She doesn't have more time to collude with Yuezhu, so it's better for Yuezhu to "protect her from being stunned by the mysterious man and not knowing anything", and leave the rest to her.

The footsteps that were approaching unhurriedly outside the yard, suddenly panicked after hearing Mu Qingli's scream, and soon, four eunuchs rushed in.

"Hurry up, chase after me! There are people, there are people." Mu Qingli was terrified and terrified, sitting on the ground with difficulty, pointing to the window that he smashed and screaming: "Hurry up, someone came from there!" Run away, chase after!"

The four eunuchs were all dumbfounded, and subconsciously looked at the leader: How could this happen? Obviously it shouldn't be like this, right?

When they broke in, shouldn't they have seen that pot of Ganoderma lucidum broken by the princess, and then they should have panicked and screamed to make it known to everyone?

But why is the situation in front of them completely different from what they expected?

The princess is in such a mess, what happened to the comatose court lady? And what about the broken windows?

"Crown princess, why are you here?" An eunuch asked hurriedly after gathering his composure.

How could Mu Qingli care about him? Now she has been greatly frightened and her mind has not yet returned to normal. She can't hear the sound of the outside world at all, and she just keeps screaming: "Someone, someone! Help, help!"

The four eunuchs were at a loss for a while!

One person turned around suddenly, ran towards the place where the ganoderma was placed outside, and then ran back with a pale face, screaming: "No, no, the ganoderma is gone! It's gone! Someone stole it!"

"What!" The remaining three were ashamed at the same time.

Mu Qingli yelled and yelled, which soon alarmed more people, including the queen.

Almost everyone was taken aback.

At this time, Yuezhu had been carried to a safe place for diagnosis, Mu Qingli's sanity had also recovered, and the dislocated arm was reattached by the imperial doctor. I don't know if it was pain or fright, and she silently stood in front of Queen Meng. Tears, a look of fear.

The news of the loss of the top-quality Ganoderma lucidum has spread throughout the palace, and the guards are investigating everywhere. Who still wants to enjoy the flowers at this moment? Everyone is panicking.

It was only then that everyone found out that after the brothers and sisters of the Bai family came to Beijing, they went to the palace to pay homage to the emperor, and gave the emperor two top-quality Ganoderma lucidum that had grown for thousands of years.

The emperor, Longyan Dayue, ordered the two living Ganoderma lucidum to be carefully planted in a white jade pot, and temporarily placed in the Xiefang Hall for maintenance.

Xiefang Hall is located among the pine forests in the imperial garden, and the terrain is excellent. The pot of freshly transplanted Ganoderma lucidum can absorb the natural essence better in the evening and early morning. After ten days and a half months, the Ganoderma lucidum has fully recovered. , can be moved to Qianqing Palace, facing the emperor day and night.

No one thought that such a thing would happen today——

I heard that the emperor, Longyan, was furious and ordered a thorough investigation to find out the whereabouts of the pot of Ganoderma lucidum.

"Qingli, didn't you mean to send Concubine Lin back? Why did you run to the Palace of Xiefang halfway?" Queen Meng was so angry that she was going crazy, but she didn't give Mu Qingli any good looks, and asked very unhappy.

After all, Mu Qingli was suspicious of this matter, and she wanted to teach her a lesson and scold her, which was only right and proper.

Mu Qingli paused for a moment, her eyes turned red immediately, tears were on the verge of falling, and she glanced at Concubine Lin who was kneeling on the ground.

She didn't please, and neither did Linpin.

Even though this matter seems to have nothing to do with Concubine Lin from the beginning to the end, if it wasn't for seeing Concubine Lin, Mu Qingli would not have left Taiye Poolside.

So speaking of it, Linpin is also inseparable.

Her status was lower than that of Mu Qingli's, and it was quite normal for her to be dragged over and kneeled on the ground.

Someone has to be responsible for this, right?

Even if it was wronged, so what?

Mu Qingli didn't answer, but she glanced at Concubine Lin, and said hesitantly: "Then please ask Concubine Lin."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and continued to cry, afraid to go.

Empress Meng was so angry, she wished she could teach Mu Qingli a lesson.

But she can't, Mu Qingli is also a princess.

Bearing the title of Crown Princess, besides, she has also suffered a lot of crimes. Even if she is wrong today, she cannot be defeated by that little mistake. Empress Meng will never do something that offends people for nothing .

Concubine Lin had no way to shirk it. Although she followed the arrangement of Empress Meng and did all this, she would never dare to say anything about Empress Meng even if she had ten courages.

Concubine Lin, who was crying inwardly and mourning endlessly, could only knock down her teeth and swallow her blood, with tears in her eyes and trembling, said bravely: "Chenqie, Chenqie. The Crown Princess seems a little tired after walking halfway, and I dare not. No If you dare to bother the Crown Princess, then, then, you will go back first, and the concubine doesn't know what happened next! Empress, the concubine is wronged!"

Linpin's heart clenched tightly, for fear that Mu Qingli would refute her.

After all, she was the one who lured Mu Qingli's master and servant to Xiefang Palace, and she went too. This matter can't be hidden from anyone but Mu Qingli.

As long as Mu Qingli refuted, even if everyone didn't believe what Mu Qingli said, at least they would not believe her words.

A chill flashed across Mu Qingli's eyes, as she expected, Concubine Lin really said so.

Mu Qingli didn't intend to refute.

Why refute it?

Concubine Lin's temptation to go to the Palace of Xiefang must have been instigated by Empress Meng. Both she and Queen Meng knew whether Concubine Lin had ever been to the Palace of Xiefang.

But the point of the problem is not here. The point is that even if Empress Meng and Concubine Lin knew that they were lying and that what happened in Xiefang Palace must be out of their control, there was nothing they could do! Couldn't even say it.

Seeing that Mu Qingli remained silent, Empress Meng didn't know whether she was relieved or secretly disappointed, she asked, "Qingli, is that so?"

Mu Qingli was startled for a while, then said "Oh", and said in a low voice, "If Concubine Lin said so, it must be so."

What is this called? Empress Meng is so angry!

"You're messing around too!" Empress Meng slapped the table hard, and shouted at Mu Qingli: "Why did you go to the Palace of Carrying Fang? You want to rest, where can't you rest? Why did you go to the Palace of Carrying Fang! Don't you know there are Ganoderma lucidum placed there!"

"Mother!" Mu Qingli cried: "The concubine doesn't know! If the queen mother didn't mention it just now, the concubine would not know now!"

Empress Meng: "."

Mu Qingli is the only one who doesn't know? Apart from her, none of the other concubines knew

Mu Qingli continued: "Supposedly, since such an important thing is stored in the Xiefang Palace, shouldn't someone guard the door? If the concubine knows that she can't go in, she will definitely not go in. But there is no one outside the palace. The guards, the concubine brought the personal maid in to want to take a rest, who knows, who knows"

4 more tomorrow

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