Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 897: Fleeing in the Desert

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen escaped from their lair in the underworld, they didn't dare to stay for a moment, they didn't even dare to pause their footsteps, they continued to run wildly like arrows leaving the string.

When he met a pilgrim who came to offer incense, he snatched two horses and galloped towards Changyun Desert.

Heading towards the deeper direction of the desert.

The man in black obviously knew something about Changyun Desert, and he couldn't help sneering when he saw the direction in which they were fleeing: "Looking for death!"

With a breath of breath, he was in a state of peak speed and rushed towards the two of them.

Those who saw it felt a gust of swift wind passing by their side, and in the blink of an eye, that black shadow had turned into a black spot at the end of their sight.

Mu Qingli glanced back in her busy schedule, and found that the man in black seemed to be getting closer and closer, so she couldn't help speeding up her horse, cursing inwardly, what level of expert is that guy? To be able to achieve this speed with two legs is simply abnormal!

She finally understood why Zhou Yunshen was so afraid of those people.

The three fled and chased, and soon left the Jinghu Oasis far away.

The yellow sand on all sides is endless, and nothing else can be seen.

Fortunately, the man in black had limited strength with his two legs, and he couldn't maintain his peak speed for a long time. The horses that could travel long distances to this Mirror Lake Oasis were all relatively good breeds, and they ran very fast.

After a while, it was not so easy for the man in black to catch up with Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen.

In a blink of an eye, more than an hour passed after the three of them chased and fled.

The speed of both sides began to gradually slow down.

In comparison, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen's speed was much slower, but the man in black was better.

Both of them were secretly complaining, cursing the pervert!

That damned man in black is really too perverted! Is it interesting to chase so desperately?

Seeing that the balance maintained was about to be broken soon, the man in black was getting closer and closer, and it was difficult for Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen to beat their mounts hard to keep the distance away.

At this speed, I'm afraid that the man in black will catch up to the two of them in less than a quarter of an hour.

The two looked at each other, jumped off the horse at the same time, and galloped forward.

After a while, there was a tragic neighing in my ear.

Turning around subconsciously, the two horses they gave up had already died at the hands of the man in black.

After a slowdown like this, the distance between the two of them and the man in black got a little further.

Mu Qingli really wanted to ask Zhou Yunshen, how long will that pervert chase after them like this?

Reluctantly, he was running so fast that he didn't even have a chance to speak, so he had to give up.

Zhou Yunshen also complained endlessly in his heart, the man in black was simply terrified.

Taking advantage of this slow time, Mu Qingli took out the medicine bottle from the space, poured one and swallowed it, and threw the medicine bottle to Zhou Yunshen.

Zhou Yunshen quickly opened it and swallowed it.

This is the elixir prepared by Mu Qingli to replenish qi and blood. It is made of several top-quality medicinal materials such as Tai Sui.

After taking it, the effect is very significant, the two of them are immediately energetic, and their running speed has also increased a lot.

However, trying to get rid of the man in black was still not possible.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, but the speed of the perverted man in black seems to have increased a lot, and the distance seems to be getting closer again.

They have medicines to supplement energy, blood and physical strength, and that guy also has some kind of medicine or secret method.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen gritted their teeth, pumped up their energy and sped up, and the two of them couldn't help feeling angry when they were chased: "Chasing, chasing, let's see how long you can stay with us!"

Before I knew it, another hour passed.

During this process, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen took the pill again, so that they could maintain the same speed.

The noon sun gradually became vicious, and it shone down on the head, making my mouth dry.

The boundless yellow desert heats up rapidly under the sunshine. The monotonous colors and the warm sunshine make people feel dizzy.

Mu Qingli took out a small water bag from the space, drank a couple of sips to moisten her throat while running, and then threw it to Zhou Yunshen.

Zhou Yunshen raised his hand to grab it, drank a couple of sips, and put the water bag into his arms.

Next up: keep running!

Another hour passed.

The two of them had no idea how far they had run, or where they had arrived.

At this time, Fang felt the horror of Changyun Desert.

So vast and deserted, the monotony is suffocating.

A sense of dizziness came, Mu Qingli gritted her teeth, and had to swallow another big tonic pill.

If it wasn't for the support of this pill, she might not be able to run anymore.

This man in black is simply terrifying.

It's not like you have some deep hatred with him, but why are you so determined not to let go of chasing him endlessly?

I mean, if it’s all right, don’t you just pull it down?

Why is he so persistent?

Little did they know, the man in black was also extremely speechless, cursing them as perverts!

He took several pills to improve his physical strength, and he was able to maintain his running speed. Those two guys are too perverted, right?

After being chased by him for a long time, he still hangs so close!

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and cursed inwardly: He wants to see how the two of them can fight him! See how long they can run.

And so, another hour, another hour passed

The sun is gradually moving towards the west, and the sunlight has become less intense than before. In the vast desert, the figures of two running away and one chasing are still so obvious.

By this time, the speed of both sides has been adjusted to an extreme.

Even relying on the elixir, it gradually became unbearable.

The speed of both sides gradually slowed down.

It's just that because everyone is slowing down, the distance between each other doesn't seem to have changed.

The sun hanging in the sky is more obvious in the west. The strong sunlight seems to be covered with a veil, and it suddenly becomes three points dim.

Soon, it will be evening.

The man in black has been chasing Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen for almost a whole day.

Throughout the whole day, the two sides had narrow escapes several times, but in the end, no one could do anything to the other.

At the end of the day, apart from taking pills and drinking a sip of water, both parties did not eat anything, and their stomachs were already growling with hunger.

However, no one stopped.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen didn't dare to stop, and the man in black was unwilling to stop.

If you don't chase, you have already chased here. If you stop, wouldn't your previous efforts be wasted?

These two little bastards have tossed themselves to this point. If they can't take them down, wouldn't they be too ashamed?

How can you swallow this breath!

Silently, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen once again enjoyed the magnificent scenery of "the sun sets over the long river" in the desert.

It's just that at this time, the mood of admiring the sunset over the long river is not really good.

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