Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 430 Two villages fight together

The villagers who went hunting with Liu Xi two days ago, when they heard what Liu Xi said, they were all filled with righteous indignation, furious, swearing, and without hesitation, one by one, they picked up the guys and followed Liu Xi. .

According to Liu Yu's instructions, Liu Xi led a large group of Shangcun people and rushed straight there.

Liu Xi and the others found Jiang Huai, Jiang Yu and the others in the nearby valley. Jiang Feng was gone, and he went home happily with the fat wild rabbit.

Jiang Huai, Jiang Yu and the others bullied and taught Liu Yu a lesson, and the gloom in their hearts eased a little. They were talking and laughing, but who knew that Liu Xi and the others came here with a vicious and murderous look.

When Jiang Huai and the others saw that Liu Xi and the others were clearly ill-intentioned, and they also knew that bullying Liu Yu's child by themselves and others was not a glorious thing that could be said, they inevitably felt guilty, and their momentum faded away. up.

They never expected that Liu Xi would bring someone here so quickly, and they were quite frightened.

Jiang Huai, Jiang Yu, etc. were shocked and asked Liu Xi calmly what they were doing here.

As soon as Liu Xi saw the two brothers, thinking of the grievances his son had suffered and the two bright red palm marks on his face, his anger immediately surged, and he pointed at Brother Jiang Huai with a gloomy face and shouted: "I'll beat you to death! Your son of a bitch!"

Everyone in Shangcun yelled "Kill them to death!", "Shameless thing, he deserves to be beaten to death!!" and other words rushed forward, flying with sticks, fists and feet. With a guilty conscience, where is Liu Xi's opponent who came here full of anger?

It was almost a one-sided fight, and it didn't take long for Jiang Huai, Jiang Yu and others to be knocked down to the ground by Liu Xi's group screaming and begging for mercy.

Liu Xi smiled coldly, glanced at their faces one by one, and said with a sneer: "These shameless things can do things like bullying children. I don't think this face is necessary. Brother didn't beat me up." Beat their faces to pieces, beat them hard!"

Everyone slapped and said yes, stepped forward one after another, rolled up their sleeves and pressed Jiang Huai and others, and slapped their faces with crackling big ear scrapers, and slapped their cheeks high on both sides with more than a dozen consecutive slaps It was swollen like a steamed bun, blood was oozing from the corners of the mouth, and some even had loose teeth.

All in all it was a disaster.

Seeing that Jiang Huai and the others were all red and swollen into pig-headed faces, Liu Xi and the others let them go with a laugh, taunted them viciously, and walked away.

If Jiang Huai and Jiang Yu were beaten, of course Jiang Feng would not be spared.

Liu Xi greeted the crowd, and rushed down to the village aggressively, heading straight to Jiang Feng's house.

Jiang Feng brought back the big fat rabbit, and was happily preparing to shed the rabbit's hair and stew it on. Unexpectedly, the yard door was kicked and flew away. The couple was startled and before they recovered, Liu Xi He grabbed his collar and slapped his face cracklingly, cursing at the same time.

Fang was screaming in fright. Jiang Xiaoshi was about to go home. He was frightened when he saw the big movement outside the door.

Village head Jiang heard that a large group of people from the upper village came to the lower village to beat people aggressively. Is this okay? Are there any more rules?

Even if something really happened, shouldn't he get to know him, the village head, and let him come forward to coordinate and solve it? This time they beat people, and so many people came, didn't they deliberately not take them down in the village?

It is inevitable that the two will compete with each other on weekdays, and Village Chief Jiang is not as broad-minded as Village Chief Zhao. Especially in the past two or three years, people in the upper village have generally lived better than those in the lower village. Village Chief Jiang was already feeling uncomfortable. How can he not be angry that the people in Shangcun dare not take him seriously?

Village head Jiang immediately greeted a group of people and went straight to Jiang Feng's house, drinking Liu Xi and others.

Seeing this, Fang screamed and burst into tears, and rushed to beg Village Chief Jiang to make the decision, saying that Liu Xi and the others were lunatics, without saying a word, kicking the door and beating people, this is simply a bandit!

Village head Jiang looked at Jiang Feng's completely unreadable face again, and felt that the dignity of Xia Village had been seriously challenged, so he asked Liu Xi and others what they meant by this with a cold face. Who gave them permission to do this?

Liu Xi smiled coldly, and was about to speak, but Jiang Huai and the others came back at this time, so they rushed in immediately, and talked about it first, and naturally blamed all the faults on Liu Xi and the others. on people.

Jiang Huai and the others were all in a panic, with injuries on their faces and bodies, plus they were from the same village, and many of the people watching the fun were their family members. burn?

Immediately, the crowd boiled over, scolding Liu Xi and the others one after another, without giving Liu Xi and the others the chance to speak at all.

Besides, even if Liu Xi and the others had the opportunity to speak at this time, the villagers would not believe what they said.

As a result, the situation immediately changed. In other people's territory, Liu Xi and others suffered a big loss. When the two sides fought, they were soon defeated.

The one who had escaped went back to the village in despair to find helpers, and the two sides fought even more.

The more they beat everyone, the more angry they burned in their hearts, and the more angry they burned, the more they couldn't stop the fighting.

Seeing that his two sons had suffered, Village Chief Jiang hated Liu Xi and the others to death. How many people could come to Shangcun on his own territory? No matter how many villages you come to, you won’t be afraid!

Seeing that the people in his village were not suffering, he simply didn't bother to care about it for the time being. He just turned a blind eye and watched coldly, wishing that the people in the upper village would be beaten more.

Until Village Chief Zhao got the news, he felt terrible! He hurriedly called Brother Zhao Xiaobai and everyone in the village, and took Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan, A Yuan, etc., and hurried straight to the next village.

They also asked Liu Yu to come with him.

When Village Chief Zhao came to Xiacun, Rao had expected in his heart that the situation must be bad, but he didn't expect it to be so bad. Seeing the group of hundreds of people fighting, everyone's eyes were red, their faces were ferocious, and their mouths were red. Shouting beating and killing, I couldn't help feeling my scalp tingle.

"Brother Jiang, are you still watching the fun? If you don't call to stop, do you want to kill people and form a deadly feud between the two villages?" Village Chief Zhao glared at Village Chief Jiang angrily.

Village head Jiang spread his hands with a cold face, and played a rogue: "You have also seen this situation, it's not that I didn't scream, it made my voice hoarse, but no one listens to me, what can I do? Really Speaking of it, it's because you Shangcun people are not authentic, if you didn't pick things up, it wouldn't be like this!"

Village head Zhao secretly scolded him for being despicable, insidious and cunning, what made his voice hoarse? He didn't hear it!

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