Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 462 Mo Yunshen and his party

She's done enough.

When they heard that there was still about a third of the way to the wet forest, many people in the team almost fainted from depression.

Jiang Huai was the first to cry out unbearably: "Why is it still so long?"

Mo Yun glanced at him coldly and said: "This distance is not close at all, so what's the point of taking so long! Next, we have to go through the Vientiane Valley, the cableway across the cliff, and a large area full of strange fish and giant fish." Infested waters, and then passing through a piece of red land is almost the same."

Everyone: "..."

A Yuan said: "If we hadn't found an underground passage through the mountains later, there would be a high mountain range that was as high as the clouds to be climbed! After six days and five nights on the mountain, it has passed. It started to snow heavily from the middle of the mountain, and it got colder and snowier as it went up. When I got a little anxious, my chest felt tight, as if I couldn't breathe..."

"Is it snowing?" Everyone looked up at the sun in the sky, and looked down at the single clothes on their bodies, feeling a little dumbfounded for a moment.

What month and season is this? How could it snow? If it really snows here, they will all freeze to death!

"What Ah Yuan said is true," Gao Dashan said, "It is precisely because that mountain is too difficult to climb, and later we found that there are a lot of caves on the other side of the sea, and it happens that there is a cave on the other side of the mountain, where many foxes live. The fox was able to pass through the cave and appear over there, so we found a passage along it and widened it, so we don't have to climb the mountain this time."

so far so good! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Even the village head Zhao, who has always been prudent, heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It's a good thing that I don't have to climb that mountain, otherwise I don't know what to do with my old bones if I don't talk about others! It's really hard for you! "

Village head Zhao was filled with emotion, and everyone agreed. Although they are a few of them are powerful, but in order to find such a way, they really suffered a lot that many people don't know.

On Mu Qingli's side, everyone woke up early the next morning.

Unsurprisingly, they were all woken up by birdsong.

"Hey, why are there so many birds in this mountain all of a sudden? I thought I was dreaming!"

"That's right, it's been chattering non-stop this early in the morning."

"But let's not talk about it, it still feels strange!"

"Yeah, hehe!"

Mu Qingli said: "It's like this in the big forest. These birds are especially happy in the morning. When the sun rises, they all fly to find food."

Now that the women had woken up, of course they would not go back to sleep, they got up one by one, tidied their hair neatly, washed their faces and rinsed their mouths.

Although the small village is isolated from the world, surrounded by mountains, and the air is very fresh, there is no doubt that the air in this big forest is fresher than that in the village.

The women breathed the fresh air in the forest, and felt that their bodies were a little lighter and their eyes were a little clearer.

Mu Qingli told them not to wander around, even if they saw wild fruits, they couldn't walk around to pick them, so they went into a dense forest with Xiao Ya'er to hunt.

I was lucky today, I saw a group of seven or eight fat wild sheep grazing in the forest, Mu Qingli hunted three of them, put two into the space, and brought one to everyone to eat later.

He also saw several wild peach trees growing on the hillside, and there were a lot of peaches on the trees, so he went with Xiao Ya'er and picked the big ones to pick a basket.

There is also a red berry next to it, a little bigger than your thumb. It is shaped like a cherry. I can't name it, but it tastes sweet. The two of them picked two handfuls of the good ones and put them in the basket, and then took them home. .

On the grass by the stream, Aunt Tang, Mrs. Bai and the others had already set up a fire, and pulled out a lot of wild vegetables, wild onions, etc. to wash and wait.

Seeing their sisters coming back, each of them smiled brightly and stepped forward to take the things in their hands.

"Hey, this peach is so big and juicy, it looks delicious!"

"And the berries, I've never seen them before!"

"What a fat sheep. Speaking of which, we are really lucky. We have never eaten such fresh lamb before!"

Speaking of which, everyone laughed and said yes with a smile.

For a while, he was busy cutting up the sheep by the water.

Speaking of before, I have never eaten such a fresh one. I just killed it, grilled it, boiled it, added a handful of wild onions, two pieces of wild ginger, and twisted a handful of tender wild vegetables into it. Delicious too!

The eight people only ate half a sheep for breakfast, and wrapped the remaining half with leaves of big trees, hid it in the cave, and started to work.

The herbs to be picked today are different from yesterday's, and they are not in this valley or mountain, but in another place. Mu Qingli led them there.

I stayed all day yesterday and last night last night. At this time, everyone relaxed a lot and felt a lot more at ease. We were able to chat and laugh with each other very relaxedly while walking on the road, instead of being nervous and nervous like yesterday.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, when they came to this forest in the mountains, Mu Qingli explained clearly to everyone, and then took a stroll with Xiao Ya'er.

Let them help pick this kind of common herb. She can just look around and see if she finds anything new.

In case any beast appears nearby, it can be the first to spot it.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed.

There is one more day tomorrow, and I can go home the day after tomorrow.

Over the past few days, Mu Qingli's space has gained a lot, and it will be enough to practice for a while when she goes back.

After that, she didn't plan to collect medicine and refine medicine for the time being, and wait for Mo Yunshen and the others to come back.

When they heard that they were going back, the women subconsciously felt a little bit reluctant, and they all laughed and said that this big forest is not as scary as everyone said, isn't it good?

At least they haven't encountered any vicious beasts after staying for so many days?

This made everyone nod in agreement.

Xiao Ya'er opened her mouth, seeing her sister shaking her head slightly at her, she wisely said nothing.

Mu Qingli then said: "Aunts and sister-in-laws, don't be fooled. The most dangerous thing in the big forest is not the beast, but you don't know when you will encounter danger. When you don't encounter danger, everything is easy to say, but once If you encounter it, the price you have to pay is a bit too heavy! So everyone must not take it lightly! Otherwise, it will hurt others and yourself, and it will be too late to regret it!"

After hearing this, everyone hurriedly nodded their heads in agreement, but they didn't know what they were thinking.

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