The man's kiss is warm and gentle, his lips and mouth are full of his smell, being hugged and kissed by him, even though she has gone through this experience countless times, every time it still makes her sink, intoxicated, and her body is as clear as ever Like an electric current, becoming numb little by little

"It's not yet time for us to do it ourselves. Madam, don't worry, I will make arrangements for my husband." Enough touching, soft fingertips gently caressing the rosy and soft lips, Zhou Yunshen smiled lightly.

The face of the woman in his arms was pink and flushed, the corners of her eyes were charming and her brows were charming, her beautiful eyes were watery and lovely, Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her again.

Mu Qingli was a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "It's hard to get the location of their lair, don't you plan to do it yourself? How can you rest assured that this kind of thing is left to others?"

At least, she is not at ease.

Zhou Yunshen smiled and said, "I will arrange it properly so that the father's people can find that place."

The hidden guards in Emperor Yuande's hands were all top-notch masters. As long as the location was determined and those people were locked down, and they were caught off guard, the local government would not be worried.

How rare is the millennium Ganoderma lucidum? At least Zhou Yunshen had never seen him except when he was in the Great Forest.

This thing is a rare treasure in the world that can't be found.

However, both of them were stolen by people from the "Underworld". Can the father not be angry?

Of course, what makes him even more angry is not this, but for those people, going in and out of the palace is like visiting their own back garden, they come and go whenever they want, how can the emperor bear it?

This is not only a provocation to the imperial power, but also a great threat to the life of the emperor.

Just imagine, they can steal the ganoderma lucidum without anyone noticing, so what if one day they want to steal the head of the father?

How could the royal father, who is the Ninth Five-Year Venerable and the Lord of the world, allow himself to not even have a peaceful sleep from now on, and even to sleep in fear of being killed in a dream?

This is absolutely intolerable to him.

Therefore, he will definitely carry out the most thorough and cruel lore against the underworld, and will never let any of them slip through the net.

After listening to his explanation in a few words, Mu Qingli was relieved, and said with a smile: "In this way, it's better for us to stay far away, otherwise, if the emperor's people find out, we will be unlucky."

"Your interspatial bracelet, you must hide it well, and you must not reveal even the slightest clue. Just in case someone finds out"

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help exhorting a few words.

Mu Qingli subconsciously raised her hand to touch it, gave him a look and smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as I don't take it out, no one will know!"

Zhou Yun smiled deeply.

Not to mention how Zhou Yunshen arranged the arrangement and spread the news of the underworld, the next day, Bai Qing went to the East Palace to look for Mu Qingli again.

Mu Qingli still had that good-tempered look, as if there was no limit to her tolerance.

This made Bai Qing's self-confidence reach its peak, and her contempt for Mu Qingli also reached its peak.

Then, there is deep unwillingness, dissatisfaction, and resentment.

She excused her petty thoughts, and determined with all her heart that a woman like Mu Qingli, who was unworthy and ignorant, was not worthy of a crown prince, let alone a queen.

Therefore, she replaced it for the good of the crown prince and the whole Zhou Dynasty.

If Dazhou had a queen like Mu Qingli, wouldn't it be a joke for the common people? And just because she can take care of the harem? When the time comes, the harem will be a mess, how can the crown prince handle political affairs with peace of mind?

Bai Qing found the most upright reason for all her actions, seeing Mu Qingli becoming more and more displeased, if she didn't know, seeing her two in the East Palace, she might still think of her as a crown princess.

Even Bai Qing herself felt this way.

However, every time Nanny Guo, Yuezhu and the others called "Prince Concubine" out of their mouths, everyone obeyed Mu Qingli and pulled her out of the illusion.

The torment, jealousy and resentment in Bai Qing's heart were beyond words.

Perhaps, Mu Qingli's kindness to her has no bottom line, and Bai Qing took the opportunity of serving tea to put sterilization medicine in Mu Qingli's tea so quietly.

Bai Qing smiled and persuaded Cha Cha very enthusiastically. She thought she was doing it secretly and foolproof, but she never dreamed that Mu Qingli's five senses were extremely keen, and she couldn't catch up with ten attainments in medicine and poison. How could he fall into her trap?

A icy coldness flashed across Mu Qingli's eyes, and she talked to her with a smile. Guo Nanny took the opportunity to replace the tea with a new cup quickly.

Seeing her drinking the tea with gusto, Bai Qing felt elated, even if she had been to the East Palace so many times and still hadn't been able to see the Crown Prince, so what?

Even if she still can't make the crown prince discover her goodness and fall in love with her, so what?

The medicine produced by Medicine God Valley, no matter what kind of medicine, is very effective. Even the god Daluo can't cure this dose of medicine. Mu Qingli is destined to never give birth again in this life.

It is bad news for the crown prince and Da Zhou that the princess can't give birth to a child.

At that time, after all methods have been exhausted, even if the crown prince loses patience, Mu Qingli herself will definitely think of the God of Medicine Valley and the self who "befriends" her, and will ask for help as her life-saving straw .

At that time, what request can she refuse?

Then, I can justifiably live in the East Palace, facing the Crown Prince day and night.

This day, it will not be too late.

As long as she can't give birth to a child in another year, even if she is not in a hurry, some people will worry for her, and some people will put pressure on her.

Bai Qing was very proud of herself, she just felt that the idea she came up with was so ingenious, one step has paved the way for countless steps in the future.

After thinking about it, she felt that it wasn't enough, so she had to remind Mu Qingli from the side, so that she wouldn't be able to remember and ask her for help when something happened.

After all, this princess is so stupid.

When talking to Mu Qingli, Bai Qing didn't turn the corner. She felt that if she turned the corner and hinted something, it would be impossible for Mu Qingli to understand it, so it's better to be straightforward.

Therefore, Bai Qing, who had just administered the sterilization drug to Mu Qingli silently, blatantly talked in front of Mu Qingli about the importance of offspring to her, the crown princess.

Tell her that if she can't conceive and give birth to the prince as soon as possible, His Royal Highness may be impatient, and the emperor and all the courtiers who support the prince will also have opinions.

After all, for the royal family, heirs are more important than the sky, especially for the prince.

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