This bastard was obviously going to die at the beginning, but he came back just before he was canonized as the crown prince. It can be said that the position of the crown prince really passed him by. Can he not be in a hurry?

Even a person with a precipitating heart will be driven to go crazy, right?

Empress Meng had no choice but to comfort him patiently before letting him go.

Princess? Hmph, since the crown prince is so affectionate, if you don't make good use of it, how can you do it?

Even if the other goals are not achieved, at least, she almost understands the status of the crown princess in the crown prince's heart

What Empress Meng said made Zhou Yunshen a little depressed.

Now that Mu Qingli is "disfigured", I am afraid that his father will give him the idea of ​​accepting a side concubine and Liangdi sooner or later, so he has to think of a way.

But right now, she hasn't found the bad luck of Yaoshengu, so Qingli can only continue to "disfigure her face".

The God of Medicine Valley has stood for hundreds of years, even longer than the history of their Great Zhou Dynasty. Without the certainty of uprooting one of them, Zhou Yunshen will not do it easily.

Right now, everything is being prepared in an orderly manner - this is thanks to his family's Fuxing lady, if she hadn't obtained the contact information from Bai Qing, his people would not have been able to determine the exact location of Yaoshen Valley so quickly.

But now, because everything is not ready yet, he can't do it easily. The "disfigurement" of his wife is an excuse for him to do it. Naturally, she still can't recover.

Zhou Yunshen was a little annoyed, he felt as if he had entered a dead circle, he could only circle in circles, but couldn't find the way out.

Looking at the sky that had obviously darkened, Zhou Yun took a deep breath, refraining from going out of the city to find his wife at this moment.

He couldn't help smiling wryly, having her by his side seemed to have become an indispensable part of his life, and it was only a one-night separation, but it made him feel like he was missing something.

That night, it wasn't just him, but Mu Qingli also felt that she didn't sleep well no matter how much she tossed about in the Zhuangzi outside the city, as if something was wrong.

Mu Qingli didn't think too much about it, she just thought it was because she was not used to choosing seats

The next day, when he went to court, Zhou Yunshen keenly noticed that his father seemed to be in a bad mood.

Although he was sullen and indifferent as before, and he couldn't see anything different on the surface, but Zhou Yunshen carefully watched his expression for so many years, and he could naturally feel the difference.

He couldn't help wondering, he really didn't understand what happened recently that could make his father so angry

He is the Son of Heaven, if he wants to get angry, he doesn't need to hide his emotions or scruples at all, but what is it that makes him extremely angry but he tries his best to bear it.

Although he didn't come up with a reason for it, Zhou Yunshen respectfully stood under the background wall without moving.

Not a word.

Quietly hinted to his core subordinates, indicating that if there is something urgent and urgent that has to be said today, don't say anything else.

At this time, if you take the initiative to bump into it, you are looking for death.

Sure enough, none of the courtiers who reported the matter today could please them well.

Although the emperor did not furiously reprimand him, he said a lot of harsh words indifferently, and none of the things that were said were accurate.

Many clever courtiers finally came to their senses with belated awareness: Your Majesty is in a bad mood today, and immediately regretted that he shouldn't have done something, but it's too late.

As soon as Emperor Yuande's gaze drifted over as he watched the court dissipate, Zhou Yunshen hurriedly stepped out, bowed and said, "I want to report to my father, my son stayed in the city a few days ago and delayed a lot of business, so I'm going back to the palace to deal with it." , I will not dare to disappoint my father."

Just kidding, right now the emperor is angry and obviously wants to find someone to reprimand him in the palace, he doesn't want to be the punching bag.

Emperor Yuande really planned to call him into the palace to reprimand him to calm down, but after hearing what he said, he gave up his thoughts, so he glared at him angrily and reprimanded him: "As the prince and prince, he often goes out of Beijing to live for a short time. What's the matter? Don't do it next time!"

"Yes, father, my son is taught." Zhou Yun bowed respectfully and replied.

You'd be stupid to contradict him now.

Returning to the East Palace safe and sound, Zhou Yunshen sighed, so Zhou Yunshen had no choice but to send a car out of Beijing to pick Mu Qingli back.

Originally, he planned to go by himself, but how could he still go after talking about it in front of his father? Otherwise, there must be another storm.

Thinking of the way his father called the second highness into the palace, the second child looked at him very proudly, Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but evoke a mocking smile.

The second child still took advantage of it

When his scolded eyes turned black and he left the palace, it would not be too late to show off to himself.

Zhou Yunshen was waiting for his wife to return to Beijing in the palace, but he never expected that in the capital, there happened to be a big play waiting for Mu Qingli.

Besides, Mu Qingli didn't sleep well all night, subconsciously waiting anxiously for Zhou Yunshen to send someone to pick her up.

After all, the car driver came, and there was no longer any delay, and he quickly got on the car.

The car was light and the horse was fast, and the guards shouted and hugged, and the journey was smooth.

However, when entering the city, the crowds at the gate of the city were exceptionally large, the people entering and leaving the city crowded and yelled non-stop, and there were small conflicts and fights in several places. All in all, it was a mess.

Although Mu Qingli's carriage was driven by the Eastern Palace, she did not put on a guard of honor for the crown princess. In such a situation, she could only line up silently and wait patiently.

She is not stupid either.

Flying and domineering, that is the second generation ancestor of a powerful family.

If she is a dignified concubine, if she dares to show off her power at the city gate and fight for her position, I am afraid that tomorrow the emperor will receive a bunch of impeachment memorials in the imperial case.

In such a situation, she could only wait in line honestly.

"Crown Princess!" Suddenly a person stepped forward, raised the curtain of the car and shouted at Mu Qingli with a smile.

No matter how she heard the voice, she felt a little weird. Mu Qingli frowned, and subconsciously turned her head to put on the veil.

Although her face had been dealt with before returning to Beijing, and that face was not her own, she still didn't want others to see it.

"It's you? Aunt Xi?" Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows in surprise, very surprised.

Not only because she was surprised to see Aunt Xi here, but also because Aunt Xi's current appearance was very different from what she had seen before.

In the past, Aunt Xi wore gold and silver, exquisite makeup, arrogant and frivolous, although she was only a concubine of the young master of the Meng family, she didn't pay much attention to Mo Xinyuan and her, the princess of the East Palace.

The Aunt Xi I saw today was very miserable.

Wearing a crumpled light blue dark cotton dress, the material is very ordinary, and the old-fashioned and monotonous color makes her look seven or eight years older.

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