In the evening, Ji Wannian also tactfully said that he would keep watch at night, and let them just sleep at ease.

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "There is no need to keep watch at night, you just need to sleep peacefully, otherwise you may not have the energy to leave tomorrow!"

Ji Wannian was a little hesitant, but thinking about the astonishing strength of these two people, in the end he didn't say much, nodded in thanks, and then leaned against the bushes and closed his eyes.

The two brothers and sisters have been in dire straits these days, and they have never had a full night's sleep.

This was the first time that the siblings slept peacefully since they separated, and they slept very sweetly, and they didn't wake up until the sky was bright.

Seeing that Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen had already caught several fish and two hares were roasting, Ji Wannian felt ashamed, apologized repeatedly, and took over their work.

Mu Qingli waved her hands indifferently, and said with a smile: "After eating this meal, we should say goodbye, do you think it through?"

The boy glanced at the girl, he wasn't sure if the people from the Golden Gate would just let them go. Not to mention whether I can protect my sister well in the days of homelessness in the future.

Although he started hunting in the mountains at a very young age, and now he is much more skilled than ordinary villagers and even the hunters in the village, but only after meeting the people from the Golden Gate did he realize how weak he is!

What does he rely on to protect his sister like this?

If it was someone else, he might not dare to trust each other easily. But for the couple in front of him, he believed in his feelings, they could be trusted.

"Young Master and Madam, can I practice martial arts in the future? Ji Wannian is willing to be used by you and Madam for life!"

Ji Wannian suddenly knelt down towards the two of them and kowtowed heavily.

There is still one thing he hasn't said, that is, he only wants to protect his sister's life, at least never to be targeted by the people from the Golden Gate

He didn't want to say it clearly in front of his sister, for fear that she would feel guilty after hearing it.

But he believed that the two sons and wives would definitely understand what he meant.

Ji Wanqing was slightly startled, seeing her brother kneeling down, without any hesitation, she also knelt down.

Said: "I would too."

As long as her brother is willing, she is willing.

"Get up first," Zhou Yun said with a deep smile, "If you get to the place we mentioned, you will naturally be able to practice martial arts, but you have to go there by yourself. Whether you can have this ability is entirely up to you."

Ji Wannian nodded hastily: "Yes, I will prove it to my son and wife!"

Zhou Yunshen said quickly, "Listen well, I'll just say it once."

After clarifying the address of Wanshan Fort, Mu Qingli took out four small medicine bottles from her bosom and explained to them one by one, which one is for treating internal injuries, which one is for treating external injuries, and which one is for detoxification. , Which one is insect repellent, which one is mi medicine.

Finally, he gave them all these bottles of medicine, and said with a smile: "You might keep these medicines useful on the road, and this is also a token. When you arrive at Wanshan Castle, look for Mu Qingya and Mu Qingluan. They saw the medicine bottle, we will naturally know that you were let go by us."

Brother and sister Ji Wannian thanked them, and hurriedly put them away carefully.

Zhou Yunshen gave them some scraps of silver and banknotes, pointed to the twelve horses and said with a smile: "Take two of the horses here and go southward. You can walk out of the desert in three or four days at most. These grilled fish and Take the rest of the barbecue and wild fruits with you!"

The Ji Wannian siblings were taken aback, they didn't expect them to be so considerate of themselves.

The two brothers and sisters were very grateful in their hearts, thanked them quickly, and said goodbye.

After watching their siblings leave, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen also continued to rush towards Jinghu Oasis.

The two brothers and sisters don't know martial arts. Although Ji Wannian has a few tricks like a three-legged cat, compared with the people of Golden Gate, they are completely different.

However, Golden Gate still sent twelve masters to follow up, which shows how much it attaches importance to Ji Wanqing.

But it also reveals the confidence that Golden Gate is determined to win.

They had reason to believe that after sending out such a large and powerful pursuit team, the Ji Wannian brothers and sisters would definitely not be able to escape.

Therefore, at least for the next few days, there will never be a second batch of people sent out.

And by the time they realized that something might be wrong, Ji Wannian and his brother should have already left Xihai City.

As long as they leave Xihai City and go all the way south, the Golden Gate will be beyond their reach, and it will not be so easy to catch them.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen rode vigorous and untiring horses and galloped all the way. At dusk that day, they arrived at Jinghu Oasis.

The two people's dress was very ordinary and low-key, and it didn't attract anyone's attention.

This is an oasis that cannot be seen at a glance, and the time is vast.

There are villages, pastures, and towns.

The Golden Gate is located in a valley to the northwest of the oasis.

Occupying the most upstream of the water source, the terrain is also the best.

And this area is indeed not far from the location of the lair of the underworld given to them by King Di.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yun went deep into the town and found an inn to stay.

In such a place, dragons and snakes are mixed, there are everyone, and their faces are not very kind, as if they are always looking for someone to fight with.

The two horses of Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen were too conspicuous, so they couldn't wait to sell the two horses to the inn as soon as they moved into the inn.

Save yourself trouble.

When it's time to leave, just do the fussing.

The price they gave was very fair, and the shopkeeper was very happy and had a good impression of them, so he knew everything about the two people's inquiries.

It's just that the information they got from the store was not much different from what Wang Di told them. After inquiring for a while, the two were not interested.

The next day, the two wandered around the town and went to the tea house to listen to the local news and see if there was anything about the Golden Gate.

The two of them were not in a hurry, no matter how fast the emperor's royal guards traveled, they couldn't go as fast as them, so they still had plenty of time to inquire.

After all, although the two of them are powerful, it is simply impossible to encircle and wipe out all the people in the underworld with their abilities alone.

The main force has to rely on those hidden guards.

Just when the two were struggling with how to break into the Golden Gate, the opportunity finally came.

The two got the news in the teahouse that the most beloved concubine of the master of the Golden Gate had contracted a strange disease. It was said that her hair and eyebrows had fallen off. Hurry up and find a good doctor to treat her.

This little concubine is called Feng Rou, and she was only accepted by the owner of the Golden Gate last year. She is really beautiful and full of charm, and soon became the most important person in the owner of the Golden Gate, and she couldn't leave her for a day.

Now that she has contracted this strange disease, she even refuses to see the face of the Golden Gate Master.

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