After struggling again and again, she gritted her teeth, finally looked up at Mu Qingli, and said softly: "I'm pregnant, and I need your help.

Mu Qingli opened her eyes wide in surprise, staring at her without making a sound.

Of course, this look of surprise was made.

Zhou Yunshen used a chess piece that was buried beside His Highness the Second Highness many years ago to trick Fan Liuzhu into giving her the false impression of being pregnant.

Later, his people would lead Fan Liuzhu to think of Mu Qingli, and seek Mu Qingli's help.

As long as she knows that all the pregnant women in the palace failed to give birth to their children in the end, and many women suffered from various accidents and seriously damaged their bodies, and even became infertile, or simply lost their lives. Think of asking for help.

Given her status and background in the palace, she seemed to have no other choice but to ask Mu Qingli for help.

Of course, unless she was willing to be killed by Mrs. Xue.

But it is obvious that a woman like Fan Liuzhu is definitely not willing to be killed.

Of course, if she wants to get Mu Qingli's help, she must pay something.

All that Mu Qingli and the East Palace could appreciate about her, except her status as the Second Highness's side concubine, there seemed to be nothing else.

Fan Liuzhu didn't struggle too much, and made up his mind to ask Mu Qingli for help.

Originally, she didn't have any affection for the Second Highness, but she was thinking of the Crown Prince wholeheartedly.

Now that she is pregnant, for this child who was completely unexpected to her, after she had mixed feelings at first, she developed an inexplicably excited ambition.

The Second Highness has no heirs so far, as long as her child can be born smoothly, preferably her child is a son, then one can imagine how honorable her status will become.

These days, her life in the palace is not good at all, because her humble background is not worthy of the dignity of the prince's side concubine - besides, this prince is also the queen's son.

In the palace, even a maidservant who sweeps the floor dared to give her mocking eyes and sarcasm words that she was not afraid of hearing.

Before seeing Princess Xue who was always smiling, she didn't even look at her again.

And because she came from a humble background but occupied the position of side concubine, she attracted the jealousy of countless concubines in the palace.

What followed was all kinds of overt and covert bullying and humiliation.

She dared not speak her anger—no, in front of those people, she dared not even show her anger and dissatisfaction.

How many nights, she was so angry that her chest was swollen, she lay alone on the bed and wept silently, unable to sleep all night.

She didn't even dare to wipe her eyes, for fear that her red and swollen eyes would be seen by the maids the next day, and she would make up countless jokes.

Suffering these torments, tortures, and humiliation day after day made her feel like living in hell.

This kid came just in time!

Like a light in the dark.

She firmly believed that this child was bestowed upon her by God to save her from hell.

These days, she has completely tasted the taste of power - not the taste of holding power, but the taste of cold and warm because of not having power.

She thought, so what if there is no birth? As long as she gave birth to the eldest son of His Royal Highness, who would dare to bully her?

For this reason, she didn't mind betraying the palace at all, and she didn't mind at all cooperating with His Highness the Crown Prince, stabbing the Second Highness severely.

Anyway, His Royal Highness is a prince, so what does it matter if he can't become an emperor? The prosperity and wealth of a lifetime can never escape.

Even in the worst case, His Highness the Crown Prince will not be able to tolerate the Second Highness when he ascends the throne in the future, but he will always be able to accommodate her who has helped him, right?

Besides, why think so long-term about things in the future. Now that she doesn't cooperate with His Highness the Crown Prince, or sell the palace, she is afraid that this little life will be accounted for here, so what is the long-term, what is the future?

No matter what, I won't lose

After being surprised, Mu Qingli smiled slowly. Even through the veil, Fan Liuzhu could feel her mocking smile.

Those sparkling clear eyes raised upwards, and Mu Qingli's gaze made Fan Liuzhu look away in embarrassment and embarrassment.

However, what can she do? This is her only way out.

With an attitude of going all out, Fan Liuzhu straightened his back and continued: "The relationship between the East Palace and the palace, I think the Crown Princess is more clear than I am. Even if the Crown Prince stops, the Second Highness, Queen Meng, and the Meng family will never Let it go. It will be a matter of time. I am willing to help His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, and I am willing to do whatever you want me to do, as long as it allows me to give birth to this child safely."

"I want to. His Highness the Crown Prince is also very happy that the Second Highness's concubine was born before the first son, right?"

"It's not easy for me to go out of the house. Today, I ask the princess to give me an accurate word."

Fan Liuzhu closed her eyes, just wait, wait for her to accept or refuse.

Waiting for the final verdict of your own fate.

With no power, no background and no support, she can do very little, very little, and wait for other people's choices.

This feeling is painful and hopeless, but it must be endured.

"Hehe," Mu Qingli laughed with inaudible emotion, glanced at her and said calmly and indifferently: "That's it, but, how can I trust you for such a big matter?"

Fan Liuzhu wanted to sneer, so she bit her lip and held it back.

"What does the princess want me to do to believe my sincerity?"

Mu Qingli lowered her eyebrows and said lightly: "I don't have the courage and wisdom of Concubine Fan, but I don't have such a big idea. For such a big matter, you have to ask the prince."

Fan Liuzhu was a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

Why didn't she know that her own Jin Liang said these words in front of the princess, which was actually a bit too self-righteous.

But what can she do?

"Should I—should I wait for news from the Crown Princess?"

Mu Qingli smiled lightly without being able to hear the emotion, and said lightly: "I can't tell, but for the sake of saving me, I don't mind giving you a hand. My younger siblings are not very tempered. Alright! When I go back today, I will tell the crown prince what you mean, but I can't guarantee how the crown prince will choose and how to contact you again. "

Mu Qingli said it lightly, but Fan Liuzhu heard it like falling into an ice cellar, and sank to the bottom of the lake with a heart.

She was terrified, and she was empowered like a raging lake, as if she couldn't breathe.

A huge panic swept over her mind, she didn't know how to protect herself if the prince rejected her?

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