Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 863 Don't treat yourself as an outsider

He Zhong secretly rolled his eyes, and then described the scene that happened at the gate of the East Palace in detail.

He is the crown prince's confidant, but all the crown prince's confidantes know that the prince dotes on the crown prince's concubine, and their slaves must be more loyal to the crown prince's concubine than to the prince.

When the Crown Princess asked questions, He Zhong naturally wanted to speak clearly.

Mu Qingli twitched the corners of her mouth and was speechless, Yuezhu, Guo Nanny and the others couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering.

Mu Qingli couldn't hold back a "puchi" smile, coughed and coughed to stop her smile, and said to He Zhong with a smile: "Then trouble you to run again and bring her in! And you, stop laughing." , she is the eldest lady of the Medicine God Valley, when you come later, please be respectful to me!"

Everyone should be in unison.

Yue Zhu said contemptuously: "Prince Concubine, you really think highly of that person, you are so shameless and shameless, you dare to hook up with our Crown Prince at the gate of the East Palace, it's a shame that you called her in to entertain her, according to slaves, you should give it to her." Get away!"

Mother Guo and others shared the same hatred, and they all said yes.

Guo Nanny even persuaded her very kindly: "Old slaves know that you have a very good relationship with the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, and the Crown Prince will definitely look down on such a shameless and lowly woman, but if you start this way, I don't know how much it will be. Shameless one after another, Crown Princess, you should take this opportunity to give her a serious slap in the face, and tell others to see, you shouldn't be thinking about it, it's best not to move!"

Yuezhu and the others nodded.

But Mu Qingli said with a smile: "This is the Valley of the Gods of Medicine. It is rare to come to the East Palace on weekdays. I have long wanted to see the skills of the Valley of the Gods of Medicine. How could I let this opportunity come to my door so easily?"

"However, Yaoshengu is proficient in medicine and poison, if this happens—"

"There are still you guys here," Mu Qingli said with a smile: "So, all of you cheer me up and keep an eye on her. This is the East Palace, if she can really move What kind of tricks, I will obey her!"

Seeing that the princess had made up her mind, Mother Guo had no choice but to say no more, and Qi Qi said that she would definitely keep an eye on the young lady of the Medicine God Valley.

Mu Qingli smiled and nodded. Her medical skills are not for showing off, no one in the East Palace knows about her.

Soon Bai Qing came, she seemed to be very familiar with Mu Qingli, she called "Sister Mu" with a smile and ran over with her skirt, not to mention saluting, she didn't even call "Princess Concubine" again.

Perhaps, she avoided this title subconsciously. In her heart, she didn't want to call Mu Qingli "Prince Princess", she just wanted to be a princess herself.

That's why Mu Qingli didn't bother with her no matter how rude she was yesterday.

She was probing step by step yesterday, testing Mu Qingli's bottom line.

Since Mu Qingli didn't care, or even though she felt dissatisfied, she didn't have the guts to ask her to salute, why did she lower her eyebrows in front of her?

There were one hundred and twenty dissatisfaction in her heart.

As it is today, Mu Qingli doesn't have any dissatisfaction, Bai Qing is even more courageous, and she despises Mu Qingli in her heart, thinking that this princess has no dignity or majesty at all, she is simply no good Why should something petty on the table become a princess?

If Mu Qingli knew what she was thinking at the moment, she wouldn't know how drunk she would be.

She can only say that some people are born cheap, and when others are tolerant and kind to her, she is full of disdain and disdain, and she feels comfortable only if people don't give her a good look.

After talking for a while, Bai Qing smiled and went to play in the garden of the East Palace, "The garden of the East Palace must be very beautiful, sister Mu will take me for a walk, wouldn't it be a pity to stay indoors in such a beautiful spring? "

Nanny Guo, Yue Zhu and others secretly rolled their eyes at Bai Qing, cursing inwardly for being shameless! Push your nose to your face!

Mu Qingli said with a very good-tempered smile: "Okay, speaking of which, I haven't gone out for a few days!"

After finishing speaking, she ordered Nanny Guo to take someone to a suitable place in the garden to arrange a place suitable for resting.

Mother Guo took the order and went.

Yue Zhu and the others couldn't help but glanced at Mu Qingli, and felt a little sincere admiration in their hearts: The princess concubine is a good actress, lying is exactly the same as the truth, one day if she doesn't go for a walk in the garden with the prince, What did you say that you haven't gone out for a few days?

Bai Qing was even more proud, and became even more presumptuous when talking to Mu Qingli.

Suddenly smiled and said: "By the way, when I came to look for Sister Mu, I happened to meet the crown prince outside the palace gate. The crown prince probably just came back from the court, why didn't he come to accompany the crown princess and the crown prince?" Is the concubine talking?"

Mu Qingli fixed her eyes and glanced at Bai Qing.

It was clearly an unremarkable glance, but at that moment, Bai Qing suddenly felt as if her heart was being pinched by an invisible hand, and she subconsciously explained with a smile: "I don't have anything else to do." It means, just ask Sister Mu casually."

Mu Qingli smiled gently, and said with a smile: "The prince has a lot to do every day. I don't know how many things to do. How can I have time to talk to me all day long. Well, speaking of it, it's also my fault. I don't even know a few words. Others I don’t even know, don’t understand, and I have nothing to help the prince.”

As Mu Qingli said, she looked a little lonely, she couldn't help but tilt her head, and glanced in the direction of the prince's study.

Yuezhu and the maids of the East Palace who were waiting on her, rolled their eyes speechlessly: "Princess is really bad, they suddenly feel a little sympathetic to Miss Bai, what should I do?"

Bai Qing's palms tightened when she heard this, and she was even more secretly delighted: Sure enough, sure enough, it really was as she expected!

"Where is that, Sister Mu is virtuous, and a woman's lack of talent is a virtue. Maybe this is what the prince likes you for?" Bai Qing cheerfully comforted Mu Qingli.

"Well, maybe it is." Mu Qingli waved her hand, and smiled a little irritably: "Oh, let's not talk about this, by the way, didn't you say to bring two good beauty prescriptions for this palace today? But Brought it? Hurry up, give it to Bengong, and tomorrow I will ask someone to make it and take good care of it.”

Mu Qingli looked at Bai Qing with a beaming smile as she spoke, with a look of eagerness on her face.

Yuezhu and the others had no expression on their face anymore, they were used to it.

Bai Qing still wanted to inquire about the prince, so naturally she couldn't dampen Mu Qingli's interest, otherwise she would be in a bad mood, why would she talk about the prince?

Bai Qing smiled and took out two prescriptions from her sleeve, handed them to Mu Qingli, and said with a smile: "I chose this after deliberating all night, sister Mu just take it."

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