Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 846: Second Young Master Meng's Deduction

Mu Qingli said with a smile that was not a smile: "From this moment on, this is my territory. If you stay any longer, I will charge you money!"

The three of Meng Xinlin all wanted to vomit blood: This smelly, hard and shameless bastard, why didn't he take money into his eyes!

Meng Xinlin snorted heavily, then turned to look at the chief steward.

The chief steward immediately said: "Your servant will do it now."

Everyone began to exit in an orderly manner, and all gamblers were cleared.

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "If everyone is gone, what if you become angry and bully me? No, I have to wait at the door. Be safer at the door!"

Meng Xinlin and others turned a deaf ear to her and no longer wanted to talk to her.

Meng Xinlin and Mo Nan understood what kind of experience Master Xi had before, and they would rather never have such an experience.

It couldn't be worse!

The crowd was quickly cleared, and the chief steward gave orders to go down, and all the servants in the gambling house were running at high speed, jumping around in a hurry.

Although it is said that only people leave and only the account books are taken away. But how is it actually possible?

Before leaving, of course, how much damage can be done, how much damage can be done, how much stuff can be taken away, and everyone can take advantage of it by fishing in troubled waters.

They will not leave things intact to Mu Qingli.

In the small hall, the faces of Meng Xinlin and the others were as heavy as water, and they were in an extremely bad mood.

"Brother Meng, what are we going to do with that brat?" Young Master Xi asked through gritted teeth.

Meng Xinlin sneered, and said coldly: "I will ask people to follow him, he can't run away."

The guards of the Meng Mansion are superb in martial arts, and it is no problem to deal with such a rascal without anyone noticing.

Eldest Young Master Xi said coldly: "Brother Meng, please explain, we must catch the living."

The hatred in Young Master Xi's heart went deep into his bone marrow, even killing Mu Qingli felt that it would be cheap for him.

Mo Nan also felt this way, and immediately echoed: "Yes, we must catch the living! Damn, I have never suffered such a big loss when I grow up. I can't swallow this breath unless I torture him to death."

Imagining Mu Qingli's tragic end, Meng Xinlin's mood finally improved a lot, and he smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I also don't want to let him die so easily."

What Meng Xinlin didn't tell them was that he was still ready to ask Mu Qingli carefully how he practiced gambling skills. That's not something ordinary people can do. It would be a pity to kill him, it would be better to ruin his face and let him make money for the casino after wearing a mask.

Mo Nan immediately said hurriedly: "Since this is the case, sooner or later this gambling house will belong to us, so tell them not to destroy it. If everything is destroyed, we will not be the ones who suffer?"

"That's true!" Young Master Xi also suddenly came back to his senses, and quickly asked the servant beside him to give instructions.

Soon, everyone withdrew.

The chief manager of the gambling house handed over the title deed to Mu Qingli, and said with a smirk: "Young master, congratulations, from now on, you are the master of Jiu Linglong."

"Thank you very much!" Mu Qingli smiled, checked that the land deed was real, put it in her arms, and walked away.

Of course, apart from the Jiu Linglong's title deed, and the chips she had won from them before, all of them were exchanged for silver notes.

Today's trip was actually quite profitable.

As soon as he turned a corner, Mu Qingli was pulled into the carriage by Zhou Yunshen who was waiting here in advance.

"Miss, are you enjoying yourself?" Zhou Yunshen hugged her and asked with a helpless and doting smile.

Many people including Meng Xinlin knew him, so it was naturally inconvenient for him to enter the gambling house.

But he was worried about Mu Qingli, so he sent guards to pretend to be gamblers to sneak in to see what happened inside, so he naturally knew the general idea.

"It's okay, it's just that we missed the time for our lake tour!" Mu Qingli shook the land deed with a smile, and said with a smile: "This is a big gift that someone insists on coming to your door. I won't accept it. They won't let me let's go!"

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but laugh, and said with a smile: "You are too courageous, why dare to go anywhere! Meng Xinlin and Mo Nan are different from Xi's father and son. They have a lot of skilled people under their hands, so be careful in the future. As for swimming in the lake, that's all. , let’s just have dinner on the lake, and it’s okay to return to the palace later.”

"Okay!" Mu Qingli smiled very generously: "I treat you!"

She made a lot of money today, and now she is rich!

Although she was originally a rich person, the mood of making money today is particularly wonderful.

"Okay!" Zhou Yunshen laughed.

The tail that Meng Xinlin sent to follow was deliberately led into a remote place by the carriage. The two of them didn't even know who was in the carriage except Mu Qingli, so Zhou Yunshen's hidden guards silently took care of them.

Zhou Yun was deeply annoyed at his despicableness, so he ordered his men to quietly throw the bodies of those two people into the courtyard of the Meng Mansion, which was regarded as a silent warning.

Besides, the three of Meng Xinlin, in the private room of the restaurant, waited left and right, but they didn't get a reply from the follower. Although they couldn't believe it, they had to admit that the two of them had probably encountered an accident.

"Who is that brat? It seems that his identity is not simple." Meng Xinlin said in a deep voice.

He knows the people he sends out.

If the other party is just a mean-spirited rascal, even ten of them will not be able to escape.

However, the people he sent didn't come back at all. I'm afraid it's too bad and they won't come back again.

"Brother Xi, how did you provoke that brat?" Mo Nan asked.

Eldest Young Master Xi didn't look well, so he explained the matter in detail.

He didn't think so at first, but now he didn't need Meng Xinlin and Mo Nan to remind him, he thought of it himself.

Young Master Xi murmured: "It's the Zhao family, he should have something to do with the Zhao family"

Except this time, every time that stinky brat shows up is related to the Zhao family's affairs, damn it, why didn't he think of it before?

"The Zhao family?" Mo Nan didn't know such a small person as the Zhao family at all, and asked inexplicably, "What kind of family is that? Is it very powerful? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Young Master Xi said with a smile: "It's just a third-rate merchant family. It's normal that Shizi has never heard of it."

Mo Nan let out an "oh" after hearing this, and lost interest.

Meng Xinlin sneered, but said coldly: "You're half right. I think that brat not only has something to do with the Zhao family, but he must also have something to do with the East Palace."

Young Master Xi was stunned, and suddenly realized: Yes, since there are various signs that the Zhao family and the East Palace have already communicated secretly, and that brat appeared by such a coincidence, who would believe that he has nothing to do with the East Palace?

So today—they were actually cheated by the East Palace?

"Damn it!" Meng Xinlin slammed his fist on the coffee table, and said fiercely with remorse: "If I had known this earlier."

If he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have made a fuss about it. He didn't care about other people's gossip, so he asked someone to forcibly take down that kid early in the morning.

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