"How come, how come! Don't be scared, it's a good thing!" Everyone in Shangcun laughed.

Seeing Jiang Huai and Jiang Yu standing aside with old gods, Village Chief Zhao said, "We have something important to discuss, don't we..."

Village head Jiang had no choice but to say: "Both of you brothers, go out!"

Village Chief Zhao said again: "This is a big matter. Before we discuss it, don't spread a word. You brothers should go far away and don't eavesdrop."

Originally, Village Chief Zhao didn't want to say this, but the more he looked at the Jiang family, the more he disliked them. The two brothers didn't seem to be scheming people at first glance, so eavesdropping might not be impossible.

Jiang Huai and Jiang Yu turned dark and walked out.

Village head Jiang's face darkened as well, and he asked, "What do you mean, village head Zhao, are my eldest and second children that kind of people?"

Village Chief Zhao shook his head and said, "Because this matter is of great importance, we should be careful. We didn't intend to target them."

Village head Jiang snorted, and said with a long face, "Then you can talk now, right?"

Village Chief Zhao sighed, and slowly glanced at them. This glance was full of excitement, excitement, vicissitudes, and emotions...

Seeing such gazes, everyone in Xiacun's unreasonable mood gradually became dignified.

Village Chief Zhao said leisurely: "Now, of course we can say..."

As soon as Village Chief Zhao's words started, everyone in the lower village seemed to be stunned by a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Their emotions were agitated uncontrollably, and they asked him for a long time, before recovering slowly After losing their emotions, they were all beaming, urging Village Chief Zhao to continue talking.

Even Village Chief Jiang's eyes lit up, staring at Village Chief Zhao nervously and eagerly.

At this moment, he was finally relieved, fortunately, fortunately, he did not come for his position as village chief.

Thinking about how exciting the outside world will be after leaving this place, and the village head will be responsible for all affairs, and the days will only get better and better in the future...

The more he thought about it, Village Chief Jiang couldn't help feeling more proud.

After hearing Village Chief Zhao's words, everyone was full of emotion and admiration. They all said that Mo Yunshen and Gao Dashan were really amazing, and it was lucky to have them, otherwise how could they find the way out so easily?

Unexpectedly, the ancestors have been talking about the matter for hundreds of years, and finally let them do it!

Only Village Chief Jiang showed disappointment, and murmured: "So, the sea is much bigger than the lake, so big that it can't see the edge? And they didn't cross the sea to reach the other side of the sea? Then how did they go?" Are you sure you will go out after crossing the sea?"

Everyone was taken aback: Yes!

They all looked at Village Chief Zhao.

Village Chief Zhao smiled and said, "That's right, they found a big ship, and someone on board left drawings and some instructions, which clearly stated it, so it must be true! Everyone knows that, Over the past year or so, the climate in our area seems to have changed. In addition, ferocious beasts appear around the village from time to time. If they are alone, it’s fine. If they are in groups, we can’t please. Our village was attacked by wolves a few days ago. You must all know the matter, right? Now that we have the opportunity, we will definitely leave! If you want to go to Xiacun, then let’s go together, and if you don’t want to, then don’t force it.”

All the village elders in the lower village were anxious, and they all said yes! After looking forward to it for so many years, who wouldn't want to leave when given the chance? Besieged in such a small place, sooner or later it will be over!

"Of course we are willing," said Village Chief Jiang with a quick smile, "In that case, what about those blueprints and instructions? Village Chief Zhao quickly show them to us, and we can discuss how to get out."

Village Chief Zhao said: "We are here today for this purpose. If we want to go out together, there is no need for a group of dragons without a leader. We will simply merge the two villages and arrange all the personnel in a unified way. This will make it easier to move. There are still dangers along the way. If you walk randomly, accidents will happen sooner or later. Besides, you have to store enough food before boarding the boat. Otherwise, what will you eat on board? Someone must take the lead in making unified arrangements, so that the distribution party will not be chaotic. ..."

Everyone in the lower village nodded in agreement, and village head Jiang was even more enthusiastic. He laughed and said, "Brother Zhao is very reasonable. If the two villages merge, there will only be one village head. The people in our lower village are better than you in the upper village." It needs to be much more, my burden is not easy to bear, brother Zhao, so I will do my part, this—"

"Of course the merger of the two villages requires a big village chief. We discussed it with Mo Yunshen, and I don't know what you mean?" Before Village Chief Jiang could finish speaking, Village Chief Zhao cut off his words with a cough. .

Village Chief Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and his face suddenly became very ugly, "Is this not good? What does he know when he is so young?"

Everyone in Shangcun quit after hearing this, and they all distinguished for Mo Yunshen.

"He is young and promising, with outstanding abilities. We young people in Shangcun do not dissatisfy him, even some of us old guys are convinced."

"That's right, his martial arts are also top-notch. Our village was attacked by a pack of wolves, but he led the team to repel them! Even Dashan said he was inferior to him!"

"He can even subdue exotic beasts like big turtles and peacocks!"

"It's rare to be so skilled in medicine!"

"He's also kind-hearted and tolerant. He doesn't dislike Qingli's two younger siblings raising him at his house. Those two children are kissing him. It can't be faked!"

"Isn't he good to you Xiacun? The boss of the Zhang family disappeared, and he helped him find it? Just a few days ago, there were snakes in your village. If it weren't for him, it's hard to say what would have happened."

"And he also found this road. No one is more familiar with it than him and knows how to arrange it!"


The people in Shangcun chattered all over the place, and the more they talked, the more confident they became, and they praised Mo Yunshen that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on earth. Village head Jiang was angry, hated, annoyed and anxious, but he couldn't do anything!

What can he say? Can it be said that Mo Yunshen has many benefits, but if he doesn't suit him, is he not pleasing to his eyes?

Seeing that the elders in Xiacun also nodded frequently, showing thoughtful expressions, Village Chief Jiang was really anxious, and hurriedly said: "Don't be annoyed if I don't like what I said, even if Mo Yunshen has a thousand words!" Okay, but he is not from our lower village! How can we rest assured?"

Elder Jiang Village of Xiacun immediately nodded in agreement: "That's right! He is from your upper village, who knows if he will favor your upper village? When the time comes, we will take the lead in all the dangerous things, and all the hard work will be given to us from the lower village. Then so what?"

When the two of them said this, the three village elders who had talked with the elders of Shangcun before couldn't help showing hesitation, and their hearts wavered a little.

Shangcun Qincun said with a smile that was not a smile: "Oh? Then according to what you said, this person must be from your lower village?"

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