Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 483 Entering the Great Forest Privately

"What's the matter, just one of you can speak clearly, and the others should be quiet for now. You are so noisy and chaotic, I can't understand anything!"

Mo Yunshen also made them dizzy from the noise, so he said loudly.

Only then did the crowd stop making noise, but the old woman was still weeping and sobbing softly.

The former village chief Jiang took two steps forward, not caring about embarrassment, and hurriedly said: "I, my two sons and twenty people went into the big forest to hunt, and as a result, as a result, we encountered a pack of wolves and escaped only two I personally reported that the other people are all trapped in the tree at the moment. It has been two days, and I don’t know what the situation is, the village chief, you have to save them!"

If it wasn't for the lives of his two sons, the former village head Jiang would have come to Mo Yunshen for help no matter what.

But seeing that the lives of his two sons were about to die, what else could he hold on to?

After hearing this, all the women, old people and children couldn't help crying louder, and they looked at Mo Yunshen eagerly.

Mo Yunshen and everyone else were taken aback.

"What did you say? They went hunting in the big forest? When did it happen?" Mo Yun was deeply taken aback.

The crowd was in an uproar, chattering in unison.

"What's the matter?"

"It's been too long, who doesn't know that the big forest is not a place you can go to casually!"

"That's right, I really want to die. I really think I have the same ability as the village chief and Gao Dashan."

"Something has happened now!"

"I didn't say anything when I went there, but now I'm ashamed to ask for help. Who do they think the village chief is?"

"that is!"

The faces of Village Chief Jiang and everyone turned red and white, and they were all guilty.

It's true that their family did something wrong, but they can't blame them all.

Hasn't this been training for so long? Since Gao Dashan was able to lead people into the big forest and come out safe and sound, why not go there by themselves? Who knew it would be so unlucky...

It's just that no one dares to say these words at the moment. Wouldn't it be like adding fuel to the fire? They just kept crying and begging the village chief for help.

Mo Yunshen felt very unhappy, frowned and said, "Where are the two who escaped back?"

Two young men with wounds on their arms and legs stood out from the crowd in shame, Zhang Yingwu and Sun An.

Mo Yun's face turned cold, and he stared at the two of them sharply, and said coldly: "Didn't I warn you repeatedly? You are not allowed to enter the big forest without my permission. What did you do? Who picked the head? "

The former village chief Jiang hurriedly said: "Major village chief, this person's life is at stake, do you think it's better to save the person first, and wait until the person is rescued to talk about anything else!"

The people who came with him nodded in agreement, and looked at Mo Yunshen eagerly.

Mo Yunshen sneered and said, "Are you running on me, or blackmailing me? If you can't save someone, is it my fault?"

The former village chief Jiang was speechless, and he looked away guilty, and everyone was embarrassed.

This matter was purely self-inflicted, but there was really no way to blame Mo Yunshen.

"Everyone should be responsible for their own decisions!" Mo Yun said coldly: "When this matter comes back after saving people, I will call the deputy village chief, village elders, and stewards to interrogate them clearly. Be a warning to others, anyone who wants to make such a thing happen in the future will bear the consequences!"

Everyone's heart trembled, and everyone from the village lowered their heads in shame.

The fifty villagers who were singled out and were about to enter the depths of the forest but were disturbed by their lives responded with a loud and orderly voice.

"Some people don't know how much they weigh, so they will always find trouble."

"If you lose your own life, there's no place to cry for regrets!"

"The head of the village clearly said it, but he didn't listen to it. Who's to blame?"


The former village chief Jiang and others felt even more ashamed after hearing this.

Mo Yunshen stopped the crowd, glanced at him, and said coldly: "Don't blame me for not making an agreement with you first, I can start immediately to save people, but after all, it has been two days and two nights, can we still save people? , I will not give you any guarantee. No matter what the result is, you will bear it yourself!"

Everyone was stunned, and quickly agreed.

Mo Yunshen glanced at Zhang Yingwu and Sun An and said coldly, "You two lead the way."

Zhang Yingwu and Sun An shivered at the same time.

"This--my leg is seriously injured, no, I can't walk! I'm afraid it will delay time, let him go!"

"I was also injured, and my memory is not very good. I'm afraid I don't remember the way. It's better for him to go!"

The two hurriedly blamed each other.

This time, not only the ex-village chief Jiang was furious, but all the family members of the lower village were all angry, scolding Zhang Yingwu and Sun An like hell.

Mo Yunshen ignored them, and said involuntarily, "Both of you go, ride the big turtle, and set off now! Brother Gao, A Yuan, lady, let's go together. Everyone else should leave!"

Gao Dashan and A Yuan quickly agreed.

Mu Qingli glanced at the former village head Jiang with a half-smile, and said a good word with a smile.

Everyone was in an uproar.

The family members of the lower village became worried again, and asked Mo Yunshen to bring more people with them. They were wolves, so what's the use of them alone?

"You guys are really serious, why don't you go too?" Mu Qingli sneered.

When she glanced at her, everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they subconsciously avoided.

They go too? Are they going to die? Of course I dare not go.

Mu Qingli snorted and said, "If you don't want to seek death, are the other villagers willing to do so? Instead, tell me, who should you ask to follow? If something goes wrong, will you be responsible or my husband will be responsible?"

The crowd didn't dare to say anything, and watched helplessly as they rode the big turtle and Mu Qingli rode away on the big peacock.

Mo Yunshen called Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan along the way, and set off together.

Mu Qingli stared at Zhang Yingwu and Sun An unkindly, staring at them so much that they wanted to shrink into a ball.

According to their instructions, following the footsteps of the big tortoise, they arrived at the place in just over two hours.

Far away, they heard the howling of wolves in the woods ahead.

Zhang Yingwu and Sun An trembled when they heard the howling of wolves, and their faces turned pale with fright.

A Yuan glanced at them angrily, and said, "If the two brothers are afraid, why not just wait here?"

"Ah? No, no, no! No, not afraid, not afraid..."

"Yes, yes, we still, it's better to follow you, everyone..."

Just kidding, let the two of them stay here and wait? That will scare them to death even more, okay?

Mo Yunshen really didn't want to pay attention to these two people, even if he was so courageous, he didn't know why he was so obsessed and followed people into the big forest secretly.

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