Now with the addition of her five senses, clear spirit, and hearing, playing this game is even more childish.

The number of points on each side is different, so there is naturally a slight difference in weight, and just on the side at six o'clock, her thumb has pressed it quietly, the difference is so small that others will never notice it, and she listens to the sound to distinguish the size more carefully. Countless, Young Master Xi wanted to compare points with her, how could he possibly beat her?

It's not her blowing, even if you want five or six points for each hand, it's not difficult!

Young Master Xi was at a loss for words, and glared at Mu Qingli viciously.

Most of the gamblers are rough and straightforward, but they don't know what to be afraid of. At that moment, many people started talking about it, and they made Young Master Xi very angry.

Mu Qingli didn't think it was enough, so before Young Master Xi could speak, she smiled generously and said, "How about, Young Master Xi asks someone to fetch two more sets of dice, and let's continue playing with another pair?"

"Coax!" Suddenly, everyone's discussion became louder, and they looked at Young Master Xi and others with disdain.

After all, this dice was originally provided by the gambling house, and it wasn't brought by this young man. After the dice was put on the table, he never took it away. With so many eyes, can this young man still play tricks? It's true that these onlookers are all blind!

If you can't afford to lose, just say it, why make such a clumsy excuse?

When gamblers enter the casino, ten out of ten will lose in the end, often losing everything! It was not easy to see a person who beat the boss of the gambling shop so hard and relieved them. Everyone subconsciously regarded Mu Qingli as someone on their side, and of course they helped her even more.

Young Master Xi really planned to change the dice, but when Mu Qingli mentioned it, he couldn't say anything. He gave Mu Qingli a hard look and snorted coldly: "No need! You don't have that ability in this book. You are acting like a demon in front of your eyes!"

Mu Qingli clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Thank you, Master Xi, for your gambling skills, thank you very much!"

Young Master Xi's forehead was throbbing with veins, as if beating someone.

Meng Xinlin put his hand lightly on Young Master Xi's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother Xi is still such an old problem, he will become impulsive when he is tired, why don't Brother Xi take a rest and replace me?"

Young Master Xi's heart sank slightly.

Although Meng Xinlin has also played dice, but his skills are not very good, it can only be regarded as a little better in general.

But now that he said that, it was obvious that he didn't believe in himself.

But, can Young Master Xi blame him? Not to mention that Meng Xinlin showed that he didn't believe in himself, it means that his self-confidence has been shattered to pieces at this moment, and even he himself can't believe in himself!

This brat is too wicked!

Could it be that their Xi family has had bad luck recently? Could it be that he really wants to listen to his father and go back to Jinling to burn incense and worship Buddha to get rid of bad luck?

"I'm really tired, Brother Meng, please." Young Master Xi smiled at him following Meng Xinlin's words, stood up, and the two changed positions.

Meng Xinlin glanced at Mu Qingli, and said in a deep voice: "Since this young master offered to bet with the three of us, he probably doesn't mind me taking the bet?"

Meng Xinlin's words were equivalent to explaining to the crowd watching: it wasn't that the three of them bullied this brat alone, but that this brat took the initiative to provoke them and wanted to gamble with the three of them.

"Of course I don't mind," Mu Qingli said with a smile: "It's the way it should be. You can take turns between the three of you, so that no one will be tired, and you will be convinced if you lose, hee hee!"

Meng Xinlin's throat was clogged, and he had the same urge to beat someone up like Young Master Xi—this brat is really hateful, talking to him would make her pissed off to death!

Meng Xinlin snorted with a sullen face, and simply didn't bother to take her words to argue with her, and said coldly: "This time, whoever we bet will have the lower score, you don't think you have any objection?"

Everyone was in an uproar, and some couldn't help curling their lips in disdain.

But Mu Qingli smiled and said: "Okay! Then bet on who has the lowest points, and you must be convinced to lose, hee hee!"

The veins on Meng Xinlin's forehead twitched, he resisted the urge to attack, his face turned darker: "Please!"


Mu Qingli's movements are chic, and her expression is calm and calm. Compared with her, Meng Xinlin's face is sullen, as if he is facing a big enemy, and he doesn't dare to breathe, obviously losing a bit in terms of momentum.

"Young master, come on!"

"Young master, you must persevere, and show your brothers a few more hands to open your eyes!"

"Today's gamble is really exciting, hehe!"

Except for her own people in the gambling house, all the onlookers almost overwhelmingly helped Mu Qingli, stood by her side to encourage her, and the young master Xi and others were even more angry.

But no matter how angry you are, you can't do anything to these gamblers.

These guys are the bread and butter of the casino.

If it offends them, and spread the word ten to ten, who will come to Jiu Linglong in the future? This gambling house is not the only one in the capital.

Meng Xinlin gambled more than a dozen times in a row, followed in the footsteps of Young Master Xi and lost without exception!

"Good! Good!"

"Wonderful, it's just too wonderful!"

"Amazing, amazing! It's never seen before!"

The gamblers were about to go crazy, screaming excitedly, staring at the pile of chips in front of Mu Qingli, their eyes were red.

You know, she only has three thousand taels for gambling, one bet is one thousand taels, at the beginning she only had three chips, and she won three chips in one game, and now she doesn't know how many chips.

Meng Xinlin was still complaining in his heart that Young Master Xi was unlucky, but at this moment, he was a little startled.

If it wasn't for their own gambling shop, not only did everything they provided belong to them, but also there were countless pairs of eyes staring at this brat in the open and in the dark.

However, in the current situation, he didn't even have an excuse to question other people's money.

In one game, each player had one thousand taels, and in a blink of an eye, he alone lost to Mu Qingli by another fifteen thousand taels.

Although the total is not much, but, if this goes on——

The three of them quickly exchanged glances with the same meaning in their eyes: keep going, I don't believe this kid's luck can continue to be so good!

In the blink of an eye, Meng Xinlin gambled countless times. He lost his eyes and was so confused that he didn't think about it anymore. He just held back his energy and refused to accept it. He gambled with Mu Qingli one after another. I always think that maybe I will win the next game, and maybe the feng shui will turn around in the next game.

It wasn't until Mo Nan and Young Master Xi called him several times that he was called out of his spiritual world.

"Brother Meng, my hands are itchy, let me try." Mo Nan said with a smile.

Quietly gestured to him and moved his lips and said something softly.

Meng Xinlin's heart sank suddenly, and he stared at Mu Qingli coldly, his face was so dark that ink dripped out.

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