Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 917 This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

He said with another smile: "Don't worry, although the master has not seen what the island looks like with his own eyes, but the exact location has been calculated quite carefully. Combined with the positioning devices you have in your hand, if you want to determine the island, It's not a difficult thing."

Mu Qingli suddenly let go of most of her heart, and said with a smile: "Then let's make a good plan and go there now."

Going to sea? Mu Qingli squinted her eyes. Not to mention her old profession, it was almost the same. It was not difficult for her and Zhou Yunshen.

With Zhou Yunshen's current status, it is easy to call a ship that is useful.


After thinking for a while, Mu Qingli quickly laughed again: "However, once the location is determined, I'm not afraid that the thing will run away. Even if someone gets there first, we may not be able to find out who it fell into. We can still find it at that time." Grab it here. Well, so, don't worry! Let's arrange the affairs in the capital first!"

The current situation was something that Zhou Yunshen managed to earn back. Although Empress Meng and His Highness the Second Highness suffered repeated blows, they were not hurt. However, it took too long to go to sea. Once Zhou Yunshen left Beijing, Empress Meng would definitely will know.

At that time, there is no guarantee that there will be no action.

If because of this, all the good situation earned is ruined at once, how can Mu Qingli feel sorry?

The thin layer of dark clouds covering Zhou Yunshen's heart for no reason was pierced by the sunlight in an instant, gradually receding, and the deep eyes shone with light.

He stretched his brows, raised his lips and smiled and said, "The climate in the North Sea is cold, and it's the best time to set off now. If you miss it, you'll have to wait until next year. I've already arranged for someone to go there to arrange a boat. Don't worry, the capital side , after cleaning up that little bitch Fan Liuzhu first, then think of a way to block them and keep them from being idle. However, the reason for leaving Beijing still needs to be thought about carefully."

Zhou Yunshen thought to himself, this woman, well, she is not the kind who has no conscience at all, at least she knows to think of him a little bit.

He understands her mood.

The feeling that he can't wait to return and has a reason to return, he used to be like that.

Hearing what he said, Mu Qingli immediately felt relieved, and said with a broken smile: "I think too much, with you here, everything will be considered very thoroughly, and I will follow your arrangement."

"Well," Zhou Yunshen raised his eyebrows, squeezed the big hand clasped around her waist subconsciously and full of ambiguity, and his smile was even more ambiguous. He leaned close to her ear and chuckled, "I really listen to everything. Is it an arrangement for your husband? If you are a good husband, you should keep your word."

Mu Qingli: "."

Feeling hot in her heart, she blushed immediately, and she said with a smile, "Ah, you bastard, you can be kidnapped here for anything!"

With him, she couldn't remember how many times she dug a hole and buried herself

Zhou Yunshen laughed for a moment.

In the evening, when Mu Qingli went to visit Fan Liuzhu, she smiled and talked about going to another hospital tomorrow morning.

"At that time, my younger brother and sister will also go. She likes you very much, so you should go with her too." Mu Qingli's voice was flat.

For a "disfigured" person like her, this kind of visit to other courtyards would naturally not be too enthusiastic.

Fan Liuzhu's heart skipped a beat.

In the East Palace, it was extremely difficult for her to get close to the Crown Prince, but once she went to the other courtyard and Princess Xue was present, she would definitely help her.

At that time, maybe there will be a chance.

Thinking of this, Fan Liuzhu couldn't help but feel hot in her heart. She would definitely not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Immediately, she agreed with a delicate smile.

She felt that she understood that Mu Qingli was a domineering bitch, the more aggressive she acted and the more proactive she felt threatened, the more wary she would be of herself.

But right now, her status and status are very different from hers. If she is on guard, she will be unable to take a single step.

But once she acts weaker in front of her, she subconsciously treats herself much better.

For example, now.

She didn't do anything, didn't she take the initiative to invite herself to another hospital?


Fan Liuzhu's heart skipped a beat, perhaps, this was the crown prince's intention!

Thinking that it might be the prince who took the initiative to invite him to another hospital, Fan Liuzhu felt hot all over!

She couldn't help but look at Mu Qingli, hesitated to speak, and finally held back without asking.

If asked, she would definitely not tell the truth.

However, judging from her unfriendly attitude towards herself, it is quite possible that the prince invited her to this outing.

Mu Qingli watched Fan Liuzhu's face change extremely richly. At one moment, he smiled tenderly like a fool, and at another moment, he gritted his teeth in a ferocious manner. He looked dazed, completely unaware of what kind of nerve this guy was going through.

Isn't it just to ask her to attend the garden party of a certain courtyard?

"Rest early tonight, don't forget tomorrow morning." Mu Qingli smiled and left a word, then got up and left.

I don't want to talk too much with her, anyway, she should be packed and sent away tomorrow.

That night, Fan Liuzhu was so excited that he didn't sleep well all night.

Woke up early the next morning, grabbing Yuelan to rush for hot water—because she wanted to take a bath.

Yuelan was so depressed that she had no choice but to urge her to go.

I really despise her in my heart, this Miss Fan really takes herself more and more seriously.

For Fan Liuzhu, this is an excellent opportunity for her to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, so of course she cannot be neglected.

If you don't take yourself seriously at this time, when are you waiting?

Fan Liuzhu took a bath in fragrant soup, and then carefully selected clothes and jewelry, and painted delicate makeup. After she finished packing up, it was almost time to set off.

Because she is Mu Qingli's savior, after she moved into the East Palace, Mu Qingli ordered the sewing room to make a lot of new clothes for her and gave her several sets of jewelry.

This is the treatment that should be given to a "life-saving benefactor". Even if it is for outsiders to see, Mu Qingli must not treat her badly.

So what Mo Xinyuan said was not wrong at all, in fact, she had already been forced by Fan Liuzhu to "squeeze her nose and admit it" once.

Seeing Fan Liuzhu, who was dressed up in a fancy dress and extremely exquisite, Mu Qingli had to admit that her eyes lit up and she was a little surprised.

Very seductive.

She smiled maliciously, wondering if the Second Highness liked it or not.

"Miss Fan is very well dressed today! It's almost time, let's go!" Mu Qingli smiled very kindly.

Fan Liuzhu's face froze slightly, and he hurriedly smiled and said: "This—these are the clothes and jewelry that the Crown Princess rewarded. Wearing them like this today is also to thank the Crown Princess for her kindness."

Fan Liuzhu is stupid again...

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