However, Fan Liuzhu seemed to have made up his mind, staring at her with vicious malice, and then smiled strangely.

It was a smile with determination and confidence.

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling a little surprised.

Things have come to this point, is she still unwilling to give up, unwilling to give up?

But is it up to her?

Mu Qingli didn't believe that she had this ability.

"Do you think this is over?" Fan Liuzhu stood up suddenly, walked towards Mu Qingli slowly, and said with a sneer, "Even if I can't get it, don't even think about it! I'm having a hard time, so don't think about it !"

She reached into her bosom, took out an exquisite sachet from her bosom, shook it at Mu Qingli, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became more ferocious and proud.

A scent of flowers came to my nostrils.

It is said to be floral fragrance, but it seems that it is not exactly the smell.

All in all, it's a really weird scent.

Mu Qingli blinked, and looked at Fan Liuzhu inexplicably.

"Huh!" Fan Liuzhu raised his chin triumphantly, stared at Mu Qingli and said, "Go out now and tell everyone that the Second Highness and I were tricked by you to become like this today! Go!"

Mu Qingli wanted to laugh.

Raising her eyebrows, she said with a half-smile, "You asked me to go out and tell everyone that it was my plan that you slept with His Highness the Second Highness today?"

The words "sleeping together" were really vulgar. Fan Liuzhu frowned in embarrassment, but still nodded: "That's it, why don't you hurry up?"

Mu Qingli looked at her with a look of foolishness, "Dear Miss Fan, have you lost your mind in joy? Where did you get the confidence to tell me such ridiculous things so righteously, and you think I will do it?" follow suit?"

Mu Qingli naturally knew where Fan Liuzhu's self-confidence came from, but unfortunately, this self-confidence was used in the wrong place, and it was doomed to become nothing.

"How could you, how could you—" Fan Liuzhu opened her eyes wide in surprise, and almost slipped her mouth.

"How could it be?" Mu Qingli said angrily, "I think you are crazy!"

Fan Liuzhu's complexion changed suddenly, looking at the delicate and bright sachet in his hand, he suddenly felt that he was ridiculous.

He hurriedly stuffed the sachet into his bosom as if his hands were burning, his heart was in a mess.

She clearly saw her drink the tea with her own eyes, why was it wrong, why was it wrong?

Did she not actually drink? All made out to lie to yourself?

Fan Liuzhu was so stunned that she almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Mu Qingli smiled, and didn't take the initiative to mention this, but said lightly: "From now on, we can be regarded as sisters-in-law. Xue's younger siblings like you so much, just like your dear sisters. This is your good friend." What a blessing! Today, you can go with her."

Fan Liuzhu was already there in a daze, and didn't even notice when Mu Qingli left.

After the banquet was over, Fan Liuzhu obediently followed Xue Shi and got into Xue Shi's carriage.

She tactfully sat in the corner, lowered her head, twisted her hands, her heart was full of desolation.

Both His Highness and Princess Xue knew their affection for the Crown Prince, so what if they became His Highness's side concubine? Second Highness, can you treat yourself well?

Fan Liuzhu shuddered violently.

Inside and outside the carriage, it is a world of its own.

There is no need to act for others, Xue's face is so gloomy that it seems to be frozen.

She gave Fan Liuzhu a hard look and sneered. Xue was full of anger and resentment, but she didn't even have the desire to teach Fan Liuzhu a lesson.

She had never felt so suffocated before.

This woman, obviously her husband planned to send her to the East Palace for the Crown Prince, turned out to be his own woman, and it was still in such a way that no one could bear it.

It's really hateful. Too hateful!

Xue was so remorseful that she wanted to hit the wall.

Yesterday when the prince invited him, she persuaded her husband to excuse him not to come. After all, the prince was deep in his thoughts, and suddenly invited people to the garden for a banquet.

Who would believe it if it was said that it was really a whim, rather than an ulterior motive?

Helpless, the husband was full of confidence, and said that even if the prince really has other plans, so what? Now that he has drawn down the path, he will continue to do it, let's see what tricks he can play.

She thinks about it, the prince has to lose face, how can he easily plot against his brother.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong.

In the eyes of everyone, this matter is harmless and nothing at all.

After all, Fan Liuzhu's status was low, and she was not a noble girl, so she fell asleep as soon as she fell asleep, and there was no need to explain.

That's because no one knew that Fan Liuzhu was actually sent by his family.

Only she knew how angry she was!

Come to think of it, His Highness should be even angrier than himself, right?

Glancing at Fan Liuzhu who was stunned and motionless with her head down, Xue frowned and smiled maliciously.

This bitch, what qualifications does she have to be a side concubine? What qualifications do you have to be your own sister? How could His Highness like a woman who is full of princes in her heart!

In fact, His Royal Highness was indeed full of anger.

At the beginning, Meng Fujun and Mo Nan brought this woman from another place to him and explained the origin, and then he knew that the prince was suspected to be alive.

However, he has not seen the real person, so he is not sure.

The dead soldiers sent out did not send back news for a long time.

Later came the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and his canonization of the crown prince.

At that time, he thought, it doesn't matter whether that person is the prince who didn't die or not.

As long as he becomes the crown prince, even if the former crown prince returns, he will have nothing but embarrassing status!

So, I don't have to worry about anything at all.

On the contrary, at that time, he even wished for him to come back.

He will step on him well, lose his identity, and let him look up to himself.

At that time, Fan Liuzhu's role was not so obvious, he was just raised in the mansion as a dispensable idler.

But later, with such a damn coincidence, the cooked duck could fly, what could he do? He could only pinch his nose to recognize it!

As a result, Fan Liuzhu regained his attention.

He began to think about this chess piece.

This woman is madly in love with the crown prince. It's very good. A woman who falls into a mad love is a lunatic!

Letting this crazy woman go crazy in the East Palace would actually be quite good for the crown prince.

He has been looking for an opportunity, an appropriate opportunity, so that he can put this woman next to the crown prince in a logical manner.

But the crown prince is cunning by nature, and it is not easy to plot against him.

The retribution is coming, the Second Highness is going to be angry...

Also, thanks Swallow! Thank you to everyone who supports 11!

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