And that girl from Shennongtang, I don't know if she will be deceived by her clansmen after she "dead"... Probably not? That girl has always been extremely cunning, but she is an extremely difficult guy, how can she be so easy to suffer in the hands of others?

If she has time to worry about her, she should worry more about herself...

"Maybe it doesn't need to be so troublesome," Mu Qingli said with a smile: "Let's search carefully everywhere on this coast. Maybe there are traces left by ships passing by? As long as a ship passes by for the first time, there will naturally be traces. the second time."

Gao Dashan and A Yuan were taken aback for a moment, obviously they couldn't understand Mu Qingli's words - what does it mean that there is a boat passing by? Is it possible that there are people living by this lake? But what does this have to do with them leaving? Why do people have to pass by them before they can leave? Is there a relationship between the two...

The two of them didn't think they were stupid before, but now they feel so stupid that they can't even understand the simplest questions.

Mo Yunshen's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "My lady's words are reasonable, and I think it's very possible! Let's go down and have a look first!"

Gao Dashan, A Yuan: "..." Why do you still have that foggy feeling? What kind of weird lake is this? Why do these two people's words become weird when they come to this lake!

The four of them quickly descended the mountain with a big peacock. Before walking too far, there was a piece of pure white sandy beach. The sandy beach was very firm, and it would not sink if they stepped on it, just like stepping on the ground.

The beach is full of colorful and different styles of shells, and small starfish, etc., which are very beautiful. Rows of waves sweeping from the sea, patted on the beach, splashing white waves.

Looking left and right, the beach seems to be inlaid with a circle of pure white lace. Behind the lace, the azure sea water is thrillingly beautiful.

Overlooking the sea, the sea is tumbling, sweeping in with a majestic momentum again and again, making a low-pitched and stalwart noise and roar, which makes people daunting, but at the same time respectful and fascinated.

Standing on the beach looking at the sea, listening to the sound of splashing waves and the rustling of the beach, the four of them were a little dazed and fascinated.

"It's so beautiful!" A Yuan couldn't help admiring: "This lake is so beautiful and charming!"

Gao Dashan also felt the same way: "Yeah, I didn't expect such a lake to exist in the world!"

Mo Yun coughed deeply, and said with a smile: "The lake is no longer a lake when it becomes so big, it's called an ocean, a sea! It's much bigger than a lake. I'm's possible that it's countless times bigger than a big forest !"

Hearing the last sentence, Gao Dashan and A Yuan couldn't help being startled. Even Gao Dashan, who was relatively stable on weekdays, was shocked. The big forest is already big enough. It is also countless times larger, what is that concept?

" it so scary? God, how can we go out then!" Ah Yuan couldn't help but help his forehead.

How long do you have to row?

Moreover, standing on the beach and feeling the sea at close range, no matter how much A Yuan knows nothing about the sea, he can see it with his eyes and feelings. How far is it to walk?

The waves of the sea are not the small waves in the rivers and lakes, they are scary to watch.

"There will always be a way," Mu Qingli said with a smile, "Since you're here, don't think about anything right now. Let's take a good rest and relax today. Tomorrow, we'll walk along the coast to both ends. Search and search to see if you find anything."

After discussing it for a while, they first found a place to set up a tent for the night, set up the tent, and Mo Yunshen accompanied Mu Qingli and A Yuan to pull Gao Dashan and walk around on the beach.

As for the guy with the big peacock, the poor guy was a little dazed by the fright of the sea. He screamed and refused to take half a step on the beach. He had already retreated to the grass at the foot of the mountain to look for food.

The beach is very clean, except for the shells and small animals washed up by the sea, there is nothing else.

Mu Qingli picked up a beautiful shell and played with it in her hand. Who knew that there was actually a small hermit crab living in the shell. She was so happy that she threw the shell back on the beach with great interest. Xiang Moyun said with a deep smile, "Tomorrow we will get up early, maybe when the tide goes out, we can pick up a lot of sea crabs, shrimps, fish, etc., just in time for a seafood feast!"

"Okay," Mo Yun smiled deeply, and said, "I've heard that the sunrise on the sea is beautiful, and you can also watch the sunrise by the way."

The two talked and looked at each other with a smile, no troubles at all.

The tent is set up behind the bushes and grass not far from the coast, and falling asleep to the sound of the waves is not a pleasant experience.

However, in the middle of the night, the four of them were awakened by the earth-shattering crashing waves, and they all got out of the tent in a jerk.

"What's going on? It sounds like someone was fighting in the water?" A Yuan rubbed his sleepy eyes and said.

"It would be great if there was a fight! Let's go and have a look!" Mu Qingli pouted towards the beach.

The so-called high-skilled people are bold, but with the four of them, where can they go? Nothing can hurt them easily.

Walking on the beach, following the sound, the four of them were all stunned. Sure enough, something was fighting in the sea.

Those were two huge monsters, and because they were not very far from the coast, they heard all the noise they made.

But because it was night, the moonlight was very faint, and the sea was completely dark, so it was hard to see exactly what was there.

"It looks as big as the big fish like a hill we saw in the water! Well, no wonder, this lake—oh no, this sea is much larger and deeper than that water It’s not surprising that there are many big fish! But fighting in the middle of the night, isn’t it good?”

A Yuan muttered a lot, in exchange for the three people's eyes. Youdao is that the road to the enemy is narrow, and they will fight if they bump into each other. Is it still time?

Although I couldn't see very clearly and could only see a rough outline, the four people on the beach were all staring intently and thrillingly.

This fight was really too intense, so intense that one's emotions could not help but fluctuate with the ups and downs, sometimes worrying.

The already turbulent sea water was stirred up and tumbling.

The huge tentacles were thrown away, and the huge black shadow was highly recognizable under the moonlight. Mu Qingli couldn't help but let out a "huh".

Mo Yun took a deep look at her: "Miss, have you seen what kind of monster it is?"

Mu Qingli said: "It looks like a giant octopus, I don't know if it is."

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