The fourth group Gao Dashan led away in person, accompanied by two cliff eagles.

There is still a group led by Zhao Xiaobai and Xiaoluan. It is estimated that Mo Yunshen and the others are about to reach the place, and he will come back to meet the last group.

Mo Yunshen should have returned by the time the last wave at most reached the first foothold.

You must know that he brought the big turtle with him when he left. Without the shackles of the large army, he would come back very quickly.

This is what everyone believes.

Sure enough, not many days after Mo Yunshen bid farewell to his wife Yiyi, he ran into a group of people led by Zhang Zishan and the others at the foot of Dujuan Mountain, and left Zhao Xiaosong behind.

Then when he met Gao Dashan again, he was not willing to leave A Yuan behind. A Yuan was going to be left to Xiaoluan and Zhao Xiaobai.

As for himself, he would accompany Xiaoluan and the others for a while, and after picking up Mu Qingli, he would go back to the village together and go to Yixiantian by the way.

Several teams were the same, it was a mess at the beginning, but fortunately the guards guarded so well that there was no big trouble. And after encountering danger two or three times, they all calmed down.

It's just that Gao Dashan's team has complicated personnel and more problems.

Gao Dashan has always had a quarrel with people. Whenever the Jiang family or the Zhao family, Zhang family, etc. were tossing about things, he would not reason with them. If he made people dizzy, the world would be quiet, and all conflicts and disputes would be easily resolved.

At first, the Jiang family and Zhao family were very angry, and when they woke up, they asked Gao Dashan to make a theory. Gao Dashan repeated the old trick again.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Is this really an honest man? Why doesn't it feel like...

The Jiang family, the Zhao family, etc. jumped their feet in anger, but there was nothing to do.

Everyone in the guards listened to Gao Dashan—at least the one he led listened to him. If it was to fight the Jiang family, the Zhao family, and the Zhang family, they couldn't even move their fingers.

What's more, there is no need for the guards to take action at all, Gao Dashan's action is enough.

I can't get angry, I can't win when I fight, theory? People don't argue with you at all!

There was no way for several families to jump their feet and look at the sky.

As for the villagers, who doesn't know the virtues of these families? Although they also have relatives who are close, who will stand up after seeing Gao Dashan's battle?

To put it bluntly, once you enter the big forest, there is no turning back. Going forward, the only thing I can rely on is the protection of Gao Dashan. If he is really annoyed and quits, who is the unlucky one?

These are all from the lower village, Gao Dashan's mother has already followed the upper village people.

There is only one person, and he can easily fly away without a trace by riding a cliff eagle-who is happy to talk to you?

So don't kill yourself.

This is really trying to kill yourself, for no reason, or find some unreasonable people to provoke others, do you really think they are stupid? I even argue with you!

So, instead, someone went to persuade the Jiang family to wait.

The Jiang family and others were already going crazy with anger, what else could they do but stop cooking? So I had no choice but to swallow my anger, thinking that I would wait and see.

Mo Yunshen accompanied Xiaoluan and the others, and after about a month or so, he met Mu Qingli and came back. Xiaoluan was very happy, but before he could finish his fun, his sister and brother-in-law were all cool and unrestrained the next day. The two alone rode a big turtle and left!

Xiao Luan is so depressed...

"Shall we go to Yixiantian first, or go back to the village first?" Mu Qingli asked.

Mo Yunshen sat behind her, holding his wife in his arms, feeling indescribably comfortable and comfortable in his heart. He has been extremely busy for the past few months, and he was surrounded by a bunch of people all day long. It was all up, and finally calmed down, and it seemed that everything was good.

"Go wherever you say."

Mu Qingli gave him a blank look: "Then go to Yixiantian."

"it is good!"

The two of them went to Yixiantian mainly to see how the seeds of the vegetables and fruits that had been sown were growing, and the water lotus seeds could also be harvested.

Another thing is to cut some iron wood and ebony, which are used as the main material of the big ship, and there is no adulteration at all.

Although Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen had already chopped a lot last time, they only chopped agarwood, sandalwood, golden nanmu, huanghuali, etc. that they thought were more precious. Others were also chopped. Got some, but not much.

This time the main targets were Ironwood and Ebony.

Thinking that not only now, but also in the future when I go out to build ships, I can still use it, but I can cut more.

And the large ginseng field, although it is almost like weeds here-the villagers may still dislike the taste of bitter and unpalatable! But after going out, this is all baby! Selling one is enough to feed all the villagers for more than a year!

Mu Qingli was naturally reluctant to let it go, and the two went to dig a lot of ginseng. I picked a lot of large, medium and small ones, and packed them in baskets, like radishes.

By the way, I collected some honey.

There are also countless prey in this ray of sky, the two of them also store more in the space by the way.

Although there are a lot of fish, shrimp and seafood on the beach, you can’t eat fish every day. Everyone is used to eating meat, but they still think meat is more delicious.

If this is the case, the two of them stayed in the first line of sky for more than twenty days, and this is the end.

At this time, it has entered late autumn.

It was almost time to go back to the beach.

The range of activities over there is much wider than that in the village, and with Village Chief Zhao, Zhang Zishan and the village elders presiding over it, the two of them will not worry.

Inspired by the construction of those footholds, the two escorts who arrived first surrounded three large valleys as they were. Even if the beasts on Longshan attacked, they would not be able to enter.

If you build a house in the valley, you can live there for a year or two at most, and everyone's property is not much, which is enough.

With the mountain on one side and the sea on the other, if you go through the tunnel in the mountain, you can walk not far, and there is a vast water area, there are many fish and shrimp in the water, so you definitely don’t have to worry about food now.

The only thing to worry about is to store it so that you can take it on board in the future.

Mu Qingli slapped her head and said: "I almost forgot! At that time, I stored a lot of food, tea and the like, and now they are stored in my space. Let's figure out how to get these things over later. .”

Mo Yun nodded deeply.

This matter really needs to be well planned and planned, and these things can't just appear in front of everyone, right? That would scare people.

However, this trick is not too difficult, after all, everyone knows their abilities, and there are guys like big tortoise, big peacock, and cliff eagle, and they can also tame bison and wild horses to help.

When the time comes, put these things in the open space across the water, and let everyone get them on the boat together.

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