Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 457 The Jiang family is angry

Even Mu Sangu, who came out with her, was dumbfounded. Only Xiaoyaer and Miss Xiaoluan smiled brightly, and they were so proud of their eldest sister.


"This, this, this—"

"Fly, did you fly up the tree?"

"You, I'll fight with you!" Jiang Huai's daughter-in-law Liu Shi screamed and rushed towards Mu Qingli. Mu Qingli glanced at her contemptuously, sneered, and kicked her without looking.

With a scream of "Ah!", Liu's body quickly backed up, and hit the big locust tree with a bang, causing the branches and leaves of the big locust tree to shake, shaking her mother-in-law who was hanging on the tree. I screamed again and again in fright.

"You, you..." The dozen or so women who came to find fault all turned pale. Being stared at by Mu Qingli, they were so frightened that they almost lost their souls. How could they scold them?

The previous momentum has already flown to Java.

Mu Qingli glanced at them contemptuously, and said with a sneer, "I won't reason with you, anyone who wants to try my fist, just come!"

She said loudly to the villagers: "I, Mu Qingli, am not a villain, but I am definitely not a weak person who allows others to bully me. I believe everyone understands why these people came here to make trouble today. What happened the day before yesterday? What's going on, everyone knows it well, that's right, I beat Jiang Yu and the others to seek justice for my third uncle! Don't give me any evidence, no evidence doesn't mean they didn't do it, whoever I'm not a fool, I can't tell what's right and what's wrong? Now everyone is united and working hard to get out of here, but there are some rubbish scum who are trying to stay here for their ridiculous and pathetic selfishness. Picking up trouble behind your back to do evil! Since you dare to make trouble, you must have the consciousness to bear the consequences! Go back and tell the men in your family, don’t forget what I said today, if you dare not listen, you will bear the consequences!"

Everyone was silent, looking at Mu Qingli with fear.

Mu Qingli glared at those women: "Aren't you going to get out? You also want to climb a tree!"

The women were so frightened that they turned their heads and ran away in embarrassment, screaming. Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw it.

"Everyone go back too," Mu Qingli said with a smile on her face, "Actually, most of the uncles, aunts, aunts, brothers, sisters-in-law are good people. If we all work together, we will definitely be able to leave here and live a better life from now on." A good life with no worries about clothes and peace of mind! As for those flies, since they like to play tricks, of course there is no need to reason with them, right? Is it reasonable to reason with others when they play rogues with you? I think In this case, fists are more useful!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, giggling and echoing.

"Not bad, that makes sense!"

"That's right, it's hard to hope to leave, and it's time to work hard, and some people want to fight each other, it's unreasonable!"

"No, oh, speaking of it, I have personally experienced this kind of thing. I have suffered a lot myself, and I know who made it bad, but I can't do anything about him. It feels really aggrieved. It's really unreasonable ,Ha ha!"


Everyone was subconsciously afraid of Mu Qingli. Seeing her smiling harmlessly now, she was no different from the little girl before. They were relieved, and at the same time they were in a daze, as if what they saw just now was like a dream. Same.

However, the members of the Jiang family were really abominable. The former angel's tricks, before he could figure out what was right and wrong today, he put a big hat on Mu Sangu and Zhang Zishan's heads, and came to the door aggressively.

If it wasn't for Mu Qingli's presence, Mu Sangu would definitely have been beaten by them. Wouldn't that be injustice?

At that time, there will be another gang fight, and no one will admit it afterwards. Isn't Sangu Mu too wronged?

To be honest, facing people who are not unreasonable at all, it is still a headache like Qingli.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, everyone dispersed after discussing. As for Jiang Yu's mother who was still hanging on the tree, they just pretended not to see it...

"Third Gu, let's go, let's go back too!" Mu Qingli glanced at Jiang Yu's mother who was hanging on the tree and sneered, not intending to let her down.

Mu Sangu is not a bad person, although she thinks that Jiang Yu's mother looks a little miserable and pitiful at the moment, but she thinks that her son is so vicious and hurt her husband, and she shamelessly pushes him clean and beats him up. Aggressively leading people to call the door to find fault, I hated again in my heart.

It's better to let her hang on the tree like this, anyway, it looks like it can't fall off easily, it's very safe, it's okay!

For a while, everyone walked away cleanly, and Liu Shi got up from the ground, trying to climb up the tree to save her mother-in-law, but she fell heavily from Mu Qingli's kick. Strength to climb a tree?

Moreover, even if she has the strength to climb up, there is no way to get her mother-in-law down.

I don't know how that little bitch Mu Qingli threw it. The mother-in-law's waist was just sandwiched between the tree branches, and she was firmly supported. The two ends were empty, and there were branches far below to get off. It was impossible for her to rescue her mother-in-law. .

"Mother, mother, you, are you okay?" Liu Shi shouted from below.

"God damn little bitch, do you think I'm okay? What are you still doing there? Hurry up and save me!" Jiang Yu's mother shouted angrily.

Liu could not help feeling a little regretful, she knew that she would not speak out, but she was scolded for speaking out.

Even if she didn't make a sound, she couldn't see her feet facing her.

"Mother, I, I can't go up! You wait, I, I will go back and call someone to rescue you!" After Liu Shi finished speaking, she hurried away, not even caring about the pain on her body. up.

Jiang Yu's mother called her several times at the top of her voice, but she pretended not to hear her and didn't look back.

Jiang Yu's mother was so angry that she couldn't help cursing.

Village head Jiang trembled with anger when he heard this, and cursed to find Mu Qingli desperately, so panicked that Jiang Yu hurriedly stopped him: "Father, that damn girl is very powerful, you can't go! That's a person who turns his face and doesn't recognize anyone, maybe even you will be beaten by then!"

"She dares!" Village Chief Jiang sneered, thinking of the woman who was still hanging on the tree, his confidence obviously went down.

"It's really her—beating you like this?"

Jiang Yu felt very ashamed, and nodded unnaturally, "Yes".

"You!" Village Chief Jiang glared at him resentfully: "You're really worthless! How many of you big men can't even deal with such a girl? Did she do it? She alone?"

Jiang Yu was a little annoyed by what her father said, and couldn't help but said: "That damn girl is amazing, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it! If you always don't believe it, you'll know by going to Zhang Zishan's house right now!"

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