When Gao Dashan and the others learned that Mo Yunshen was back, they also came over to say hello, and agreed to come for a drink tomorrow night, and they left after making a fuss for a long time.

After they left, they closed the yard door, and Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan started cooking.

The hot water had already been boiled, so Mo Yunshen went into the bathroom and took a shower. He hugged him on the pretext of asking his wife to dry his hair.

Mu Qingli's body softened, and she looked up at him with a smile, her eyes were rarely hot.

How could Mo Yunshen stand it? I just felt that my whole body was hot and my blood was boiling, so I hugged and kissed.

Mu Qingli hugged him tightly, only then did she realize that she missed this man so much.

Mo Yunshen hugged her and kissed her, and called out to his wife with joy, Mu Qingli seemed to be in a dream, her heart was floating and sinking like in a hot spring, warm and comfortable with a hint of sweetness.

The long-lost intimacy made both of them greedy and inseparable.

"Quickly dry your hair, er, Xiao Ya'er is moving quickly, it's time to go out to eat!" The two had a fight for a while, and Mu Qingli gave him a embarrassed look.

Mo Yunshen chuckled, hugged her and refused to let go, "It's fine as long as the hair is like this, I'll hug you again, hug you again and let's go out again!"

I haven't hugged his wife for so long, how can I be willing to let go after hugging her now?

Mu Qingli couldn't bear to push him away, so she had to be patient and let him grind for a while, and finally couldn't bear to drag him up.

Mo Yunshen didn't insist on this time, he smiled, looked straight at her, leaned over and smiled and said in a low voice: "Madam, let's rest early tonight, shall we?"

Mu Qingli looked at him, take a break? No wonder!

He couldn't help but said by the way: "It's useless to be early, Xiaoya'er and Xiaoluan have to sleep!"

The house is such a big place, and there will be noises if you toss around casually. If Xiaoyaer and Xiaoluan listen to it, Mu Qingli will beat Mo Yunshen to death.

Mo Yun smiled ambiguously, nodded again and again, deeply convinced: "Yes, yes, the lady is thoughtful! Then tell Xiaoya'er and Xiaoluan to go to bed early!"

Why is she thinking thoroughly? She obviously didn't think about anything, okay?

Mu Qingli couldn't hold back - she felt like she couldn't explain, she gave Mo Yunshen a bitter look, shook off his hand and ran towards the kitchen, Mo Yunshen laughed and followed slowly.

We are all at home, so we are not afraid of her running away. Anyway, she couldn't run away.

A table of dishes has been steamed out of the pot, and it is richer than last night.

Xiao Ya'er was careful, and was afraid that the dishes would cool down quickly when it was cold, so she burned charcoal on the stove beside her, added water to the cauldron, and set up a steamer. The finished dishes are placed inside and continue to heat.

When Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen arrived, Xiao Ya'er quickly put the last sautéed lettuce with minced garlic out of the pan, and together with Xiao Luan, they quickly put the dishes on the table.

"Sister, brother-in-law, come and eat!"

Sauce-flavored deep-fried pork ribs, fried pork with chili, steamed fish, diced chicken with spicy sauce, cold lotus root slices, scrambled eggs with shallots, braised venison in braised sauce, and stewed turtledove, winter bamboo shoots and mushroom soup.

Seeing such a neat table of dishes and monkey wine, Mo Yunshen felt deeply moved, and said with a smile, "Little Ya'er's craftsmanship is really getting better and better! This meal is only decent, It’s been a long time since our family had dinner together like this!”

"Winter is coming, isn't it? When winter comes, there will be delicious food every day! I don't know if my sister will come up with something delicious to eat, and I will make it for my sister and brother-in-law!" Little Ya'er's eyes Shiny, the favorite is good food.

Mu Qingli smiled and said, "I leave all my knowledge to you! This winter will depend entirely on your ideas!"

Not long after dinner, Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan obediently went back to their rooms to sleep. Mo Yunshen carried his wife back to the room, and the two couldn't wait to kiss each other...

The cold wind outside is biting, humming from time to time, it already looks like winter, but inside the house, it is full of sadness and spring.

The next day, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen sent the 20 baskets of picked tea to Mu Sangu again, and asked Mu Sangu to ask someone to help fry them together.

Mu Sangu agreed with a smile, and was very happy to see them.

Originally, they were going to stay for lunch, but Mu Qingli said with a smile that she wanted to invite someone to dinner tonight, so she had to go back early to prepare, so Mu Sangu didn't insist.

I'm making hot pot tonight and prepared a lot of fish and vegetables.

Mu Qingli didn't dare to make too rare things. For example, the soup base of the hot pot did not add chili, but made a milky white soup with pig bones.

All kinds of meat were cut and marinated, and fish balls, meat balls, shrimp slips, and lotus root clips were made. Mushrooms, fungus, winter bamboo shoots, lotus root slices, and some green vegetable leaves were washed and served in a large basket.

Anyway, the big guys have never seen those vegetables, they only found them in the big forest at that time.

And with their ability, it is not uncommon for them to find some wild vegetables that others cannot find in the big forest.

In the evening, many people came, Gao Dashan, A Yuan, Zhao Xiaobai brothers, Qin family brothers, Lin Tusheng, etc., thirteen or four people, the seats were full.

As a result, the three Mu Qingli sisters and younger siblings had no choice but to give up their seats and eat another small pot in the room over there.

Mu Qingli suddenly felt that she understood the true meaning of women and children not eating at the table - cough, there is no place! Moreover, it is uncomfortable and uncomfortable to eat among a group of old men!

Next, Mo Yunshen spent another three days meeting with Village Chief Zhao, Zhang Zishan, and the old village stewards, talking about things and making some arrangements.

Everyone has now tasted the sweetness of orderly cooperation and work, and there is almost no meaning of wandering around or improvising teams to hunt and do things as before.

What I have to do now is to store food, firewood, and burn charcoal, and the rest will wait until this winter.

Mo Yunshen made some arrangements.

Many members of the guard team are already able to act alone, as long as they cooperate well with each other, even if Mo Yunshen is not around, it doesn't matter.

After making arrangements, Mo Yunshen, Mu Qingli, the younger sister and brother, Gao Dashan and A Yuan went to Yixiantian.

They are still used to burning charcoal in the sky.

The convenience of getting the wood is not a big deal, the real reason is that Mu Qingli's space bracelet is easy to use.

The carbon kiln dug last year can be cleaned up this year and can be used again, which can save a lot of trouble.

There are also potatoes, peanuts, pumpkins and winter melons planted in Yixiantian, which also need to be harvested.

Put these away just in the middle of burning charcoal.

He rode a big tortoise to the Peach Blossom Valley, picked more than half of the ripe golden fruits on the tall trees, and piled them all up in the space.

This trip to the Peach Blossom Valley was very lucky. I didn't expect to find a large tea forest in a mountain valley where I picked the golden fruit.

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