The more Jiang talked, the more angry she became, her facial features were distorted and she was about to tremble.

Can she not be angry? Just thinking about the situation at that time, I knew how much my brother had lost face in front of everyone!

Her brother was ashamed, how could she have any good face?

Just now, he was still praising Liu Xi for his good character and good personality, Jiang Shi, but at this moment, Liu Xi's heart was torn apart.

In the past two years, why has it been so unsatisfactory? Accidents happened three times...

She hadn't finished complaining here, and Cui smiled and called, "Where is sister-in-law at home?" She walked in, and without waiting for her to ask, she cheerfully started talking about the excitement at the Xiacun Square.

This person Cui always goes where there is excitement, how could she let go of this kind of super excitement?

Seeing that it was Mrs. Jiang who made a fool of herself, Mrs. Cui almost laughed three times. If not, the walk back and forth was always in a hurry. I had thought about it many times in my stomach, thinking about going back to the village to settle this matter. Tell Jiang Shi.

Imagining how ugly Jiang's face would be when she heard this, Cui was so happy that she couldn't help but giggle alone!

Finally returned to the village in such a hurry, Cui Shi didn't even go to her own home, she turned around and ran towards the big house, before Jiang Shi and Mu Zhihong could speak, she was eloquent and beaming, what she said was very energetic Son!

Of course, don't forget to add oil and vinegar.

Seeing Cui rushing in with such an excited face, Jiang knew that this guy had no good intentions, and before she could say a few words, Jiang's face was so angry that his face turned blue and white, and he almost fainted.

However, the words Cui said had passed through his stomach several times on the way back, and he said them quickly and smoothly, with almost no pauses, which made Jiang Shi who was trembling with anger and slowed down by two beats at all. Couldn't stop her.

On the contrary, Mu Zhihong saw that Jiang Shi was so angry that his face was abnormal, and his breath was abnormal, so he couldn't help interrupting Cui Shi and said, "Isn't the second sibling going back at this late hour? There's no need for the second sibling to talk about this matter!"

Cui said with a grin: "Brother, don't see outsiders, I don't say that it would be worse to wait for outsiders! I have a good intention! I told my sister-in-law first, so that my sister-in-law has something in her heart." Don't you suffer a loss? Sister-in-law, you don't know, your brother's face at that time was so ugly..."

"You! Get out!" Jiang Shi finally took a breath, gasping for breath, staring fiercely at Cui Shi and screaming in the direction of the door: "Get out! Get out!"

"I said sister-in-law, what do you mean?" Cui Shixing had just said a third of his mouth full of words, and he was very upset when Jiang Shi yelled at him, and said angrily: "I'm your brother and sister, you What kind of attitude is this! Your brother doesn’t learn well by himself, and even grabs other children’s things, beats people, and beats them upside down. What does this have to do with me? You can’t stop treating me just because you’re angry Look at your face? I'm doing this for your own good, if I don't tell you, you'll be kept in the dark when I go out tomorrow and make people laugh at you!"

"You!" Jiang was so angry that her heart ached and her head started to feel dizzy again.

Cui's words were as sharp as a knife, but she still said so innocently and wronged, as if she had wronged her, how could she teach Jiang not to be angry?

Mu Zhihong said with a dark face: "You don't need to talk about this! I will talk about it myself!"

Cui sneered and said, "Aren't I kind? Who would have thought that good intentions would make people think of me as a donkey's liver and lungs? You can't get angry at me, can you? Who told your brother to be like that? Now everyone in the village doesn't know, and who doesn't take it as a joke I'm talking! Why can't I talk anymore? It's really bad luck..."

Cui turned around and walked out while muttering.

"It's too much! What can she do to the second brother and sister!" Jiang was so angry that tears fell, and he choked up: "I know that my brother is not good, but if it wasn't for being squeezed step by step, this matter would not have happened. It's like this! Besides, no matter how bad he is, he is still my elder brother. If my sister-in-law still sees me, how can she say such things in front of me, woo woo woo..."

"Tomorrow, I'll tell my second son to talk about her well! Her mouth has always been like that, so please ignore her." Mu Zhihong comforted Jiang when he saw that Jiang was crying.

Jiang Shi was really wronged and cried for a long time.

Speaking of this, Mu Zhihong couldn't help grinding his teeth again, and said angrily: "That damned girl Qingli, those couples are not good people! They are mixed up everywhere! If it weren't for that dead girl playing rogues, things would not have happened. become like this."

Why didn't the Jiang family hate Mu Qingli so much, Mu Zhihong was about to talk about going to Mu Qingli to settle the score, but suddenly thought that the relationship had been severed now, and had to stop for a while.

The couple looked at me and I looked at you, feeling so aggrieved in my heart!

I have never regretted so much that I shouldn't have severed ties with Mu Qingli.

Now it's all right, once this relationship is severed, there's no way she can control her at all.

That dead girl didn't really buy it before, let alone now.

The couple were depressed here, but Jiang Feng and his wife ran over in a panic.

As soon as Jiang Feng and Fang entered the door, they yelled and complained, bluntly saying that Mu Qingli's dead girl and Mo Yunshen were too careless and unfilial, and even bullied her uncle. I can't swallow it!

"I've never seen such a shameless girl. If you don't care about sister and brother-in-law, she won't even look down on you in the future!"

"That's right," Fang also said angrily, "How can this elbow turn outward instead of inward? We are a family! But look at what that damn girl did! There are so many people who help outsiders to make her uncle stronger and embarrass her uncle! Why can't she stop thinking about it, her uncle has no face, is it an honor for her to be a niece!"

"Yes! That's what I said too, I must teach her a lesson today!"

"Otherwise, we won't be leaving!"

Jiang Feng and Fang Shi only cared about venting themselves, scolding Mu Qingli one sentence after another, not noticing that Jiang Shi and Mu Zhihong's faces had become more and more ugly.

It wasn't until the two talked dryly, and the couple didn't even move, that Jiang Feng and his wife came back to their senses, and said in astonishment: "Sister, you don't care about this matter, do you? Hurry up and get that damn girl Call!"

Jiang cursed bitterly: "If you didn't do this kind of thing yourself, how could there be such a farce today? Are you at ease now? Satisfied? Come to me now, what are you doing! Go back and don't say anything!"

Jiang couldn't say it out loud, and couldn't say that his family had severed ties with Mu Qingli.

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