Mrs. Xu said "yes" embarrassingly, feeling bitter in her heart.

Mo Xinyuan was very happy, pulled Mu Qingli and said with a smile: "Biao sister-in-law is really good, I didn't expect to come so soon! Fortunately, I asked people to hurry up and clean up the back seat in the past two days, otherwise If not, there will be no place to put it!"

Mrs. Xu hurriedly laughed and said: "Our Marquis Long's mansion is so big, and the storeroom is spacious and bright, so it's perfect for storing these things. Why is my sister so troublesome? It's better to put them in the storeroom!"

"After all, these are my personal belongings, so don't bother my sister-in-law," Mo Xinyuan said with a smile, "Besides, my yard is big enough to fit my things. This is what I will rely on for the rest of my life. Keep it under my nose." I feel more at ease under my sister-in-law, but I have let down my sister-in-law's good intentions."

Mrs. Xu wanted to say something else, but she glanced at Mu Qingli, didn't say anything, just forced a smile and said, "Since you've already said that, then it's up to you. Your brother and your sister-in-law won't care about the rest of your life, You just take it easy."

Mu Qingli smiled "hehe" and didn't comment.

Seeing everyone quickly put all the dowry into the warehouse and locked the door, they left.

Mrs. Xu was furious, and when Long Enhou came back, she told him everything about it.

Long Enhou was also very angry, you must know that he had reached an agreement with the Meng family, that dead girl held everything tightly, what would he bring to the Meng family?

He couldn't wait for the next day, ordered people to light the lanterns, and immediately went to talk to Mo Xinyuan.

Mrs. Xu hurriedly stopped him, and said: "Her courtyard is full of people from the Eastern Palace. We are afraid that we will suffer if we go there. Wouldn't it be better to ask her to come over?"

Long Enhou nodded: "That's right!" He ordered the two old nuns to call Mo Xinyuan over.

Mo Xinyuan was flipping through the dowry booklet in the room, and couldn't help but sneer when she heard this, so she brought Yuegui and Yunxiang over, and told Yuemei and the others to guard the door.

How could Long Enhou have any brother-sister relationship with her? He came here by adoption, and he was always unnatural in front of Mo Xinyuan, who was an upright daughter of the Mo family. He would subconsciously feel inferior, so he hated Mo Xinyuan even more, and he didn't want to meet her at all on weekdays.

Being forced by money at this moment, that is unavoidable.

But she didn't give her a good face when she saw Long Enhou, and raised her eyebrows bluntly: "You put all your dowry in your own yard, what's the matter? Under the protection of the Marquis of Long En, all the expenses for food and clothing belong to the Marquis, and those dowry cannot be regarded as your own!"

Mo Xinyuan also hates this so-called "elder brother" who is not worthy of being her parent's heir at all. Every time she sees him, she doesn't look good. After hearing this, she sneers and says: "A girl's first marriage is up to her parents, and then she is up to herself. The dowry Since it has been given to me, it is my personal thing, so how can it not be considered as my own? If brother doesn’t want to protect me or provide food and clothing, then that’s fine too. Give me a piece of paper to make it clear, Minger I will take my own luggage and buy a house to live in, so as not to disturb your eyes, how about it?"

"Presumptuous!" Long Enhou became furious, slapped the coffee table, and said angrily: "This is how you talk to my brother? What about the rules? Huh?"

Long Enhou glared fiercely at Mo Xinyuan, and said coldly: "What black and white words, thank you for being able to say it? You are shameless. "Brother, if you know that you are under my protection, just be obedient and hand over everything to me! Don't worry, as long as the Marquis is here, you will never be displaced. You are a woman, holding so many belongings What use is it in your hand?"

Move out and buy a house to live in?

If this is the case, Zhou Yunshen still has no choice but to deal with him. This little slut just said that on purpose to annoy him.

Mo Xinyuan immediately lowered her face, and said coldly: "I have the final say on whether it is useful or not. If I don't hand it over, so what? Brother, what do you want?"

In front of everyone, Long En's seven orifices were filled with smoke, especially when he remembered that when Zhou Yunshen was not around, she didn't dare to resist what he said, and now she is going to heaven!

Long Enhou sneered and said: "You dare to disobey elder brother, I can't forgive you just because of this! You kneel down to the ancestral hall for me, when will you figure out when and come to see me again."

Mo Xinyuan raised her eyes sharply, looking at Long Enhou in disbelief.

Kneeling in the ancestral hall? He dared to speak.

"Hurry up!" Long Enhou said with a sneer, "This is Long Enhou's mansion, the Mo family! As an elder brother, I will teach you a lesson, who can say otherwise?"

Mrs. Xu was also taken aback by Long Enhou's decision, and quickly persuaded with a smile: "Master Hou, if you have something to say, why should your family make such a fuss—"

"Shut up!" Long Enhou glared at Xu Shi, even blaming her.

If it wasn't for her being useless and letting this little bitch carry all her belongings into the yard, why would there be anything going on at this moment?

Doesn't she know the importance of those belongings? Without those things, what can I give to the Meng family?

He hasn't blamed her and settled accounts with her yet. She still has the face to intercede for that little bitch?

"You still don't want to leave, do you want me to take you there personally?" Long Enhou sneered.

Mo Xinyuan's face was frosty, she sneered, turned around and strode away.

Yuegui and Yunxiang didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end. Seeing that Mo Xinyuan turned to leave, they also turned and followed.

"Miss Biao, do you really want to go to the ancestral hall?"

Mo Xinyuan paused slightly, then sneered and said, "Go, of course. My brother has already spoken, can I not go?"

Yue Gui said quickly: "You and Yun Xiang go there first, the servants go back to get the bedding and blankets, Miss Biao, don't wrong yourself."

Mo Xinyuan thought for a while, then nodded, and said with a smile, "It's lucky to have you all by my side."

If she and Yun Xiang were the only two, how could they beat these people? These people are simply unreasonable.

Fortunately, she is no longer alone.

Yue Gui smiled: "Miss Biao is out of line, this is what a servant girl should do."

In the hall, Long Enhou was still furious.

Xu said urgently: "Master Hou, you, you really punished that girl to kneel in the ancestral hall, is it okay? If the East Palace—"

"What's wrong with the East Palace? The East Palace can't stretch out its hands so long, are you still not allowed to discipline my family?" Long Enhou snorted coldly, and simply kept doing nothing, saying: "Don't sleep tonight, wait later Tell someone to climb over the wall and enter the yard, break the door lock, and get all the things out!"

"Ah! This—" Mrs. Xu couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Long Enhou in a daze.

Xu's whole body was dumbfounded: Is this okay?

Long Enhou was originally a side branch of the Mo family, and he was also a side branch of the concubine. Although his surname was also Mo, he was extremely poor since he was a child. ? What sneaky things haven't been done?

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