Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 813 Misfortunes never come singly

It can be said that misfortunes never come singly in the Xi family. The two most profitable business stores were swept away, not even a single ring was left for him. In the morning, he received a panic report from the shopkeepers of the two stores. Mr. Xi couldn't believe it.

It took a while to react.

After reacting, he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

After being rescued by everyone, my heart ached again—the more I thought about it, the more my heart ached! All that was lost was money!

Even if the Xi family is rich, they can't afford such a blow!

Especially in the curios and antiques shop, several treasures that were used as the treasures of the store to attract customers, improve the grade, and were not sold at all are gone. Those are really good things that even the rich can't buy!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is worth tens of thousands of dollars!

But, it's all gone!

Among those few items, two belonged to the Second Highness, two belonged to the Meng family, and three were passed down by the ancestors of the Xi family.

Mr. Xi's heart hurts

Before he could recover, news came one after another that most of the granaries, silk warehouses, department stores and other warehouses had been wiped out.

Master Xi, who just woke up, yelled and passed out again!

Such a big thing happened, how should he explain to the Meng family and the second prince?

Mr. Xi's wives and concubines were crying, and the Xi family was in chaos.

After such a big event happened, Meng Fujun, the two young masters of the Meng family, came to Xi's house in person, ignoring that Mr. Xi was haggard and sick in bed, and scolded his head and face, which made Mr. Xi look pale.

Could Meng Fujun not be angry? This loss is not only the money of the Xi family, but also the capital of the Meng family and the Second Highness!

Although there are still a few branches of gold, silver, jewelry boxes, curios and antiques, compared with the main store, the branches are one after another, and this loss is irreparable.

"Think about this matter carefully, who did it, I want an explanation." Meng Fujun finished cursing, and hummed coldly.

Master Xi repeatedly said yes.

"There is also the Zhao family," Meng Fujun said coldly, "If the father and son are willing to submit, please submit, otherwise you don't have to be polite!"

This is good news, Master Xi's eyes lit up, and he replied: "Yes!"

Meng Fujun glanced at him again, and said calmly: "Use the means of shopping malls to defeat them, and try to take the Zhao family's property intact."

The Zhao family's commercial line along the Grand Canal has already operated very maturely, but the Zhao family's foundation is not strong, so it has not yet been able to spread the entire structure.

But their Meng family is different.

As long as the Zhao family's entire industry is taken over - including the important shopkeepers and associates, the power of the Meng family will radiate and develop around that business line in the shortest possible time, and there will be a lot of money by then Bring it?

"Don't worry, young master, the grassroots will definitely live up to their mission!" Master Xi cheered up and responded respectfully again.

Meng Fujun snorted and walked away with his hands behind his back.

Master Xi rubbed his forehead, forced himself to pull himself together, and a stern look flashed across his eyes.

Damn the Zhao family!

"Master, could the Zhao family do what happened this time?" asked Butler Xi.

"Hmph," Master Xi sneered, and said coldly, "I hope the Zhao family did it, but the Zhao family doesn't have the ability yet!"

The Zhao family is far worse than his Xi family.

With the handwriting last night, even if his Xi family wanted to do it, it would be impossible, let alone the Zhao family?

Besides, Mr. Zhao and Zhao Ji are not in the capital now, it is even more impossible to do this with only one Zhao Xiang—who could it be?

Master Xi was in a state of disarray.

Not long after, the shopkeeper of the jewelry shop hurriedly asked to see him again, and told Master Xi all the news he had heard in the market.

Master Xi couldn't help but change color, and Ban Xiang was speechless.


This is the most famous killer organization in the entire Great Zhou Kingdom, its whereabouts are secretive, like a dragon that sees its head but does not see its end, and its abilities are even more outstanding.

It is said that as long as they can afford the price, they have never missed a shot—because even if they miss, they will immediately send a higher-level killer to continue the unfinished task. Unless the entire underworld organization is wiped out, the target will definitely be killed.

Although Master Xi is not from the Jianghu, as the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, he knows a little bit about the underworld.

Hearing the words of the shopkeeper at this moment, how could he not be surprised.

Although he thought it was a bit unbelievable, after all, the underworld was an assassin, not a thief, so how could they do such a thing?

However, if there is no wind, there will be waves. If there is a shortage of money, who can guarantee that they will not do this vote?

If it is true, only they have the ability to do this, and it is probably impossible for anyone else.

Besides, a group of assassins, are they still some kind of gentleman? Who stipulated that they should only kill and not rob?

Treasures worth millions of silver, enough for them to know how long

Master Xi hated it, and immediately passed the news to Mr. Meng Fu, begging Mr. Meng to be the master, at least, he had to ask the people in the underworld!

Meng Fujun didn't say anything.

Meng Fujun naturally knew about the news that spread all over the city.

Similarly, he was dubious in his heart.

However, now that the prince is back, at the behest of the queen, the Meng family spent a sky-high price of six million silver, almost emptying out all the money of the Meng family, to buy the life of the prince from the underworld.

Originally thought that the crown prince was going to die, although the money was painful, it was worth it.

But I didn't expect the prince to come back in good health!

People in the underworld will not be unaware.

He is still waiting for the people in the underworld to continue the unfinished task. Does he want to confront the underworld now? Ask them about the theft of Xi's store?

Meng Fujun was very confused.

Nothing is more important than the prince's life.

Once the underworld is angered and the mission is canceled, the loss will be even greater

However, if Mr. Meng Fu didn't mention it, someone would naturally mention it.

Such a huge and seemingly unpredictable theft occurred in the capital, which alarmed Emperor Yuande.

Emperor Yuande was furious, thinking that this was a provocation to the majesty of the emperor and the imperial court: it is tolerable to dare to commit such a shocking crime at the feet of the emperor!

So he immediately ordered the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, Lianhe Shuntian Mansion, and the Patrol Battalion to thoroughly investigate the case together.

The rumors about the underworld naturally also attracted the attention of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and other investigators.

Right now, there is no clue about this case. Since a hell has popped up, it is naturally regarded as the number one suspect.

Coupled with the people from Zhou Yunshen's faction quietly helping the situation, it is imperative to find the underworld and arrest the suspect.

The core investigators from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple and other core investigators have even quietly reached an unspeakable agreement: the person from the underworld must be caught, and the thief must be from the underworld!

Otherwise, where are they going to find another suspect?

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