After a short break, the two continued on.

The two of them couldn't remember how many baskets they had dug up, and they kept busy until it was almost sunset before giving up.

Looking at the bottom of the lake, there seemed to be not much of this thing left, so Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen gave up.

She has never done anything like extermination, leaving some roots, maybe more will be born, and it will be left to other destined people in the future.

The two stayed by the lake for one night, and when they woke up the next morning, the lake was covered with turbulent mist, and the lake water was very cool.

After washing my face, the sun gradually rose, dispelling the mist on the lake, gradually revealing my true face, sparkling and pleasing to the eye.

"Let's keep rowing and go forward, shall we?"

"Okay, lady!"

After a simple breakfast, the two got on the rubber boat and rowed towards the other end of the lake.

The big tortoise refused to follow them, sank to the bottom of the lake again, and slept on the emerald slime from yesterday.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen rowed the rubber boat to the other side of the lake, only to find that under the cover of dense trees, there was a long and narrow waterway leading to another small lake.

The two came back in a rubber boat. The scenery on both sides of the waterway was excellent, and the colorful leaves shrouded the waterway, which was more beautiful than any flowers.

Occasionally, there are jagged and strange rocks extending from the water, with different postures, covered with moss, scattered with fallen leaves, so beautiful.

When the boat got off the lake, it was as smooth as green satin.

The two were in admiration, Mo Yunshen simply didn't bother to row the boat, let the water waves push the rubber boat forward slowly, he pulled the lady to sit in his arms, pointed out the beautiful scenery, talked softly, bowed his head and kissed from time to time, as if in a fairyland .

Passing through this long waterway, the eyes suddenly brightened, as if it was another lake.

Although the lake is not big, it is surrounded by colorful trees, and the lake water is as clear as emerald, but it is breathtakingly beautiful.

Mo Yunshen couldn't help laughing and sighing "It's a pity!", saying that if he didn't leave here and build two houses to live here, even a god would not change it.

As the boat got closer, the two discovered that there were emerald green lotus leaves that were almost the same color as the lake water.

The round lotus leaves are connected one by one, each one is as big as a tabletop, spread out as if sticking to the water surface like boneless, and it is impossible to see it unless you are close.

"What kind of lotus leaf is this? It's so strange!" Mu Qingli couldn't help being surprised.

Even if it is a water lily, the leaves grow out of the water, unlike the one you see in front of you, which is almost level with the water surface. Rippled in the water, almost indistinguishable from the color of the water.

Mo Yunshen has also seen many varieties of lotus and lotus leaves, but he has never seen this one either, so he said with a smile: "Let's pick two leaves and go back to study and find a rabbit to see if it's poisonous!"

Mu Qingli nodded and hummed, bent down and pinched two lotus leaves.

Lifting it out of the water, countless dripping water dripped down the water surface, the lotus leaf was as soft as if it had no bones.

Mu Qingli put it into the space, and suddenly said: "Since this is a lotus leaf, there are lotus roots underneath, so it should bloom and form lotus pods, right? Let's take a look later!"

Mo Yunshen naturally smiled and said yes.

The beautiful scenery here is charming, and that guy Mo Yunshen insists on dragging himself to chatter and chatter endlessly, and the two of them unknowingly delay here for another whole day.

It wasn't until the sunset was about to set that I suddenly realized that another day had passed.

It seems that we have to spend another night here before we can go back tomorrow.

Mu Qingli couldn't help but glared at Mo Yunshen, and sat down on the soft grass: "I'm hungry!"

Mo Yunshen smiled contentedly, and said with distress: "Good lady, wait a while, I will cook for you for my husband!"

Speaking of taking water from the lake, he cooked rice, soup and barbecue on the shore.

Mu Qingli's cooking skills are terrible, and Mo Yunshen's cooking skills are not much better.

The cooked rice is barely cooked like a rice, which is much better than Mu Qingli's masterpiece, but it is by no means as soft and moderate, full of crystal grains, and fragrant as Xiaoyaer's.

As for cooking, he doesn't know how to cook, which requires a lot of technical skills. He can cook soup and then barbecue.

Tonight, we cook wild boar ribs and lotus root soup, and roast venison cut into slices and skewered together.

Looking at the man on the bank who was busy cooking for herself, Mu Qingli suddenly lost her temper and felt somewhat satisfied.

The girl in Shennongtang seems to have said that good men who are willing to cook for their wives are almost extinct these days. If you meet one, let's burn it!

Uh, she is talking about modern times. In ancient times, it should be almost extinct, right? So even though this man has that thing in his mind all day long, when he catches her, he wants to hug her, kiss, touch and rub her, but it's actually not bad, isn't it?

During the meal, Mu Qingli was in a good mood.

She is in a good mood, and Mo Yunshen is naturally in a good mood, which means that tonight he can make a big difference...

The sunset glow spreads out, and the glow of the sun slantly shines on the lake, as if it is covered with a layer of golden light.

Mu Qingli was squatting by the water, watching small fishes the size of two fingers swimming around in the lake with beautiful big tails, vying to eat the discarded minced meat while Mo Yunshen was cleaning pots, pans, etc. .

Suddenly hearing Mo Yunshen's "Hey", Mu Qingli looked over and saw him pointing to a certain direction in the lake and saying: "There seems to be something growing under the water!"

Mu Qingli was taken aback for a moment, doubtful.

Mo Yun clapped his hands deeply and got up, took her hand and pulled her over, and said: "Look over there, there seems to be something growing in the lake, but the color is the same as the lake water, so it can't be seen clearly. At this time, the light The angle of the photo is different, so I can see it.”

Mu Qingli's heart suddenly moved, and she hurriedly said: "Do you think it could be a lotus? The lotus has already bloomed this season, right? But we have never seen a lotus on the water."

"Go, take a look!" Mo Yunshen also became interested.

It is clear that the lake is full of lotus leaves, but only one lake can be seen. If the lotus pod grows below, it is not too unusual.

Although the rays of light had faded by this time, there should be a long time before it was completely dark, enough for two people to explore.

Rowing the rubber boat over, Mo Yunshen reached down and pushed aside the lotus leaves that were covering it, and there was indeed a lotus pod in front of him.

He picked off the lotus pod and took it out, the lotus pod was as big as a sea bowl, the shape was not much different from the usual ones, but the color was fresher and greener, and it exuded a very pleasant fragrance.

"Sure enough, there are lotus pods!" Mu Qingli took it from his hand in surprise and joy, saw that the lotus seeds were neatly arranged one by one, the size of longan, and then peeled off one.

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