Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 435: The Arrow Technique Is Too Bad

Immediately someone said yes, and ran home, and soon came carrying a cage with two rabbits inside.

Village head Zhao asked someone to surround them with wood to prevent the two rabbits from escaping. In fact, these two rabbits were surrounded by so many people, and it was the scariest rabbit for them. He was so frightened that he was so stupid that he crawled there trembling, how could he have the strength to escape?

So, Village Chief Zhao set a distance, stood there, glanced at everyone and said, "It's right here, let Jiang Feng and Liu Yu shoot here, do you have any objections?"

There are very few men in the two villages who have never taken an arrow, so Village Chief Zhao himself is actually very good at archery.

It's just that now that the sons in the family are grown up, he doesn't need to go hunting.

Everyone saw that the distance he determined was absolutely reasonable, no problem at all! If you really want to say it, it's even tantamount to letting Jiang Feng take advantage.

"Okay, there it is!"

"Since Village Chief Zhao has said so, then let's do this!"

Jiang Huai, Jiang Yu and the others looked at each other, all overjoyed, fearing that Village Chief Zhao would regret it and quickly block him with words.

There were even more treacherous ones who pretended to say generous words, as if Village Chief Zhao had taken advantage of them. Liu Xi and others were all annoyed, but out of respect for Village Chief Zhao, everyone glared at them, but they dared not speak out.

Liu Yu's half-sized boy was so anxious that his eyes widened, "Can a rabbit who is so close and so dumb still miss it? It's troublesome now!"

Mu Qingli laughed "Pfft!"

Mo Yunshen also smiled and said, "Don't worry, the village head uncle is here, you can't suffer."

Village Chief Zhao arranged everything and sneered: "Can we start now?"

"Of course!" Jiang Huai, Jiang Yu, and the others were all overjoyed, and their uneasy hearts finally settled down. At this moment, even if Village Chief Zhao wants to go back on his word, it will not be easy!

"Come here, Jiang Feng, come here! Aim carefully!"

"Where's your bow and arrow? Tell your daughter-in-law to go home and get it!"

"Don't embarrass us!"

"Hehe, how can this be embarrassing? It's definitely okay to be so close!"

Jiang Huai and others chattered and smiled, and patted him on the shoulder as if he had a certain chance of winning. No one believed that Jiang Feng could not hit the rabbit.

What Liu Yu said was quite right, it was a stupid rabbit, the kind that was extremely stupid. Lying there without moving, can you miss such a big target?

They are all experts, so they naturally understand that as long as they know a little bit of archery, they will definitely be able to shoot within this distance.

Jiang Feng couldn't tell because he was suffering, looked at them, and listened to their words of encouragement and joy, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

He wanted to say no!

However, is there still room for him to refuse?

For a while, Fang Shi was urged to get back the bow and arrow for him, and handed it to him with a smile on his face, also with a bright smile on his face: "Master, shoot that rabbit! If you shoot it, it belongs to our family!"

Fang's eyes were shining, and she was also very confident in Jiang Feng's arrow skills.

Jiang Feng gave her an annoyed look and scolded in his heart why this damned woman is joining in the fun? Don't others know and she doesn't know?

Jiang Huai smiled generously, and said in a low voice: "As long as you shoot that rabbit, even if they refuse to give you this rabbit, I will give you two or three later!"

Jiang Feng's eyes lit up and his spirits lifted: "Really?"

"That's natural!"

Jiang Feng calmed down a little more, stood at the prescribed position, aimed at the rabbit, and slowly drew the bow.

Looking at his bow-drawing posture, he looked decent, which made Liu Xi, Liu Yu and others even more nervous and almost desperate. The eyes of the surrounding audience were staring at each other, and even the voice of discussion was quiet. many.

After aiming for a long time, he didn't see him shoot the arrow. Gradually, there were buzzing voices around.

"what's up?"

"Yeah, why didn't he cum?"

"It's just aiming, will it take so long?"

"I don't know! I also feel a little strange..."

"I said, hurry up!"

Under the urging of everyone's chattering discussions, Jiang Feng panicked, subconsciously let go, and the arrow shot out, but it fell to the ground with a "click" without even touching the rabbit fur!

Everyone: "..."

Liu Xi and others all cheered, while Jiang Huai and others' expressions became extremely ugly.

Jiang Feng blushed even more, and hurriedly said: "Hand slipping, I was slipping just now! This time it doesn't count!"

"Coax!" There was laughter from the crowd, and Jiang Huai and the others' expressions became rather ugly.

slippery? The so-called expert knows the way, not that he says that the hand is slippery or the hand is slippery.

Village head Zhao was very generous. He sneered and said to Zhao Xiaosong, "Give him another arrow! Jiang Feng, you have to be more careful this time!"

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Feng took the arrow and placed it on the bow again.

This time, his hands trembled even more, and he wanted to aim at the rabbit, but found that he couldn't aim properly, and felt that something was wrong.

Jiang Huai, Jiang Yu, etc. were no longer as confident as before, and they were all secretly anxious, and even cursed Jiang Feng's bastard in their hearts!

It is even more tempting to secretly regret that if he had known that Jiang Feng was such a useless thing, he should not have helped him at all at the time, and he would not have caused such trouble that he would be so embarrassing.

This damn bastard, can this arrow shoot a rabbit?

On the contrary, Liu Xi and the others became more and more confident, with smiles on their faces, pointing and laughing.

"I said you should hurry up!"

"That's right! What's the use of dawdling until tomorrow morning? If you miss the shot, you still miss it!"

"If you want me to say it's better not to be ashamed, just admit defeat obediently!"

"Can you shoot a rabbit like this? Hehe, I don't think you can even shoot a big wooden block? Hahahaha!"

"Have you had enough?" Jiang Huai, who couldn't bear it anymore, said angrily, "You are deliberately disturbing people's hearts."

"Okay, let's not talk, let's see what he can do!" Liu Xi cast a mocking glance at Jiang Huai and sneered.

"Okay, okay, we want to see each other too!"

"This kind of excuse has been found out, ha ha!"

Sure enough, all the people stopped talking, but the expression made Jiang Huai and others more unbearable than talking.

On the other hand, Village Chief Zhao, who was always there and calm, glanced at Jiang Feng, then at Jiang Huai, and so on, not in a hurry.

After all, Jiang Feng didn't last long, Village Chief Zhao said, not many of the surrounding villagers had that much patience, and after a while they started clamoring again.

Looking at Jiang Feng with disdain and disappointment, many villagers in the lower village felt that their faces were dull, and they had lost a lot of face in front of the upper villagers!

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