"What? You're not willing to pay?" Mu Qingli said with contempt on her face: "You are an imposing young master with a lot of money and a lot of money. You can't even give me a few road money and want me to go with you? Then don't think about it! "

Road money?

Both Mo Nan and Meng Xinlin couldn't help but twitch their mouths and became speechless.

What a mess, it's all

"Since Brother Xi still has unresolved grievances with you, little brother, it's up to you whether you want to go or not! Everything must be settled, right?" Meng Xinlin raised his voice with a sneer.

Deliberately let everyone in the surroundings hear it, let everyone know that they have Liangzi to solve, even if they do it later, it will be a famous teacher.

Mu Qingli glanced at Meng Xinlin, and said plausibly, with a voice no lower than his: "Yes, we have a grievance to settle, and it's the grievance of money! You want me to go with him without paying, how can it be so cheap?" Things! Are you domineering because of your wealth and power? Is there any justice in the eyes of everyone? This is at the foot of the emperor in the capital. Do you have the law of the king and the emperor in your eyes!"

"Shut up!" Meng Xinlin and Mo Nan changed their colors together.

Meng Xinlin waved his hands towards the palace, stared at Mu Qingli and shouted coldly: "Bold and unreasonable, you are the one who can casually blaspheme the emperor, you are so brave!"

Mu Qingli shouted: "The emperor loves the people so much, I am also the emperor's subjects. You obviously don't have the emperor in your eyes and want to bully the emperor's subjects because of your wealth and power. How dare you turn around and slander me?"

"You!" Meng Xinlin was angry, and Mo Nan also stared blankly.

Both of them had the same thought at the moment: No wonder Brother Xi wanted to burst into flames when he saw this kid, he really is a shameless and sinister villain.

People of their status say that they are superior and superior, but they also have their scruples and fears.

For example, at this moment, after Mu Qingli yelled so much, they really couldn't do anything to her.

Meng Xinlin became angry from embarrassment, and he also felt resentment in his heart.

Young Master Xi didn't make a sound, and sneered secretly to himself with a gloomy face, wishing that this ignorant brat would continue to die.

A second young master of the Meng family and a companion of the Second Highness's Second Highness, the Marquis of Yongchun, even if he can't do anything to him today, it will be enough for him in the future.

Mo Nan rolled his eyes and suddenly smiled and said, "Do you want money?"

Mu Qingli's eyes lit up, and a cunning that disappeared without a trace before they had time to see it flashed past her eyes, she nodded again and again, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, I see money eyes open, love money like life, Well, as long as three thousand taels, whoever you want can pay. I will go with you for three thousand taels."

The eyes of the three of Mo Nan were full of contempt, and Mo Nan raised his eyebrows and said: "In this case, how about going to the gambling house? There is plenty of money in the gambling house, you and Brother Xi have a good gamble, and the loser is at the mercy of the winner. How about being gentle, everyone, and ending the festivities between you?"

Young Master Xi's eyes lit up, and he said with a sneer, "Mo Shizi's proposal is good, brat, do you dare to accept it?"

Mu Qingli sneered in her heart, what she said was really sweet, please be gentle and make a final decision! If it was her who lost, it must be this life, right?

Of course, in their view, they will definitely not win, because they will not let themselves win.

However, the casino? Ha ha!

Mu Qingli glanced at the three of them, and said with a smile: "Is the young master Guangxi blocked by himself? The two young masters don't want to join in the fun?"

Meng Xinlin was very disdainful: "Wait until you win Brother Xi!"

But Mu Qingli shook her head: "If I win him, how dare you bet with me? The young man's words aroused my interest. I haven't bet for a long time! Well, just with Young Master Xi betting alone seems a bit unsatisfactory! The two young masters don't seem to be cowardly, are they afraid of losing?"

"Since you say that, if we refuse again, we will look down on you. Then don't you say that we are bullying the few!" Mo Nan sneered.

Meng Xinlin snorted, apparently acquiescing.

Young Master Xi's eyes lit up and he was secretly delighted, and secretly scolded Mu Qingli for being insane and deserved to seek death.

"No! As long as you lose and admit it, I will definitely not say anything!" Mu Qingli laughed.

This brazen words were exchanged for three people's eyes and sneers.

"If that's the case, then please!" Young Master Xi said coldly impatiently.

In his eyes, Mu Qingli was already a dead person at this time, he was very happy, and he was more polite to him, and he did not open his mouth and shut up "stinky boy".

"Okay!" Mu Qingli smiled and said, "Where's the money?"


The three of them were taken aback.

"Three thousand taels!"

Three people: "."

Even the entourage behind the three of them couldn't help rolling their eyes secretly, thinking that this guy is really good, he really got into the eyes of money, at this time, he is still thinking about money, and he doesn't know how to die when he turns around.

Without hesitation, Young Master Xi took off the jade pendant around his waist and threw it to Mu Qingli, saying with a cold face: "This is the best top-grade sapphire, worth at least five thousand taels!"

Mu Qingli touched it and said with a smile, "I don't have any change for you."

Young Master Xi was so angry that he gritted his teeth with a dark face: "Don't look for it!"

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "As expected of the young master Xi, he is rich and powerful! Let's go!"

Young Master Xi snorted heavily, Meng Xinlin and Mo Nan gave Mu Qingli a look, and they all went to the casino together.

The Xi family has such a big business, how could there not be a gambling house in the capital?

Backed by the Meng family, the Xi family not only has a gambling house, but also has a large capital and an excellent location-it is nearby.

Nine Linglong Gambling House, one of the three major gambling houses in Beijing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is making money every day.

The one they wanted to take Mu Qingli to was naturally Jiu Linglong Casino.

A group of people entered the gambling house with great momentum. Mu Qingli glanced at the lively hall full of gambling, and said with a smile: "I just like to gamble here. It's lively, everyone can see it, and I'm not afraid of someone cheating. If you win or win, you are all convinced, what do you think?"

The three exchanged glances and sneered, "Okay, here it is!"

The chief manager of the gambling house quickly ran out from the back hall to greet him, and after listening to the orders of the young master Xi, he immediately asked everyone to vacate the best seats in the middle.

The gamblers were still a little bit dissatisfied at first, but when they figured out what was going on, how could they still be dissatisfied? Everyone is gearing up, their eyes are shining, and they are excitedly waiting to watch the excitement.

This is a huge excitement. After watching this excitement, it is enough to boast for more than ten years, and it is more exciting than gambling by yourself.

The gambling table was set, but Mu Qingli kicked and fell to the ground, glaring at the young master Xi who was about to get angry, and said with a smile: "Master Xi, don't be angry, how do I know if your gambling table has any tricks?" ? After all, this is your Xi family's business, so I must rest assured. It seems more fair to carry a table for the Eight Immortals to eat."

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