Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 919 Who plotted against whom?

After a while, the housekeeper who was in charge of the banquet came to report that the garden had been properly arranged, and the princess, princess, and ladies could go there.

Mu Qingli glanced at everyone, and said with a faint smile: "If that's the case, let's go! Brother and sister, Miss Fan's body is not fully recovered yet, please trouble my brother and sister to take care of her."

Xue's face froze, and he gritted his silver teeth secretly, that was a depression!

Although the couple is using Fan Liuzhu, Fan Liuzhu is just a common girl, she is a dignified princess!

Let her, a dignified princess, take care of a little girl with no status? Why.

In particular, Mu Qingli said it in front of the wives of these clans and noble families, which made Xue Shi even more depressed and angry.

She decided that Mu Qingli was deliberately embarrassing her, angering her and humiliating her.

However, precisely because of this, she dared not refuse.

Mu Qingli is a disfigured woman with a bleak future. Don't look at her seemingly calm and unruffled face, she may be perverted and distorted in her heart.

If I reject her in public, who knows if she will bite herself crazily, or say something that will hurt her face?

Xue, who has completely fallen into the circle of conspiracy theories, even couldn't help thinking secretly: Maybe this woman said that on purpose, wishing she could refute her, so she would have an excuse to humiliate herself.

Xue Shi will not be fooled!

She took a deep breath, smiled all over her face, nodded dignifiedly and reservedly and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Sister-in-law Huang, I will take good care of her for Sister-in-law Huang."

Although Xue said she was taking care of Fan Liuzhu for Mu Qingli, in the eyes of everyone, she was the one who was willing to get close to Fan Liuzhu.

Everyone wondered in their hearts: There is really a lot of fate between people, and Princess Xue and Miss Fan are close enough.

This Fenghe Bieyuan is very big. Although there are men and women who come to the banquet, they are all from the same circle, and most of them are relatives, who have met each other since childhood.

In addition, they are already married, and they are not the ladies in the boudoir, let alone taboo.

Therefore, although there is no seat at the same table, they are not too far apart.

The two banquet venues for male and female guests are only separated by a small piece of sparse flowers and trees. Looking at each other, you can see the shadows of people, their clothes and temples, and you can hear their talking and laughing a little bit louder.

It was rare for Zhou Yunshen to host a banquet and invite everyone to have fun, and everyone was very respectful, chatting and laughing constantly, and the atmosphere on the scene was very relaxed and joyful.

On the female side, although Mu Qingli was always veiled and didn't see people with her true colors, she didn't embarrass everyone, and the atmosphere was also quite good.

The only one who was restless and anxious was Fan Liuzhu.

She didn't know how many times she subconsciously looked towards Fushu Huamu, trying to chase the figure of that magnificent and stalwart man.

However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is absolutely impossible for her to approach him with an excuse.

After lunch, everyone was a little tired. There was a small drama passed by the female guests, and everyone was chatting and listening to the drama. Fan Liuzhu finally found an excuse to get away.

The banquet at the male guest's side didn't end so quickly. The men gathered together and drank, how could it end early?

Besides, Zhou Yunshen deliberately extended the banquet

Fan Liuzhu concealed the past, hid aside, looked at Zhou Yunshen obsessively, wishing to walk up to him and stand side by side with him, posing as a hostess to entertain the guests.

That bitch Mu Qingli, since she is already shameless, why does she still want to occupy her position?

Fan Liuzhu was staring with dazed eyes, peeping at the men in the flower hall pushing cups and changing glasses with complicated expressions, when suddenly the back of his head felt a pain and numbness, and his eyes darkened and he fainted softly.

Two hands firmly supported her from behind her, and quickly dragged her down.

This is the prince's other courtyard, it is not difficult at all to plot against her.

The Second Highness has always had a lot of alcohol, and in addition, he has always been somewhat jealous of Zhou Yunshen in his heart. Although he enjoyed drinking with everyone, he was always vigilant in his heart and refused to let himself get drunk.

What's more, he specially brought two master guards disguised as servants to accompany him. They are waiting on the side of the flower hall, and they will keep vigilant and watch him all the time. Everything is safe, and no matter what accidents happen, they can be dealt with in time.

The Second Highness believed that even if they accidentally got drunk, they still had a way to keep themselves safe, and they would definitely not be tricked by Zhou Yunshen.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Mu Qingli is an ordinary princess who doesn't know medical skills or use poison.

but she is not

All kinds of poisons in her hands may not be stronger than Medicine God Valley.

On this own territory, if you can't count on a mere Second Highness, then you are really laughing at me!

So, when the Second Highness was thrown on him accidentally by a certain Hou Shizi who was so drunk, he vomited all over his body and had to change his clothes, something happened.

The elder son made such a fuss, no one in the banquet was in the mood to continue.

Faced with a large pool of filth, even if someone came to clean it up quickly, but just thinking about it, everyone would still feel very uncomfortable.

Leaving this flower hall, I went to another place to sit and enjoy the wind to sober up and drink tea. Suddenly someone remembered that the Second Highness had gone to change clothes and seemed to have not returned for a long time. Zhou Yunshen smiled and sent someone to look for it.

When the servant who went to look for someone came back in a panic, and stammered and stammered the truth, everyone was stunned.

The Second Highness was drunk and slept with a woman, which was nothing at all.

Zuo Zuo is nothing more than a servant girl, she likes it, after sleeping, she will take her back to the mansion, and be a roommate. If you don't like it, it's over after sleeping.

This kind of thing is harmless.

However, the woman he was sleeping with was the "savior" who blocked the knife for the princess a while ago, so things were a bit more complicated.

Zhou Yun smiled wryly, his face full of embarrassment, and sighed: "It's so lonely that I invite you all to visit the garden and enjoy the scenery together. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

The Second Highness had come to his senses at this time, his face was livid, and he glanced coldly at Zhou Yunshen. Let the girl explain, at least, a side concubine should be."

With Fan Liuzhu's background, how can he be a prince and side concubine? But she is the savior of the princess Mu Qingli, so that's another matter.

Zhou Yunshen admired how aggrieved he was when he knocked out his teeth and swallowed his blood, and he felt secretly refreshed. He laughed and said, "In this way, this is a beautiful thing! The second brother is really romantic and has a real temperament! From now on, you should be careful Treat this Miss Fan well, otherwise, the Crown Princess will not spare you, nor will Gu Gu."

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