How could there be such a strange creature in the world? Such a big head, with such long fangs, shiny white, so hard, sharp and sharp, even the bark is so scary.

Rao had heard people describe the appearance of this "elephant" animal before, but seeing it with their own eyes at this moment caused a great shock to everyone.

Looking at the densely packed elephant herd, Mo Yunshen felt a little apprehensive, and set up camp at the mouth of the valley, preparing to pass through early the next morning.

He warned everyone again and again, remember not to hurt the elephant herd, not to speak loudly, and don't even think about hunting and eating meat.

In case you startle them or irritate them, just wait for the giant elephant legs to trample!

Needless to say, everyone can imagine what it would be like if there was a stampede just by looking at the herd of elephants.

I'm afraid that there will be no place to run when the time comes, and there will only be one end, and that is to be trampled into meatloaf.

This was also the first time that Mo Yunshen led so many people through Vientiane Valley. After repeatedly instructing everyone, he ordered a group of ten people to advance one after another.

Fortunately, these elephants seemed to have seen these people several times, and they didn't know what they were doing when they saw them coming and going, but they didn't hurt themselves when they passed by, so it didn't matter to ignore them.

Seeing these people coming again at this moment, he swiveled his nose and yelled twice, and didn't respond to looking at them a few more times, allowing them to walk through the crack step by step cautiously.

That's right, just walk through the cracks. There are many elephants, and they are very tall. If a person passes by, it is not like passing through the cracks.

Suddenly a small elephant swung its nose at Wang Ping. Wang Ping let out a low cry in surprise, and subconsciously wanted to stab the spear in his hand. Mo Yunshen quickly grabbed his wrist and shouted: "Stop!"

"But—" Wang Ping was stunned. Seeing that the little elephant's trunk didn't attack him, but swung it on him and then retracted it. Then he slowly relaxed and turned to Mo Yun a little embarrassingly. Deeply smiled and said: "Well, I, I, I didn't mean it just now, I thought—"

"Don't forget my words, don't act rashly. Think about their big hooves and long fangs before you do it!" Mo Yun said in a deep voice, and cast a warning glance at the twenty or so people who followed him, I thought to myself that I was lucky.

According to his usual observations, these twenty or so people were particularly timid or impulsive, so he specially selected them to be with him. Sure enough, something almost happened.

If the spear in Wang Ping's hand was stabbed out, apart from him, few people would be able to leave safely. Even if he escaped with his life, I'm afraid there will only be half of it left?

Wang Ping was extremely ashamed and quickly agreed. Everyone was also shocked and nodded.

Fortunately, there was nothing else except this little accident, and everyone finally passed through the Vientiane Valley without any danger.

When they walked out of Vientiane Valley in the afternoon, everyone exhaled in unison and sat on the ground in a mess.

After relaxing, I just felt exhausted and sat on the ground chattering.

"Fortunately, this Vientiane Valley is not long, otherwise it would really kill me!"


"Those guys are really too big. Although they don't take the initiative to attack people, they are scary enough."

"That's not right, just lift your foot casually, and you can trample people into minced meat."

The next piece of red land also needs to be walked over in one go. Today, I will rest here for a night, recharge my energy, and go tomorrow.

After passing through the red land, we arrived at the ropeway within a few days.

There is a cliff below, and a simple cableway connects the two sides. Although there are guardrails formed by mountain vines, it still makes the calf weak.

Just looking down, he felt terrified, if he walked up, would he still be able to move his feet?

"God! Are we going, are we going to walk over here?"

"It's scary!"

"No, no, I, my calves are shaking!"

"Me too! What should I do!"

"Is there any other way? For example, go around by another road or something?"


Three hundred people all erupted.

Mo Yunshen was very calm, A Yuan rolled his eyes, and said: "This ropeway bridge has been strengthened a lot, and it is firmly secured. At the beginning, it was much simpler than this one, so we can pass it as it is? Such a short distance, take a few breaths The kung fu is over, but there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Mo Yun smiled deeply and asked everyone to divide into groups. Groups of ten people passed by one by one. The timid ones were sandwiched between the brave ones.

When he said this, he made it clear that he had to go anyway, and everyone was speechless at once, and had to bite the bullet and accept their fate.

Trembling and apprehensive, some people were dragged past by their bags, but they all made it to the opposite side safely.

Looking back, although the ropeway bridge is shaking and shaking, it is still quite strong. At least you don't jump down on your own initiative, and you will never fall.

The water area had been repaired for three days before, and rafts needed to be tied at the same time.

The last time they went there with 30 people, there were only two rafts tied to the shore, and they were still usable after inspection, but 300 people were obviously not enough, and they had to continue to raft.

It is also easy to do it with more people, and the raft is tightly packed, enough for three days.

But everyone is not good at water, so I was a little scared at first, but fortunately, there are islands of all sizes criss-crossing beside the waterway. Seeing those small islands, I felt somewhat comforted, thinking that even if I fell into the water, I would be fine. Climb ashore quickly, and you won't be so afraid.

It's a pity that the water is still relatively cold at this time, and it's not easy to go into the water to practice swimming. When they reach the seaside, they can practice in the valley and river near the seaside in two months.

Mo Yunshen decided that after he went back, he would let everyone in the village learn to swim. At least it can float on the water.

Except for the night in the metasequoia forest, everyone was a little nervous, but the journey went smoothly. After crossing the waters, it is not far to the towering Longshan Mountain.

At this time, it has been almost a month on the road, and the various plants between the mountains that I saw have grown wildly, and the colorful and various mountain flowers are blooming, opening up the mountains and fields.

The foxes in the Luanshi Mountain area at the foot of Longshan Mountain saw that there were strangers again, and they couldn't stop poking their heads to look at them. These little animals were so cute that everyone had plenty of food, pointing and laughing, but they didn't hunt them.

Go down the cave one by one and follow the signs.

By the way, the narrow passage was widened a lot, and it was already evening when I came out from that end.

When I came down, I had to bring the wood, bamboo and mountain vines for the raft, and finally came out of the waterway smoothly.

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