Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 417: The Captain's Logbook

Thousands of villagers will naturally organize the young and middle-aged to practice before setting off. How could they take the villagers like a plate of loose sand on the road?

The two only read the most recent records in the logbook.

Evidently, the most recent record is very sloppy and terse, as well as the complaints and worries of many captains, from which they can even feel his worry and what may be called fear at the time.

Also knew roughly what happened.

It turned out that their big ship accidentally got a huge treasure on a certain island. It is said that it was buried by a group of pirates a long time ago, including countless pearls, gems and gold.

However, there was a pirate insider in their fleet. Although the insider was accidentally discovered and killed by them later, their ship was locked by the pirates, and they could not escape after fleeing at sea for more than half a month.

Finally, a fight broke out in this area...

In the final outcome, the pirate ship was sunk by them in the shallow sea outside the culvert, and their ship was temporarily blocked by the sunken pirate ship, the water level was not enough, and they couldn't leave, so they had to drive into the culvert to stay temporarily. Wait for when the ocean current will take the pirate ship away enough for their big ship to go out, and then leave.

Anyway, this island has enough food and water sources, even if it lives for a few years, it will not be a problem.

And their boats are extremely strong and solid, even if they are hundreds of years, they will not break down.

I don't want to, the pirates are not dead, and they have assassinated and retaliated against them in the dark...

The pirates quietly and calmly moved the huge amount of wealth they got, the sixteen large boxes of pearls, gems and gold, from their big ship, and secretly hid them in the The hidden place deep in the culvert.

Later, when the first officer found out that the fortune was missing, he shouted angrily.

Everyone, including him, was shocked!

How could good wealth disappear for no reason? On this boat and on this island, there is no one else except them.

In other words, that huge amount of wealth was secretly hidden by someone among them who wanted to embezzle it for themselves. Hide it first so that you can come back later to pick it up?

Money touches people's hearts, especially such a huge amount of wealth, lying on it and spending it to one's heart's content, it will take ten lifetimes to spend it all, and it doesn't seem abnormal at all for someone to have evil thoughts.

Even he thought so at the time.

Thinking about the fact that pirates had mixed in with them before, everyone became even more angry and uneasy.

The seeds of suspicion quietly took root and sprouted in everyone's heart...

What happened later, the captain recorded very briefly and scribbled. But it is not difficult for Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen to guess. Since there is suspicion, there will definitely be conflicts. Once there is a conflict, there will be a second or third time...

If the pirates take the opportunity to kill a few more people and set the blame on the inside, their cannibalism will only become more out of control!

The captain's log only recorded the tragic death of the first mate. He was very sad and grieved, and then he realized the fact that the pirates were still alive.

The captain's tone was very excited and angry, expressing that those pirates deserved to die, he was at odds with them, and must avenge the lost brothers.

There was no record after that.

Presumably later, they fought with the pirates again, and then——

Did they all die or did someone survive?

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen were quite depressed, wondering if anyone survived in the end.

However, judging from the date recorded in this log, eighteen years have passed since the incident happened. Even if there are still people alive, they must not be too young.

And if someone really survives, it is impossible to give up that big ship, even if it can't drive away, they will take the big ship as their home. However, during the daytime yesterday, the two of them boarded the big ship, and found no trace of anyone living at all.

"So I think, they should be hurt by both sides, and the whole army is wiped out!" Mo Yun said with a deep sigh.

Mu Qingli also agreed with his guess and analysis, and said with a smile: "Anyway, let's be careful, just be on guard in our hearts. Even if there are still people alive, don't be afraid of him."

Then he laughed and said: "So, well, those foxes really got the gems from here through the cave at the bottom, alas, I don't know how big the passage is, if we can find the cave to go through, then How nice it would be!"

Mu Qingli couldn't help feeling fascinated as she said that, it would be too strenuous to climb over the extremely high mountain range, if you can really find the caves at both ends of the mountain range, it would be so convenient!

Not to mention shortening the distance, it will save you from suffering!

Is it fun to think that thousands of people will climb the mountain? If there are a few more severe altitude sickness, it will be even more terrible.

Mo Yunshen also thought of this, and couldn't help but sighed with a smile: "Let's try to find it, maybe we will gain something?"

"Well, you're right, I want to give it a try..." Mu Qingli's voice became muffled, her eyelids drooped, she yawned, and fell asleep. Fell in Mo Yun's deep arms.

Mo Yunshen subconsciously hugged her with both hands, his body froze slightly, and then he laughed, this woman is really rude. But doesn't that mean she trusts herself? She is just being stubborn, but in her heart, she is still very willing to get close to herself, right?

Gently put her down and lie down, covered with a thin blanket, Mo Yunshen sat aside, could not help but stare at her face, brows and eyes, just feel how good-looking she is, and how much she likes it.

He has never been tempted by a woman, and he never thinks that there will be a woman in this world who will fascinate him. In his opinion, if he marries a wife in the future, it is only because the family needs a mistress and needs to have offspring. That's all.

But without any warning, he ran into her, by accident, and she took the scapegoat for him firmly - before that, even if he killed him, he wouldn't believe it. Will be forced to marry?

It's a joke in the world!

But he just complied.

After getting along day by day, her boldness and publicity, fresh vitality and bright temperament that others can't match, make people feel like they are bathed in the sun when they get along with her, warm, safe, comfortable and comfortable, that kind of peace of mind No one has ever given him the heroic feeling that even if the sky falls, the two of them can find a way out.

They are so close, why not be a real couple? To be honest, he has long been eagerly looking forward to seeing if she will be shy when she becomes his own woman one day?

And she became shy—what did she look like?

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