"This persimmon doesn't look big, but it tastes sweet!"

"No, it's soft when you pinch it, but the skin is quite thick, so it won't break after a while!"

"Look at this jujube, it's so big, it's red, the color is really right! It's much more beautiful than the jujube in the mountain next to our village!"

"Not only is it pretty, but it's also sweet! I just ate one, and it's incredibly sweet. If you don't believe me, try it too!"

"There are so many treasures in this mountain, we are really lucky!"

Mu Qingli looked around for a while, and when she saw that there was nothing unusual, she withdrew her mind. Someone smiled and threw down a few dates for her to taste, and Mu Qingli smiled and took them in her hands and said thank you. Tastefully chewed up.

The dates in the big forest are sweeter than those around the village, she has known this for a long time.

Just looking at the fineness of this jujube, you don't need to eat it to know that it must be extremely sweet.

Eight people quickly filled one and a half baskets full of jujubes—for fear that the persimmons would be crushed, they didn't dare to pack more, and only put some on top of the two baskets.

Seeing that there are still many trees that have not been picked, the women are so greedy that they can't wait to get them all off at once.

"Tomorrow, let's bring a few more baskets and pick them all off!"

"That's right, I think so too!"

Mu Qingli waved her hand and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go back first, there are a lot of fruits in the big forest at this time of year! After a few days, I will look for jujube forests, so that it will be convenient to pick them." Woolen cloth!"

Such sporadic trees are just for satisfying hunger, and they are not reliable for storing food.

The eyes of all the women were shining, and they said yes again and again.

Back at the camp, the jujubes and persimmons that were quickly picked up were shared by the crowd.

In this way, during the time when Mo Yunshen sent those people back, Mu Qingli led the women to dig yams, lilies, dates, and fortunately, a small piece of tea was also picked. There are about twenty baskets.

Today, I was riding a big tortoise to the natural meat warehouse on the other side of the mountain field, planning to hunt some prey and go back. Who knows that I just arrived at the place, and I was going to get a pot from the space to cook some noodles and start a small stove. Hearing the Qingyue chirping of the big peacock from the sky, when he looked up, he saw Mo Yunshen riding on the peacock smiling and looking at her.

"You're back!" Mu Qingli was taken aback, then laughed loudly.

Full of indescribable joy suddenly surged from her chest like water breaking a bank, filling her chest to its fullest, and her whole body suddenly became joyful, joyful from the bottom of her heart.

A gust of wind blows towards the face, and the handsome man with a smile on his face just like this uses lightness kung fu to fly down from the back of the big peacock. His slender figure is as graceful as an exiled fairy. Into the arms tightly hugged.

"My lady..." There was a gentle smile on his handsome face, and gentle affection in his bright eyes, hugging her seemed to embrace the whole world.

Mu Qingli's heart also softened suddenly, she relaxed herself, leaned lazily on his body, felt his breath and body temperature, and all the familiar things, and felt indescribably satisfied in her heart.

"I think it's almost finished here, so there's no need for you to make another trip," Mu Qingli said.

Mo Yunshen chuckled lowly, curled his beautifully curved thin lips, kissed her fair cheek, and said affectionately: "But do you like me when I'm here?"

Mu Qingli's face became hot, but he had to admit it, because he felt a little more happy when he said this.

It's okay to admit it, it's not something to be ashamed of.

She nodded, "Well, a little bit." She liked it a little bit.

"Only a little?" He was dissatisfied, and his tone was completely disbelieving, and he was overbearing.

Mu Qingli laughed "Pfft!", raised her hand and pinched his face lightly: "It's a lot! Is it okay?"

Mo Yunshen laughed loudly, and said softly: "My lady likes it, it's worth it!"

Mu Qingli slapped his mischievous hand away, and said, "Is the journey back going smooth this time?"

Mo Yun smiled deeply, he just hugged her in a proper manner and didn't make any trouble, nodded and said: "There is no danger, it's a lot of them to send back!"

"That's good!" Mu Qingli also breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly turned her head to look at him and smiled, "I think we seem to have found a very troublesome thing."

Mo Yunshen laughed loudly, and pondered: "It may not be a bad thing, after going out, it may not be a big help."

Mu Qingli's heart moved, she was going to leave, and Mo Yunshen would definitely leave too. At that time, how Xiaoya'er and Xiaoluan would survive outside would really need help.

Otherwise, God knows what will happen if the two of them are outside!

She has lived with them for so long, and the admiration, the reliance and attachment from the bottom of the heart of the younger sister and younger brother have long prevented her from treating them as strangers that have nothing to do with her. The original owner's entrustment before leaving.

With Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan's current kung fu and that kind of cleverness, plus the fact that Zhao Village Chief and Zhang Zishan's third uncle are in charge, even Mu Zhihong can't do much, if most of the villagers They are all trained, at least for Xiaoyaer and Xiaoluan, it is indeed a help and guarantee.

I can rest assured that I am worthy of the original owner.

Mu Qingli couldn't help smiling, feeling a little relieved, "You've thought carefully! Let's hunt the prey and go back to the camp!"

"What's the hurry!" Mo Yunshen hugged his wife's arms tightly, and said with a smile, "It's still early, and it's boring to go back. Good lady, I miss you so much, let's have a good talk." Okay?"

Mu Qingli's eyes widened vigilantly: "Okay, I warn you, what you say is what you say!"

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