The small appearance is pretty good, and the figure is also good. Coupled with this temperament, it is easy to arouse the interest of men, but it is a pity, who told her not to keep her eyes on her man?

If it wasn't for this deal with Baoguang Pavilion, Mu Qingli would have picked her up and thrown her out right now.

It's not surprising to say that this man in my family has a handsome appearance and a good temperament, as if he was born noble and elegant, and he has so many top-notch treasures in one shot, he is properly tall, rich and handsome, why do people complain about it?

Mo Yunshen was obviously out of the same consideration, so he didn't drive the person out directly, but said indifferently: "No need, I believe that shopkeeper Fan is reliable in his work, so there won't be any problems, just put the things down. "

Fan Liuzhu finally found an excuse to get close to Mo Yunshen, so he would not leave like this, and continued to smile without giving up: "Mr. Mo, our shopkeeper told you to treat Mr. Mo well. Mr. Mo will show you some face." Otherwise, it will be difficult for the young one to explain to the shopkeeper when he goes back!"

The more Mo Yunshen refused, the more charming she became obsessed with in her eyes, and when she secretly glanced at him, her heart almost broke.

When he came to the door that day, she accidentally saw him while hiding aside, and she couldn't help but fell in love with just one glance.

Originally thought that he had never married a wife - how could a gentleman like him be able to see an ordinary woman in the world? This is simply the sweetheart God prepared for him!

He didn't want to be in the inn but saw the woman beside him.

However, Fan Liuzhu, who was deeply hurt at that moment, not only did not give up and shrink back, but also ignited a raging fighting spirit in his heart - that woman looked vulgar, and she was not worthy of him at all! Is it possible that I can't compete with her?

Besides, whoever goes on a long trip with her by her side and casually sees a foreigner, how can she be a regular wife? Mostly he is a concubine or something, to put it bluntly, he is a slave, so he still has a chance.

Why can't shopkeeper Fan see the thoughts of his daughter, who has always been arrogant and refused to marry easily, his wife died young, and he pampered and indulged her a little too much, so he developed the habit of being fearless temperament.

After realizing her thoughts, shopkeeper Fan couldn't help but secretly regretted that he shouldn't have been tortured by her that day, so he agreed to take her to the inn with her.

Obviously, this girl must have seen Mr. Mo after he came to the door, and then she insisted on following him to the inn.

Fortunately, he found a woman next to Mo Yunshen. Shopkeeper Fan thought he was relieved. Now the girl should give up, but unexpectedly she had other thoughts.

Today, he even went out secretly, snatched the errand of the little steward who was in charge of delivering materials and bank notes to Mo Yunshen, and came to find Mo Yunshen himself again.

Mo Yun frowned deeply, and wanted to refuse, but Mu Qingli took him by the arm, and said with a smile: "Brother Fan is so sincere, how can we have the nerve to refuse? Why don't we just let Brother Fan do it! Wuliuju is not bad, how about Shall we go to Wuliu Residence?"

Mo Yun smiled secretly, knowing that Mu Qingli was going to tease this shameless woman, he naturally cooperated, then nodded and smiled: "My lady wants to go, then let's go. Brother Fan will not have any objection?"

Fan Liuzhu's complexion has already changed slightly, where is there any objection? It's so hard to have opinions, okay?

She tried her best to show a three-point smile on her face, and said with a smirk: "This——a woman should always be chaste and virtuous, so it's not convenient to go out and show her face like this? Doesn't Mr. Mo care at all?"

Mu Qingli almost laughed, she also knew that women should be chaste, quiet and virtuous? You know this is publicity? Thanks to her being able to speak out!

"It's okay," Mo Yun said with a deep smile, "There are no outsiders here, so why not?"

As expected, Fan Liuzhu was fascinated by beauty, and when he heard Mo Yunshen's words "there is no outsider here", his heart fluttered with joy, and he secretly rejoiced: Mr. Mo is implying that he regards me as his own. Since he treats me as his own, it can be seen that he treats me—

Maybe going to Wuliuju will make further progress?

Thinking about the expensive price of Wuliuju, and thinking about how shy he was and didn't have so much money to treat guests, Fan Liuzhu subconsciously squeezed the jade pendant in his arms, and decided to go anyway.

Not bringing enough cash does not mean that you are not qualified to go to Wuliu Residence. As long as there is a jade pendant to show your identity, you don't have to worry about not getting money.

"If that's the case, then please!" Fan Liuzhu smiled deeply at Mo Yun with bright eyes.

In order to show that she "see no evil", she didn't even look at Mu Qingli from the corner of her eyes.

"Please!" Mo Yunshen nodded slightly.

Mu Qingli was secretly amused, and glanced lightly at Fan Liuzhu: I want you to look good later...

After leaving the inn, Mu Qingli called two carriages.

In a bustling metropolis like Minzhou City, there are many horse-drawn carriages parked outside the first-class inns, restaurants, teahouses, theaters and other venues to attract customers, so it is easy to call the carriages over.

Mu Qingli smiled at Fan Liuzhu and said, "Whether a man or a woman can get married, my husband and I will take the same car, and Brother Fan will take the same car. Brother Fan won't mind?"

Fan Liuzhu's heart was blocked for a moment. Naturally, there were eleven million unwillingness in his heart, so how could he say it out of his mouth? Can't you say that you have to ride in the same carriage with other couples?

"I don't mind!" Fan Liuzhu squeezed out three words from between his teeth, trying very hard to make himself smile.

Mu Qingli smiled sweetly, and Mo Yunshen and Mo Yunshen had already boarded the carriage first, and ordered, "Go to Wuliu Residence."

Seeing the two of them getting into the car together, Fan Liuzhu felt extremely depressed, stomped his foot and bit his lip, and had to get into the second car angrily.

When they arrived at Wuliuju, without waiting for her to say anything, Mu Qingli ordered the most expensive private room first. Fan Liuzhu moved her lips. Although it hurt her heart, she refused to be petty in front of Mo Yunshen, so she had to acquiesce.

"The dishes in Wuliuju are all very good. I wonder what flavor Mr. Mo likes?" As soon as he sat down, fearing that Mu Qingli would mess up again, Fan Liuzhu hurriedly spoke first, and asked Mo Yunshen with a smile on his face.

Mo Yunshen turned his head to look at Mu Qingli, and said with a smile, "What do you want to eat, lady?"

Mu Qingli looked like a nouveau riche, and said to the waiter who came in to serve: "You have fifteen or six of the most expensive and best dishes here, why is it so troublesome to order!"

Fan Liuzhu was in a panic all of a sudden, his heart ached, and he couldn't help but give Mu Qingli an annoyed look, scolding the prodigal girls in his heart! The most expensive fifteen or sixteen dishes? That's not three or four hundred taels of silver?

Moreover, there are only three of them, where did they eat so much?

She was thinking about how to stop her, but Mo Yunshen had already smiled and said: "Since that's the case, Xiao Er, go and order! Brother Fan, what do you think?"

What else can I think? Fan Liuzhu started to be nympho again, his mind was dizzy for a moment, and he nodded and smiled involuntarily and said yes.

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