suddenly her heart softened, she smiled at him, and said: "We are out of danger, it's just lucky that you gave me a hand when we were in the water, otherwise I would be in trouble now." I'm afraid I've already entered the belly of that big guy!"

Mo Yun touched his chin deeply, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "In this way, I can be regarded as my lady's lifesaver? The grace of saving my life should be promised by my body! Besides, we are already husband and wife! Wife, tell me, let's When will the house be consummated?"

A blush suddenly appeared on Mu Qingli's slightly pale face, and she glared at Mo Yunshen bitterly: "I just can't speak nice words to you! If you say nice words, you will make progress!"

Mo Yunshen laughed loudly.

There were various noises in the water, and the waves were surging. Mu Qingli looked down at the water surface, only to see that at some point, countless schools of fish, big and small, had already swam over, circling around this giant. cruising.

Some of the larger carnivorous fish have opened their mouths, and their sharp teeth are biting and gnawing at the big fish.

She couldn't help laughing and cursing: "These guys will take advantage of it. During the fight just now, every ghost disappeared. This big guy just died. I don't know where these guys came from so quickly!"

Mo Yun smiled deeply: "In this way, we seem to be making wedding dresses for others for nothing. Brother Gao and the others should be waiting impatiently, let's go!"

Mu Qingli looked at the big fish, but she was not very reconciled: Why is it that she is the one who kills each time, but it is these big and small fish that get cheap?

Even though the big fish was bitten badly by them, even if she gave it to her, she wouldn't want it, but she still has to take something away to be reconciled, right?

Take out a small boat from the space, two people jumped on the belly of the big fish, Mu Qingli said: "I'll push the boat, you get this guy's teeth off! These teeth are so sharp, they can be used as hidden daggers! "

Mo Yunshen glanced at the big fish with its mouth wide open, nodded and said with a smile, "My lady makes sense."

Speaking of which, the lady also lost a small boat, so it seems a bit too bad to leave like this.

Big Yu just wanted to escape from the pain, and he had already swam a long way into the water. Gao Dashan and A Yuan in the metasequoia forest could only vaguely see their figures when looking this way, but the specific situation was unknown.

Seeing that they hadn't returned for a long time, the two felt anxious, and rushed over there in the rubber boat.

When they approached and saw that they were taking the teeth of the big fish, they were relieved.

A Yuan smiled and said: "Brother Mo, Qing Li, you didn't say a word, it made us worry for so long, so it turns out that you are collecting spoils!"

Thinking of the fight that turned the water upside down just now, the sound of the water hitting the eardrums, Gao Dashan also felt a little lingering in his heart, and said with a smile: "No, this big guy is too powerful, we are all terrified when we look at it! Anyway, you should also report that you are safe!"

"It's not that the distance is too far, it takes too much time to come and go." Mu Qingli smiled, and said proudly with a ostentatious smile: "Brother Gao, A Yuan, you have to trust us, no matter how powerful this big guy is, he can't wait for you." Not our opponent!"

All four laughed.

For a while Gao Dashan and A Yuan also stepped forward to help, looking at the big fish, they were even more amazed.

After taking out twenty or so teeth from the big fish, the four of them left by boat.

This big fish is as big as a small mountain, and there are a lot of fish that come to eat, some of which are dozens of catties, close to hundreds of catties, but with a delicious meal in front of them, naturally they will not compete with the four people on the boat.

Furthermore, the water surface here is open, if something dangerous approaches, the four people can completely detect it in the first world, and then react quickly.

Turning around, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen still boarded the rubber boat and headed towards the huge island.

After about half an hour, we finally docked.

The big peacock flew over from the metasequoia forest in one go, and he was watching them from the shore! Unfold the beautiful screen, shining in the sun.

The finless porpoise mother and child or the mother and daughter are also very interesting. They swim behind their rubber boats and follow the elders all the way, making clear and clear calls from time to time. Rubbing the palm of your hand, full of cuteness.

Mu Qingli couldn't help it, and fed them several golden fruits.

They didn't keep up until their dinghy paddled toward the shallow water near the island.

Mu Qingli swears that when the golden fruit ripens in autumn, she will pick all the fruits from those trees!

"Let's stay on the shore tonight, and walk forward tomorrow to see where it is! Like this, it should be out of the water?" A Yuan said.

Standing on the shore, looking inward, I saw lush vegetation, and although the mountains were not high, they stretched endlessly. It seemed that this was not an island, but land.

Mo Yunshen and the others also looked in and discussed a few words.

It is too early to draw conclusions at this time, and it is inevitable to go to explore the way tomorrow.

The feeling of the feet landing on the ground is indescribably solid, and the mood of the four of them is much lighter. It is a great joy to set up a tent, collect firewood, and cook dinner.

Mu Qingli found some fresh wild vegetables and mushrooms in the forest, and brought back two bamboo shoots of unknown type. A Yuan caught the big fish of the boss and half a bucket of prawns.

There are not only many fish in this water area, but also many shrimps.

Not only many, but also big, and very silly.

Not long after the hook was thrown down, a big black fish with spots was caught.

As for prawns, it was even easier to catch. A dozen or so hooks were hung on the fishing rod that was put down, and they were flicked to the dense aquatic plants on the bank, and a bunch of prawns could be harvested in less than three sentences.

Each one is the size of two fingers, with a blue-gray shell, crystal clear, and looks delicious.

It's rare to come to such a large piece of land. The four of them discussed how to celebrate. For a while, Mu Qingli took out various tables, cooking utensils, etc. from the space, and dug a hole and built a simple earthen stove next to it. , made an extraordinarily sumptuous meal.

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