She knew that many women in the harem turned into lunatics because they couldn't wait for the emperor day and night, but this situation had never happened in the East Palace.

This Fan Liuzhu was not from the East Palace either, so if he went crazy here, it would be a joke.

"Miss Fan is tired after wandering around for a long time. Please help Miss Fan go back." Yue Lan stepped forward and said calmly.

Fan Liuzhu raised her eyes and glanced at her. At that moment, her gaze was cold and gloomy, and the sharp edge made Yue Lan stunned for a moment, and her heart jumped uncontrollably.

It's just that the moment was very short, and when she wanted to take a closer look to figure out what was going on, Fan Liuzhu's expression had calmed down again.

Fan Liuzhu didn't answer Yuelan's words, but turned around and walked in the direction of her wounded residence.

She didn't make a sound or help herself, Yuelan was happy to be at ease, and didn't care about her, just followed behind her unhurriedly.

When Zhou Yunshen returned to his living room, when he saw Mu Qingli, he couldn't laugh or cry, and he was so angry that he rubbed his forehead and complained: "One time is enough for this kind of thing, and next time you say no matter what you say, you won't go alone!"

That Fan Liuzhu was simply a lunatic, even crazier than his father's concubines in the harem.

What he wondered was why he was the object of her madness? He has never had anything to do with her, okay!

Mu Qingli hurriedly smiled and said: "No, no, this time I guess it's enough to stimulate her. We can't keep such a person indefinitely, can we? We have to do something, she doesn't move, Make her move!"

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved, and said with a sneer: "That's true, it's really outrageous to always put her in the East Palace like this."

Even though she is the savior of his princess, she is still a woman after all.

A woman who has not been out of the pavilion lives in the East Palace, even if she is recovering from her injuries, she will eventually attract some unnecessary gossip.

When the time comes, it will be impossible to explain clearly.

As a prince, he had to take care of too many things.

If you are a little careless, once you get some stains on your body, there is no way to wash it off.

Not long after, Yue Lan took a moment to report and briefly explained Fan Liuzhu's reaction after Zhou Yunshen left.

Mu Qingli smiled with great interest, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, and ordered Yuelan to go back and take good care of her.

It seems that Fan Liuzhu was greatly stimulated by the "chance encounter" in the garden today with the prince's attitude.

Let's see what she does next.

In fact, Mu Qingli already admired Fan Liuzhu very much.

If it was in the past, this woman would have jumped up uncontrollably and tossed about things, but now, after entering the East Palace, she has stayed quietly for so many days without any movement.

However, thinking about it, she has already endured it to the extreme, and thinking about it, she will soon be unable to help but jump out.

Towards evening, Mu Qingli went to take a look at Fan Liuzhu as usual.

Fan Liuzhu was in good spirits, and seemed to be completely unaffected by the accidental "encounter" in the morning. Seeing Mu Qingli, she smiled and called "Prince Princess!" in high spirits.

Mu Qingli couldn't help laughing and asked: "Miss Fan, is there anything happy today? She seems to be in a good mood!"

Fan Liuzhu smiled shyly and softly, and said softly: "The doctor came to see me today, and said that it will take another three or four days to recover, and I will be able to go home by then, so I am naturally a little happy."

Mu Qingli was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but glance at her.

went home?

Is it possible that this person became stupid after being stimulated? He would take the initiative to say that he wanted to go back.

Judging from Zhou Yunshen's exasperated and angry appearance in the morning, it was clear that Fan Liuzhu was pestering him with no limits and no morals.

It was only less than a day's work. Could it be that she suddenly figured it out? Willing to give up?

"That's it," Mu Qingli said with a smile: "You can take care of it at ease, and go back when you're done, don't worry."

Fan Liuzhu twisted his hands a little helplessly, and said with a sneer: "But you always bother the princess, how can you feel embarrassed?"

Mu Qingli secretly rolled her eyes, wanting to send her a "ha ha!"

"Why is it troublesome? You are my savior!"

"Crown princess, stop joking, Liuzhu can't take it seriously." Fan Liuzhu pursed her lips, still smiling softly and shyly, holding the pot herself and pouring tea for Mu Qingli.

He personally picked up the teacup and offered it to Mu Qingli, and everything he did was as natural as flowing clouds and flowing water.

The scent of tea was wafting, and the atmosphere of the conversation was very relaxed. Mu Qingli subconsciously picked up the teacup and was about to drink the tea, but she paused slightly and asked Fan Liuzhu with a smile, "I heard that you met the prince in the garden today?"

Fan Liuzhu's complexion changed, and he hurriedly shook his head and hands: "Princess, don't get me wrong! I, I and the prince just met by chance, and the prince left without saying a word! Don't misunderstand, princess!"

"How come!" Mu Qingli took two sips of tea with a smile, put down the teacup, and said with a smile, "It's just a chance encounter. What's the point of misunderstanding? You have too much heart!"

Fan Liuzhu laughed along: "As long as you don't misunderstand."

Mu Qingli smiled, chatted a few words, and got up to leave.

Fan Liuzhu sent her out with a smile, stared at her back, and smugly licked her lips.

Mu Qingli's eyes were also icy cold.

Another trick of poisoning, who gave her the courage?

Fan Liuzhu deliberately took the initiative to say that he would leave soon, which made him subconsciously relax his vigilance towards her. Naturally, he would not be suspicious of the tea she served at this time.

But the sensitivity of her five senses was beyond Fan Liuzhu's imagination. The tea soup was translucent yellow-green, extremely clear, without any impurities, and the tea fragrance was very pure.

Whether it is seen or smelled, there is no problem at all.

However, at the moment when the tea was about to drink, Mu Qingli intuitively felt something was wrong.

She couldn't tell why, but she trusted her intuition.

That's why I suddenly asked Fan Liuzhu that question, and when she shook her head to retort, she poured half of the tea on the handkerchief in her sleeve, and sipped it for a while, covered by her sleeve, so that the cup didn't touch her lips at all.

This woman really came prepared.

At night, Yue Lan lit a Meng Tianxiang in Fan Liuzhu's resting room, and after she fell into a drowsy sleep, Mu Qingli searched for it herself.

This is the East Palace. If Fan Liuzhu wanted to hide something, he would only hide it on himself, not in the house.

After a careful search, she found a touch of peach-pink medicinal powder in a hollow gold hairpin on her bun.

Mu Qingli picked some and took them back.

What was perplexing was that she fiddled with the medicine, but she couldn't figure out what kind of medicine it was.

Its specific composition could not be analyzed with various testing instruments in the space.

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