It took a whole day for this 100-meter distance.

The little fox that went back really ran back to find them, and once brought two companions. Mu Qingli and the others were very happy, and fed them golden fruits. Small sachet...

Having these little guys by my side to make fun of and amuse people, it really cheers up people's spirits a lot.

It's just that the little guys are also very fascinated by the taste of the golden fruit, each of them is very ripe.

The next time I came over, there were actually six of them!

The little fox who was the first to get acquainted with each other jumped into Mu Qingli's arms with a squeak when they saw each other, rubbing against her chest, flicking its tail, tilting its head and proudly rushing at the other foxes. Rolling her small eyeballs, don't make it too obvious to show off.

The four of them made Mu Qingli laugh.

However, with so many foxes coming all at once, Mu Qingli felt a little headache and distressed, lightly rubbed the fluffy white hair on the little fox's head and said with a smile: "You little guy doesn't look out at all, Bringing so many companions here, are you trying to make me poor?"

That is a golden fruit, not only the animals love it, but the four of them also love it, and it seems that there are not many left.

With so many foxes, one fox will give two to a dozen. What if there are more foxes coming back? Wouldn't it be bloodletting?

But Mu Qingli felt embarrassed to give this little guy in her arms and not his partners.

She was still debating whether to give or not, but the little guy in her arms was not happy anymore, flicking its fluffy tail to show off its cuteness, squeaking and squealing happily, rubbing back and forth in her arms.

"Hey! Don't be an example! Next time you are not allowed to bring so many companions here!" Mu Qingli couldn't hold back, she tapped her finger on the little guy's forehead and smiled angrily, and took out the golden fruit from the space.

On this day, Mu Qingli and the others struggled hard in this culvert for ten days.

Even A Yuan, who was tortured to death by altitude sickness when he climbed over the mountain, was a little bit overwhelmed by the life in the culvert, and asked eagerly every day when it would end?

It was a question no one could answer him.

However, everyone had a vague idea in their hearts that it seemed that the end was almost over. After all, they had crossed that mountain, and they still had a general feeling.

Hearing him talking impatiently, Gao Dashan patted him on the head and said: "Be patient and we may go out. Do you still want to go climbing? It's been so many days, Can't you bear it any longer?"

The lesson made A Yuan very depressed, while Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen laughed secretly.

Fortunately, they finally came to the end of their hardships. No matter how majestic the mountain range is, its length is limited. Even if this passage turns around in the mountainside, it still has an end.

When they finally saw the place they had been to before, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen almost cried with joy.

It worked! From now on, there is no need to climb over the mountain again!

Gao Dashan and A Yuan didn't know at first, and thought they still had to move forward. After hearing what they said, they couldn't help being overjoyed.

Now that the light is right in front of them, after so many days in the ground, no one does not miss the blue sky and white clouds outside, and immediately rushes out in a turbulent mood.

Then, there was a joke.

The four of them didn't think much about it for a moment, they still followed the thin thread of flour from the sachet on the little fox's leg in a daze, and finally came to the little fox's den...

At that time, the little fox was sleeping soundly while curled up in the nest. When he heard the movement of his fluffy tail, he woke up immediately, raised his head and looked around vigilantly.

Seeing the silly Mu Qingli and the others, the little fox's eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky at that time, "Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi" screamed excitedly, jumped up and threw himself on Mu Qingli, and kept going towards Mu Qingli. Rubbing in her arms.

He wags his tail happily--can you not wag? Sister, brother, and the others worked so hard to come to their home to deliver food to me. I can't help but be moved when I think about it...

"This little guy!" Mo Yunshen had long been unhappy seeing this guy likes to rub against Mu Qingli's arms, but he had to rely on it to guide the way before, so he couldn't do anything with him so he had to hold back.

If he can bear it now, he, as a husband, has a very good temper.

He hasn't touched his wife's chest yet. How can this color embryo be cheap!

Unceremoniously picked up the little fox from Mu Qingli's arms, Mo Yunshen glared at him and reprimanded lightly: "We have gone the wrong way, we didn't come to see you, go back to your nest and continue to sleep Bar!"

After saying that, he raised his hand lightly, and threw the little fox back to its nest.

The little fox let out an unwilling scream, and landed lightly in the nest. He was a little dizzy from being thrown by Mo Yunshen, and finally got up, staring at them with wide eyes, but he didn't dare to come again .

Mu Qingli was funny, and took a look at Mo Yunshen: "You call it crossing the river and tearing down the bridge."

Mo Yunshen distinguished: "This is a small animal after all. It has a peculiar smell on it. If it gets on the lady, it will be bad. I am doing it for the sake of the lady! I didn't say to ignore it."

Mu Qingli lowered her head and sniffed her sleeve, and said disapprovingly: "What kind of reason is this, I'm afraid it should lose weight, it should despise me!"

After staying in the culvert for so many days and doing some work, even though he took the time to scrub his body, it was not as satisfying as taking a bath.

"Brother Mo, Qingli, let's get out!" A Yuan couldn't help but said again.

Mu Qingli said yes with a smile, and threw two golden fruits to the little fox, and said goodbye to it with a smile, and the four left.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen have been to this area, and the way out is easy to find, just take the widest side road.

It didn't take long for the four of them to arrive at the exit.

However, it was not close to the ground, so I had to use tools to dig a groove for the foothold on the wall, and then climbed up step by step.

Mu Qingli went up first, and then threw Tengzi down, and the three of them quickly went up.

"It's finally out!"

"that is really good!"

"It's really feasible, no need to climb mountains!"

Standing in the bright sunshine again, with blue sky and white clouds above your head, your body is warm, and the wind blowing in your face refreshes your face, and it seems that a lot of dust has been washed away from your heart.

All of a sudden, the four of them felt as if they were separated from each other and reborn as human beings.

The body smelled of sweat and mud, and all four of them couldn't wait to take a shower.

A fire was built to boil water for Mu Qingli, and the three men went to the stream to wash.

After the water was boiled, Mu Qingli took her super arrogant big rosewood bathtub out of the space, filled it with warm hot water, jumped in, and suddenly felt comfortable all over.

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