All of a sudden, countless pairs of eyes glared at the servants.

Those young servants immediately turned pale, and hurriedly distinguished each other.

"We are not thieves, we are people from the house!"

"It's wrong, Master Hou ordered us to do this!"

Master Hou ordered?

Everyone was dumbfounded!

In the noisy chaos, someone saw Long Enhou with a livid face, and it was even more inexplicable for a moment.

"Master Hou—this, you, why are you here?"

Someone asked in surprise.

These words are the voices of everyone at the moment!

That's right, it's midnight, why is Lord Hou here? Isn't this Miss's yard? Even if Lord Hou cares about Miss, it's impossible to come to Miss's yard in the middle of the night, right?

Besides, Miss was punished to kneel in the ancestral hall.

"You bastard! You're a bastard!" Long En trembled angrily, glared at Yuemei and shouted, "It's midnight, what's your name! This is Ben Hou's mansion, where is Ben Hou happy to ask you to take care of it? Hmm?"

Yuemei innocently said: "How did this servant know that Lord Hou would come over in the middle of the night, and I didn't hear anyone calling for the door, and when I came here, I saw someone knocking down the door, so I naturally thought it was a thief, so I called out. The servant was panicked , where did you see carefully that it was Lord Hou?"

"You!" Long Enhou glared at Yuemei fiercely, wishing to tear her alive.

Didn't hear anyone calling the door?

Everyone was confused: how did so many people come in if they didn't hear the door call?

Someone suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a ladder on the courtyard wall outside the door, and was even more speechless for a while.

I just couldn't believe what I was thinking.

Some of those who knew the nature of Lord Hou already understood the general idea at this moment, and they were quite speechless for a while.

But in the end, it is the servants of this mansion, and naturally they have to face their master in everything, so they immediately drove the servants away: "It's all right, it's all right, let's go quickly, everyone is gone!"

As long as I'm not a fool, I understand that I seem to have bumped into something I shouldn't have bumped into tonight, so I quickly want to leave.

"Wait!" Yuemei sneered and said, "Master Hou, the servants saw with their own eyes that these people tried to smash the door and rob the young lady's dowry, so why is it all right? Is it not the case that Master Hou intends to take care of? Master Hou doesn't care, servants tomorrow I had no choice but to report to the officials at the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion! Otherwise, if there is another time and the young lady’s dowry is lost, wouldn’t it mean that the servants are not doing enough to supervise them? Even if the Lord Hou and the young lady can spare the servants, the prince and concubine will not be able to forgive them either! The slaves can’t bear such a big responsibility!”

Several young servants were panic-stricken, screaming for grievances repeatedly, and kept saying that they were following orders, and some of the more clever and clever ones knelt down to Long Enhou and begged for his mercy.

As a slave in a high-ranking family, I have heard many examples of being pushed out as a scapegoat by the master. In the current situation, they are the ones who are pushed out as the scapegoat if they are not careful.

Who is not afraid of death?

Long Enhou was going crazy with anger, but when he thought of Yuemei's words, he couldn't help feeling jealous.

If this matter hadn't started, and if there were only Yuemei and the others, he might have asked someone to beat Yuemei and the others to death.

Come to the dead without proof!

At that time, even if the crown prince is furious and dissatisfied, so what?

At most, I lose my temper.

But right now, everyone in the mansion has been alarmed, dozens of people are crowded inside and outside the courtyard, can he still stop everyone's mouths?

There is no way to kill all these people!

One or two servants died among the rich and powerful families, and they just found an excuse and prevaricated.

However, if dozens of people die at once, the government will definitely intervene!

"You misunderstood!" Long Enhou calmed down, took a deep breath, stared at Yuemei with a cold face and said coldly: "They are not thieves, they are people brought by the Marquis."

Everyone gasped, dumbfounded.

Yuemei sneered: "Master Hou, what is the meaning of this?"

Long Enhou snorted softly, without changing his face, he said: "It's not safe to put so much dowry in this inverted seat. Ben Hou specially asked someone to come over and move it to the warehouse in the mansion. Why, could it be possible to ask you? Ben Hou is doing this for the good of Xinyuan, otherwise, if he gets caught by a thief, wouldn't it be a pity?"

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to think.

Everyone knew that their master had become a master all of a sudden because of the emperor's grace, but they never expected him to be so shameless.

Yuemei almost didn't give her an angry laugh, and sneered loudly: "It turns out that Lord Hou has a good heart! But is Lord Hou too impatient? He came to move things in the middle of the night, and even called the maid to tie us up." Move? Why is this?"

Long Enhou sneered: "Don't spitting blood, since when did Benhou order you to be tied up? If you really ordered someone to tie you up, how can you still stand here? Ridiculous!"

"." Yuemei choked, feeling speechless!

Suddenly I miss the princess so much.

Instinctively, she felt that only a princess could deal with this kind of person.

Long Enhou suddenly felt complacent, and said with a sneer, "So what if it's midnight? Benhou is just thinking about this matter, the more he thinks about it, the more worried he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the more he can't sleep, so he came over to have a look."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yuemei, and without blushing, he actually praised her a few words: "You girl is quite conscientious, and you even know that Benhou brought someone into the yard. Miss, you are not in vain! Only you You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't be yelling at people indiscriminately, and you just let you yell for something when you have nothing to do! How is it decent to be frizzy?"

"." Yuemei opened her mouth, but she was speechless!

I really want to swear!

"What are you all doing here in the middle of the night? Why don't you all back down!" Long Enhou glanced at the servants with different expressions and scolded.

"Let's go, let's all go!" A group of managers, big and small, also started to chase people away, and took the lead to leave.

Just kidding, tonight's incident is obviously weird, no one wants to be implicated as cannon fodder for no reason, if you don't leave now, when will you wait?

Is it easy to mix things up between the masters?

Yuemei sneered and didn't say anything to stop her this time.

Meeting such a shameless person, she was speechless to the extreme.

Miss Biao has such a so-called "elder brother", and it is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Soon, the dense crowd all left.

Even the servants who had been ordered by Marquis Long En to bind Yuemei and the others saw that the opportunity was not good, and all retreated among the crowd.

They are no match for this pungent girl, they are hurting with injuries from her beating, so what's the use of staying?

Yuemei stood there, with two nuns and two maidservants standing behind her, five of them lined up, staring at Long Enhou, if he asked someone to steal something, he would not be polite to him Hands-on posture.

Seeing those five people staring at him as if guarding against thieves, Long Enhou was so angry!

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