But he is obviously the one to fight, isn't he?

If it were someone else, she would not only be beaten disabled, but also justified and taken for granted.

But why would everything be different if it was him?

So this means that in his heart, he is very unusual? Is this really the case...

After breakfast, the four of them walked towards the culvert they discovered yesterday.

By the way, the tent was also packed away, and of course the big peacock followed.

There are only four of them in such a big ship, and if they want to completely understand everything on the ship, it is impossible to do it in one day, and it will take several days.

There are also those gemstones and gold hidden in the hidden places in the deep culverts recorded in the logbook. It seems that the captain and the crew all died before they had the opportunity to move back to the ship. If they can, of course they must find it.

Maybe because of this, you can find a cave passage that connects the two ends of the mountain range.

These all take time.

And the place where they are staying now is an hour and a half away from there, and going back and forth is too time-consuming, of course it is better to move there.

There are large seaside reefs over there, and there are no fewer fish and shrimps than the beach here. According to modern experience, you can catch a lot of them casually, and you can still have fresh seafood to eat.

Only a few tens of meters to the land is the foot of the mountain range, and it is not inconvenient for the big peacock to forage.

When they arrived at the place, the big peacock wailed and plunged into the grass to look for food. Mu Qingli and the others began to fully armed and slowly climbed down from the top of the sea cliff.

Mo Yunshen smiled and said: "Take some time this afternoon, let's dig a road to go down, so that it will be easier to go up and down."

Gao Dashan nodded: "Brother Mo is right. These stones are really sharp and sharp, and it is possible to injure them accidentally. We will go back and forth here more times in the future, and it is indeed much more convenient to have a road!"

During the conversation, the four people had already descended below, Mu Qingli released the rubber boat and said with a smile: "Let's go, enter the cave!"

A Yuan jumped up first, looked at the petrels flying in and out of the sky, and was amazed: "I didn't expect that there are so many birds by the sea! These birds all live in caves." Is it? It's fresh!"

Mu Qingli pointed to the cliffs on both sides near the exit, and said with a smile, "It's all on top of it!"

A Yuan repeatedly praised these birds for their cleverness.

Paddle the rubber boat slowly towards the culvert, Gao Dashan and Ayuan are a little surprised at the size of the inside, looking at the jagged rocks on both sides, they are even more shocking.

The rocks by the sea, even in the culvert, seem to be extraordinarily sharp.

The four of them were talking from time to time as they walked forward, when suddenly Mo Yunshen, who was rowing, stopped, motioned the three of them to silence, and pointed into the water.

The three of them looked along and saw a huge black figure slowly swimming out of the culvert from the water, wagging its tail slowly.

The eyes of the three jumped: What a big fish!

The entire length exceeds their dinghy.

Gao Dashan and A Yuan didn't know what kind of fish it was, but Mu Qingli did. It was a small shark. I don't know if it is a young child, or if this kind of adult is just this big.

But no matter what the situation is, if people don't come to provoke them, they certainly won't greet it.

It's just that the secret in my heart is really good, the water in this culvert is so deep, and the channel is so wide, there are really big fish swimming in.

They waited for the shark to swim past for a long time before they set off again.

Now everyone didn't dare to talk much, but stared carefully at the water.

Although the light is dim, the silhouette is still vaguely visible. If there is another big guy passing by, it's better to know it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, apart from the shark, they didn't meet any other big guys. There were quite a few schools of small fish, and some of them even chased their rubber boat for a long distance.

When they came to the giant ship, Gao Dashan and A Yuan were shocked!

"God! This, this is still a boat!" A Yuan opened his eyes wide and sighed this sentence for a while.

He was really frightened. In his perception, boats are like rubber boats and small wooden boats that Mu Qingli made out of the space, or just bamboo rafts formed by intertwining bamboo and wood. .

The big guy in front of him, who was taller and bigger than their house, was completely beyond his cognition.

Gao Dashan's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands together with joy: "It's really great! Only such a boat can sail safely on the sea! Such a big boat can squeeze people in the village together." Settled down!"

He raised his eyebrows again, and couldn't help but sighed softly. Although the two villages have never been harmonious, the relationship between them is indeed unbroken. After all, most of them are related to each other. If the two villages move together, it seems a bit too crowded...

Mo Yun took a deep look at him and smiled and said, "Brother Gao, don't worry, my wife and I found a shipbuilding structural drawing on the boat yesterday. Isn't there a carpenter in our village? Just build another big boat, even if it takes a little more time Don’t be afraid, sea voyages are no joke, if you don’t make full preparations, don’t dare to go.”

Gao Dashan was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Uncle Qin's carpentry work has been passed down from his ancestors. The craftsmanship is good. If there are blueprints, he will definitely be able to build a good boat!"

Suo Moyunshen and Mu Qingli didn't put away the flying claws yesterday, so they can just board the boat now.

When they came to the deck, Gao Dashan and A Yuan had a better understanding of how big the ship really is.

The four of them simply divided up the work, and a team of two began to search the entire hull in a carpet-like manner, first to see what they would find, and second, to get familiar with the internal structure of the entire ship.

They searched very carefully, but the ship was really big and its structure was not simple. It took four days of hard work for four people to figure out the condition of the whole ship.

Found a lot of useful things.

There are also a lot of empty boxes, strong wooden barrels, etc. Of course, all the food is useless, and half of the medicines are available. What is surprising is that they have found nearly fifty barrels of good wine.

Each barrel is half the height of a person, which can be regarded as a considerable fortune.

There are also many clothes and other daily necessities such as quilts, blankets, cloth, etc. Mu Qingli and the others did not clean them up. They plan to wait until the villagers have all migrated, and then organize the villagers to move all the above things out for exposure and tidying up. Clean up the big boat too.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be exhausting to rely on the four of them alone?

Moreover, the boat was obviously used by everyone, but it turned out that the four of them were doing coolies. Gao Dashan and A Yuan should have no objection to this kind of thing, and Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen would never be happy.

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