Mu Qingli continued to pick the strongest one to kill. Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan were not so courageous, so they cautiously picked the relatively docile juvenile bison that weighed about a thousand catties.

Under the terrified gaze of the crowd, after a struggle, the three siblings managed to tame the bison intact.

This time, there was no need to order, someone took the initiative to hand over the prepared mountain vines, and everyone's eyes lit up with excitement.

Smiling, Mu Qingli finished piercing the noses of the three bison, handed the bison to the crowd, and said to Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan: "Don't force it, you guys rest first, and I'll get to it later!"

Those bison were really calm. Although Mu Qingli and the others captured several of them, the rest were still grazing with their tails unhurriedly, not taking it seriously at all.

Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan were small after all, they were jolted on the back of the buffalo just now and became dizzy, nauseated, as if their internal organs were all out of place. At this moment, his head was still a little dizzy, his small face was pale, and he stepped on the grass with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Hearing Mu Qingli's words, he didn't insist, and nodded obediently.

After all, they still wanted to help their sister, and when Mu Qingli came back after taming a bison, they went with her again.

In this way, after more than an hour, the three brothers and sisters had a total of thirty bison. Seeing that they were almost done, Mu Qingli waved: "Let's go, it's time to go home!"

The crowd cheered, and happily led the buffaloes back there.

When the people who stayed behind saw it, they were puzzled at first, but when they heard about the usefulness of bison, they all became happy.

I was still worried at first, but later I hunted a lot of prey, and I didn't know what to do! With these thirty bison, it will be much more convenient.

The crowd hurriedly put the prey on the bison, and a bison can have more than a dozen fat wild deer or more than twenty fat wild sheep.

In this way, everyone relaxed a lot, thinking about the village, they didn't dare to delay any longer, and rushed to the village in a hurry.

With the bison to share, the journey back is not slower than when it came.

Originally, with so many prey on the road, it would have taken two and a half to three days to return to the village, but it still took one and a half days to return.

Give half of the thousands of prey to the upper and lower villages, and hand them over to the deputy village chief and the village elders.

Those who participated in the hunt naturally had to get a generous share.

Although there are quite a few hunters, there are a total of 850 or so households in the village, and there are not many of them.

Fortunately, each household originally had some reserves, plus this time, they can share about two hundred catties, mixed with some other food, and the guards will go hunting again to share, and save some when eating. It can pass.

In any case, now that there is a guard team responsible for hunting, it is much better than before, which everyone can see.

After all, no one dared to enter the big forest before, even if they knew that the resources in the big forest were extremely rich, no one dared to go there!

For the thirty bison brought back, Mu Qingli didn't let people kill them, but took them to a valley, and asked the guards to pile up the entire valley and enclose the thirty bison.

This is the season when the vegetation is lush. Even in the rainy season, the grass in this valley is enough for the thirty bison to eat.

There are also shrubs and sparse big trees here to shelter from the rain. Mu Qingli asked someone to build a simple shed, which is transparent on all sides and only covered with a roof, so that they have a shelter from the rain when needed. place.

After doing this, the heavy rain came down.

Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan and the others have not returned yet.

Although with the two of them and the big turtle, there is basically no problem with safety, but it still makes people feel a little worried!

The heavy rain was falling, and the road in the forest was not easy to walk. If it gathered into a mountain torrent, it would be even more terrifying if it erupted.

Some elderly people who are getting older all lament that the climate has really changed. How much it has changed in the past two years has become more and more unpredictable. Originally, some people felt that they didn't want to move around when they were old, but now they don't dare to think about staying.

If this trend continues, who knows what will happen next year or the year after?

Looking at the splintering rain curtain, Mu Qingli was also a little annoyed, even though she knew that Mo Yunshen would never have an accident.

However, knowing it intellectually is one thing, but being able to control it emotionally is another.

After three days of heavy rain, Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan and others finally returned.

The whole village couldn't help cheering, and the big stone hanging in everyone's heart finally fell to the ground.

The reason why the crowd cheered wildly was not only because they all came back safely—only a dozen or so people suffered a little superficial injury. What's more, they didn't return empty-handed, but came back with their prey.

Carrying it on the shoulders, carrying it, or several people carrying it, everyone's hands are not empty.

After dividing it, each family must be able to share at least two hundred catties. Why doesn't this make people cheer?

Half of the prey is distributed in the upper village and half in the lower village. The heavy rain was still pouring down, but the crowd couldn't care less. Wearing coir raincoats and bamboo hats, they gathered in the square in the center of the village, happily leading their share of prey back home.

Mo Yunshen and Gao Dashan obviously didn't need these things. They still had plenty at home, so they went home first, and handed over the assignment to Village Chief Zhao and others.

Can't wait to get home, Mo Yunshen stared at Mu Qingli with fiery eyes, and smiled, with that gaze, he wished to swallow Mu Qingli in one bite.

Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan ran out at this time and shouted "Brother-in-law!" in surprise and joy. Mo Yun smiled deeply, and had to withdraw his straight, wolf-like eyes, and told the two little guys After a few words, he brought hot water to take a bath.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Mo Yunshen entered the room, and Mo Yunshen called Mu Qingli to come in and help him wipe his hair.

Mu Qingli bit her lip in embarrassment, and there was a bit of awkward joy in her embarrassment. This guy, why wipe his hair for him, you don't need to ask to know what he is thinking about.

However, thinking about his straight, burning eyes before, Mu Qingli had to admit that she was actually quite moved. She hadn't considered whether to go in yet, and her feet were already in the direction of the room involuntarily.

Mo Yunshen called out "Lady!" and pulled her in, and couldn't wait to hug her and kiss her.

Falling into the arms of the man, being hugged tightly by his powerful arms, his breath and taste were all in his breath, Mu Qingli's heart suddenly softened like water, and he raised his arms to hug him.

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