The snakes "hula" started to move again, and followed the little white snake towards the back mountain one after another. After a while, the entire courtyard, including all the snakes outside, disappeared without a trace...

Everyone watched the changes, all dumbfounded, suspected to be dreaming.

"God, this, this, this is too—"

"Is that the white snake? Did the snakes come because of it? What kind of snake is it?"

"No matter what, it's finally gone!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Yun sighed deeply, and then said: "It seems that the white snake with the golden tail is the King Snake. It was buried under this mound of soil. Those snakes got the news somehow, and rushed to rescue it. Now it is out of danger. If they leave, the snakes will naturally leave too."

Everyone thought that this was not the case, and they all nodded in agreement. They all praised Mo Yunshen for being smart and thanked him one after another.

If it weren't for him, I'm afraid the big guy is still helpless and doesn't know what happened.

If the white snake was suffocated to death in this mound, could the snake group spare them?

Just thinking about it, everyone felt cold sweat running down their backs, and they looked at Mo Yunshen with sincere gratitude.

"Brother Mo, you are really our Xiacun's great benefactor!"

"Brother Mo is really smart, he can think of all of this, and it won't even make people dissatisfied!"

"You're right, I'll give in to Brother Mo!"

"I didn't think so when I heard that so many people in Shangcun mentioned Brother Mo so admired and admired, but now I finally know, alas!"

Zhao Xiaobai, Gao Dashan and others couldn't help laughing, even Zhang Zishan was honored.

Mo Yunshen said with a faint smile: "We are all fellow villagers in the upper and lower villages, and we are all the same in theory. I am very happy to be able to help you, and let's stop talking about foreign things!"

Everyone was even happier after hearing this, and laughed loudly: "Brother Mo (brother Mo) is really a happy person!"

Everyone was very happy when a big rock was removed from their hearts, only Wang Xiaozhu was depressed, his family was so unlucky, how could it be such a coincidence, the landslide happened to slide into the backyard of his family, and his family lived here for generations , It has never happened before, but why did it happen when he arrived?

Forget about this landslide, it was a coincidence that a strange little white snake was buried under it, and in the end it attracted so many snakes that would blow their scalps at a glance, this luck is also...

The villagers outside the yard who were anxiously waiting to see the results were stunned to find that the snakes had all retreated like a tide, and they all whispered to each other and asked what was going on?

After the snakes were gone, everyone tentatively walked towards the yard. Mo Yunshen and others were coming out of it. Everyone was overjoyed when they saw this, and ran forward to ask what happened. Why did the snakes retreat all of a sudden?

Hearing the story of the dozen or so people who witnessed it at the scene, he suddenly understood, and at the same time was amazed, and even more regretful that he didn't catch up with the snake king.

Village head Jiang, father and son couldn't help but look a little ugly, and they didn't know what it was like for a while.

They were relieved that the crisis brought by the snakes was resolved, but Mo Yunshen resolved the crisis, which made them quite unhappy.

Especially seeing that the villagers in the lower village looked at Mo Yunshen and others differently, they felt even more depressed.

That's not to mention, thinking about the bet made by Mu Qingli before, it feels even more like sitting on pins and needles.

Mu Qingli also came back riding a big peacock, returned to Mo Yunshen and smiled, "Is everything settled?"

Mo Yunshen nodded, smiled and said a few words, Mu Qingli also regretted it, and missed watching the Snake King, what a pity!

Mo Yun laughed deeply, and comforted her: "Since there is a Snake King, maybe we will meet again in the future? Ladies, don't feel sorry."

Mu Qingli laughed: "That's right!"

All the villagers were sweating silently, secretly praying in their hearts that it would be best not to see each other again... this time is scary enough!

Village Chief Jiang coughed and said loudly: "Okay, okay, this matter has been settled, there is nothing to do, everyone is scattered, everyone should go home quickly! Xiaozhu's house has to be cleaned up again. Clean up, everyone, don't stay here and cause trouble!"

"Did Village Chief Jiang forget something?" Mu Qingli looked at him with a smile.

Even if Village Chief Jiang was calm enough, he couldn't help but blushed, and he didn't know what to say.

He was embarrassed to do such a thing that he made a promise in front of so many people and said it again in front of so many people. However, after being the village chief for so many years, how could he be willing to let him be pulled down in such a dishonorable manner?

The chatter, laughter and excited discussions of the villagers all stopped for a while, and they all watched and waited for the changes in front of them.

Jiang Huai moved his lips. As a son, he couldn't say anything. Seeing that no one said anything for his father, Jiang Huai couldn't help but simmer in his heart, and couldn't help turning his backhand behind him, and gently tugged on one person's sleeve.

Mo Yun smiled deeply, pulled Mu Qingli back, and said lightly: "Since this matter has been resolved, we should go back, everyone disperse! Ladies, let's go home!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, unable to say whether it was disappointment or relief, or other emotions, but their admiration for Mo Yunshen deepened.

They all secretly praised in their hearts: this Mo Yunshen is so real, it won't even make people dissatisfied! It's a pity that such a good person is from the upper village. If this is from the lower village, it would be great to let him be the village head!

Village head Jiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that he was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his back just now.

Mo Yunshen pulled Mu Qingli, Gao Dashan and others left together, and all the villagers in the lower village sent them off enthusiastically.

Mu Qingli's voice sounded neither high nor low: "It's the village chief, I haven't even heard him say thank you, I really don't know what kind of spectacle this is..."

Village Chief Jiang was so angry...

After leaving Xiacun, several people were still discussing this matter excitedly, and they all said that they had learned a lot and had seen the world today. Mu Qingli curled her lips, glanced at Mo Yunshen and said nothing.

Back home, Fang questioned him: "The old chatterer lost the bet with me, why did you stop me from talking about it? What a great opportunity, he won't be the village chief just now!"

Mo Yun smiled deeply: "Whether he should be the village head or not, we can't get around the elders of the lower village. We are from the upper village. If we force him to step down based on this, some people will definitely feel disgusted. It's better to let him go for now." Ma. Anyway, you have made him very angry today, and his prestige has also been greatly damaged. He will not be the village chief anymore."

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