Perhaps her smile was too silly, Zhou Yunshen also laughed, scratched her upturned nose, held her face and kissed her.

After a lingering kiss, both of them were a little breathless. Zhou Yun hugged her deeply and leaned closer to her ear with a low smile, "I regretted a day for my husband today, and I shouldn't have wasted so much last night. Otherwise, make up for it tonight." up huh?"

"Don't make trouble!" Mu Qingli blushed, regained her composure and gave him a look, pushed him away and said with a smile: "I'm too uncomfortable, I need to take a bath."

Zhou Yunshen laughed. He was not depressed and disappointed because of her rejection. Instead, his eyes became more fiery, and he said with a very active smile, "I'll boil the water."

Taking out the dry firewood and the big iron pot from the space, Zhou Yunshen rolled up his sleeves and started to boil water very skillfully.

Mu Qingli took out enough water and fresh grass and fed them to the two steeds. In order not to make them feel exhausted and affect their speed, they also specially added some ground milk to the water they drank.

I filled another wooden basin with half a basin of water, and carefully brushed the bodies of the two horses with a soft big brush.

Be sure to take good care of these two, and you will be full of energy tomorrow.

Fortunately, according to the speed at which the two of them ran down in a day, they were already deep into the desert at this moment, and no human traces were basically visible.

Otherwise, if someone saw this scene, they might think they saw a ghost.

The hot water boils quickly - the weather is too hot here, the water does not need to be boiled for a long time, just lukewarm.

Putting aside the screen to circle a small area, Mu Qingli bathed in it, and Zhou Yunshen began to cook.

I was so tired from cycling today that I didn’t want to move, and dinner was simpler, stewed pheasant soup and boiled dumplings.

After Mu Qingli washed, it was time for dinner.

At this time, the sun was already westward, and it was another magnificent and magnificent scene of the long river and the sunset.

Mu Qingli had just bathed and was wearing a light blue gauze dress.

Moisturized by the water vapor, his face was ruddy, his bright eyes seemed to be filled with water mist, and his whole body exuded an extraordinarily bright and clean aura.

Because she had just washed her hair, her black hair was hanging loose like this. The wind blew and fluttered gently, and the faint fragrance came from her hair and body, which made people feel a little bit more excited.

At least in Zhou Yunshen's eyes, why is his wife so attractive? Like a fresh and pleasant lily, it stands pretty in the wind and attracts people to pick it.

He couldn't help wrapping her into his arms, lowered his head and rubbed against her hair, and his hoarse voice was full of temptation: "The evening wind in the desert is very cool, and the hair is so wet, it's easy to blow the wind." You have a headache, come on, let's go into the tent, I'll wipe it off for you, and come out when your hair is dry."

The man is so considerate, the careful care and love make people feel as sweet as honey. Mu Qingli is getting more and more like this. After listening to these sweet words, the corners of her mouth are raised high, obviously in a good mood , nodded with a smile, "Yes", and let the man lead her by the hand into the tent.

However, very soon, in the next second, there was an indescribable movement in the tent, as well as the panting of the princess concubine: "Ah, Zhou Yunshen, you liar!"

A liar is a liar, the prince doesn't mind at all being called a liar by his own wife angrily in such a matter.

The appearance of the lady is too alluring, in this vast and deserted place, since the heart is moved, of course it must be turned into action.

At the end of the day, she liked it very much.

After the two of them finished tossing, it was already the climax of the moon.

The bonfire for stewing chicken soup has been extinguished, and a pot of chicken soup has already been stewed so that even the bones are about to melt in the soup.

It's a good thing the dumplings haven't been made yet, otherwise they might not look like dumplings.

"I'm so sticky and uncomfortable, I have to take a bath later!" Mu Qingli bit her lip with a thin blanket half covering her body, feeling a bit like gnashing her teeth.

It's just that those moist eyes and flushed cheeks are not scary no matter how you look at them, but they add a bit more playful and seductive taste.

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but felt a little moved, he hugged her and smiled dotingly: "Okay, okay, you can wash it as you like."

Anyway, there is no need to worry about water.

The next day, they continued on their way. After a night's rest, the two thousand-mile horses were full of energy and their hooves flew like flying. They didn't look like ordinary horses after entering the desert.

The two of them were lucky that day, and they arrived at an oasis in the afternoon.

Although the area of ​​this oasis is not large, it can be said to be quite good with grass, trees and water sources.

"It seems that King Di's information is not that accurate. Doesn't it mean that it will be at least three or four days before we can meet the supply place? Isn't it?" Mu Qingli said.

You know they've only been away for two days.

Zhou Yun rubbed his nose deeply, and said with a smile, "Lady, I think the speed of others traveling in this Changyun desert should be different from our speed."

When other people's horses enter the desert, not to mention getting slower every day, they will probably be so weak that they will almost move every step. They are not like their horses. They are full of energy.

At such a speed, it is natural to shorten the time.

Uh. Mu Qingli has to admit that what her husband said seems to make sense.

Although there are countless resources that can be used in the space, suddenly being in a verdant and green environment among the long yellow sand still makes people's eyes bright and the mood is extraordinarily comfortable.

Therefore, even though it was still some time before they set up camp in the past, the two of them did not plan to go any further, and planned to stay and stay in this oasis for one night.

Seeing the oasis, the two horses stared straight at the oasis. They had already pawed their hooves and neighed. As soon as the two let go of the reins, the two horses went straight to the clear small lake in the oasis like arrows from the string. Flutter and play together.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen looked at each other and smiled, Zhou Yunshen embraced her: "Let's go forward!"

It is rare to find an oasis in the desert. Although this area is not large, it also inhabits many small animals, such as desert foxes, pheasants, hares, etc., as well as various birds and lizards.

They were all little fellows, and when they saw someone coming, they were frightened and ran away in panic.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen had plenty of food, so naturally they didn't bother to make things difficult for these little guys.

Looking up, I saw several thorny plants not far from the front right, covered with clusters of small scarlet berries, and there were birds sitting on the branches to peck.

Mu Qingli couldn't help laughing: "It's rare to find edible berries in this desert, let's try it too!"

Since birds can eat, they probably can too.

When the fruit is in hand, it can be judged by Mu Qingli's ability.

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