All three said yes again and again.

Immediately, they pulled, pushed, and pushed to get these two big guys ashore.

These two big guys add up to more than 2,000 catties, they are huge, but with the joint efforts of Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen, it is not difficult to pull these two guys ashore, let alone Mo Yunshen and A Yuan help.

After landing, the four of them discussed how to separate them before entering the space. This took a lot of effort.

These two immortal guys are simply a model of love and killing each other. They refuse to let go of each other even after they die. The sharp teeth of the big shark bite deeply on the head of the big octopus, and the tentacles of the big octopus are tightly entwined. Holding the big shark to death, he refused to let go.

In the end, I could only cut off the tentacles of the big octopus, and cut off the piece of meat bitten by the big shark from the head of the big octopus, and then separated the two...

After collecting two big fish, the four of them were in a good mood and happily went to eat a seafood feast.

The simplest steaming and dipping sauce is the most authentic and delicious in the mouth, which is very addictive.

The long-lost delicious taste entered the mouth, and Mu Qingli felt as if he had entered another world for a moment.

After eating and drinking enough, the four of them discussed walking along the beach in one direction in groups of two to see if they found anything special.

"Don't go to dangerous places, and don't get too close to the sea. If you fall into the sea or be swept away by the waves, it will be a disaster! Look at the waves rushing to the shore when the sea is calm. Even if it is so turbulent, if there are some windy waves in some special bays, the height of the waves may be high, if a wave really hits and sweeps people down, then you can only feed the fish." Mu Qingli warned Gao Dashan and Ayuan.

I'm afraid that they can't help getting too close to the sea because of their curiosity. After all, they have never seen the sea. There are many strange and weird creatures in the ocean.

If they really accidentally got swept up by the waves, let alone the two of them don't know how to swim, even if they know how to swim, it's hard to say that something will happen.

Here, rescue at sea or something is nonsense. I was really swept down, depending on the sky and fate.

A Yuan was frightened by her description. He glanced at the raging waves and felt that his eyes were blurred and his chest was heavy. A drop of water!"

Gao Dashan couldn't help smiling when he saw that Ayuan was scared enough by Mu Qingli.

He also nodded, expressing that he would be careful.

The sea is so vast, boundless, and unfathomable. Just looking at it carefully for a few more times can make people feel palpitating and frightening. He and A Yuan don't know how to swim, so how dare they provoke them so easily?

Only then did Mu Qingli smile in satisfaction, and walked to the left with Mo Yunshen.

Gao Dashan and A Yuan went to the right, and the big peacock was forced to go with them.

The waves crashed against the beach, and rows of waves washed towards the shore like wind blowing wheat waves, splashing white waves.

Walking on the beach, but will not be lonely all the way.

After walking for about half an hour, there is a rocky beach in front of us. This kind of place has the most kinds of fish, shrimp, shellfish and seaweed.

They didn't go down. Looking down from above, they saw many seaweeds growing in the shallow water, and they could also see groups of fish swimming in the water between the reefs.

Going forward, the reef group stretches for about three or four miles. After passing through the reef group, it is not a beach, but a sea cliff.

The high cliffs are jagged. Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, the sea below is dark blue, with no bottom to be seen, as if the mouth of blood is open, and if you fall, you will be swallowed without bones.

The sea breeze in this area is also more violent than other places, whistling, the waves beat fiercely on the reef, the splashing waves are five or six meters high, splashing in all directions, like blooming white flowers.

The snow-white waves, dark reefs, and deep blue sea water are extraordinarily distinct and shocking.

Coupled with the whining wind, it made people feel an unspeakable chill.

"Mo Yunshen, I want to go down and have a look." Mu Qingli said suddenly, staring at the waves hitting the reef violently below.

"Huh?" Mo Yun's eyebrows twitched deeply, and he looked at her.

Mu Qingli glanced at him, and her voice was extremely firm: "I just want to go down and have a look. Maybe we can find something down there."

Mo Yun smiled deeply, "Okay, I will accompany you."

Mu Qingli was a little helpless, knowing that she couldn't persuade him, so let's go down together.

He took out crocodile gloves and boots from the space, put them on respectively, and tied up their hair so as not to get in the way, and they went down the sea cliff little by little.

Although the sea cliffs more than ten meters high are not very steep to them, the cliffs facing the sea have been eroded by the sea wind and waves for a long time, and they are all extremely sharp. Slowed down a lot.

Fortunately, the equipment on the hands and feet is made of wear-resistant and poke-resistant crocodile leather. If it is an ordinary shoe, I am afraid that it has already been worn out!

After getting down to the bottom, Mu Qingli released the rubber boat, and the two jumped on it.

Control the rubber boat along the sea cliff and continue to move forward.

Controlling an inflatable boat in the sea is completely different from controlling it in a lake and river. Fortunately, both of them are skilled and courageous. Mo Yunshen has superb internal strength, and Mu Qingli has infinite strength, so he can control the rubber boat steadily. move on.

After walking for more than two quarters of an hour, various seabirds chirped and chirped in my ears.

Mu Qingli's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "It's strange, it seems that we haven't seen any seagulls along the way."

She tilted her head and listened carefully to the cry, and said with a smile: "It sounds like the cry of a petrel. Since there are so many petrels here, there must be a culvert ahead. We are going to the petrel's nest."

Mo Yun smiled deeply: "Then I will speed up, let's go and have a look!"

Bypassing this bay, a huge culvert appeared in front of me, nearly 100 meters wide and at least 30 meters high. The water in the culvert was surging and connected to the sea.

Standing on the rubber boat, the two looked up at the high culvert, feeling their own insignificance again.

"Go in and have a look!" Although the light in the cave was dim, and it was in such a place, the deep sea water seemed particularly permeable, so the two decided to enter the cave.

Countless petrels chirped and chirped in and out of the culvert, and the echoes were particularly loud and piercing.

While Mu Qingli was rowing, Mo Yunshen stood at the bow of the boat, staring straight at the water, with a dagger infused with anesthetic in his hand, and an iron claw zipline in the other.

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