She also secretly asked her natal family for help, but the letter she sent was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no reply at all.

And overheard the servants who served her. It is said that after a while, the Liu family will marry another girl to the palace as a side concubine.

The Liu family still supports His Highness, and this will not change because of her.

She became an outcast.

Her life is over like this.

A woman in despair can definitely go all out to launch the craziest revenge.

At this time, someone found her and gave her two ways, or she would be locked up in this small courtyard and suffer until her death.

Or, you can take revenge on the ruthless Second Highness and slap the Liu family in the face.

Of course, the result may still be the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha, or it may die faster.

She can choose whatever she wants.

Concubine Liu chose the second path without hesitation.

This kind of gap in life made her almost crazy. Since her path ahead is a dead end, she must not make it easier for others!

She didn't bother to think about whether she was being used by others, as long as she could take revenge on those ruthless people before she died, everything would be worth it.

Otherwise, how could she be willing? Even death will not rest in peace!

There is also use value, she should be happy instead.

Concubine Liu begged to see Mrs. Xue by urging her to die.

Xue Shi didn't want to see her at first, but now when she thinks of that idiot Liu Fangfei, she can't help but want to swear.

This incident was so big that it exploded all of a sudden, and it was impossible to hold it down.

Now in the capital, at least in the upper circles, it has already been spread all over the place, and I don't know how many people are discussing it behind their backs.

The reputation of the palace fell to the extreme.

Because of this matter, His Highness the Second Highness was reprimanded by the Queen and the Emperor, and the concubine concubines in the mansion had such an unsightly quarrel, yet it was exposed, and the royal family lost all face.

His Highness was reprimanded, but she didn't fare well.

Not only was he reprimanded and angered by the Second Highness, he blamed her for being a dignified concubine, but she couldn't even manage the palace well, so what's the use of her?

Empress Meng also reprimanded her, blaming her for her ineffective supervision.

But for a woman with a temperament like Concubine Liu, she wants to chase after her to death, what can I do to her?

Xue Shi felt angry and had nowhere to vent her anger. In the past three or four days since this incident happened, she has not had a good night's sleep.

Concubine Liu is impulsive and irritable. She used to think it was a good thing. Having such a concubine in the mansion reassured her. Only now did she know that such a person would also make trouble.

A poke is still a big basket.

But Mrs. Xue still saw her.

Although the Liu family acquiesced in the palace's abandonment of side concubine Liu, at least side concubine Liu must not die now, otherwise, the Liu family would be chilled and feel bad for His Highness the Second Highness.

Concubine Liu was brought in front of Mrs. Xue, bowed her head, and knelt down silently.

Xue's heart felt relieved, this woman is domineering and domineering, she has never been taken seriously, sometimes she dared to contradict her in public, I don't know how much dark anger it made her.

Now seeing her kneeling in front of him in a daze, Xue Shi suddenly felt that it seemed to be quite nice to see her once.

At least, my mood is much better.

"Aren't you making enough trouble? What else is there to make? Say something quickly. This concubine still has things to do."

Xue cast a condescending glance at Concubine Liu, then drank tea leisurely with her head down, and never looked at her again.

Concubine Liu suddenly felt that she was so humble, as humble as in the dust.

Thinking of the days when she was equal to Mrs. Xue, and even dared to confront her face to face and suffer her a dark loss, she felt dazed for a while, and then, deeper despair and unwillingness hit her.

She rubbed her palm hard, and the tingling sensation made her wake up a little bit.

She forcibly suppressed the turbulent anger in her chest, and suddenly threw herself on the ground and burst into tears.

Thinking that her life was completely hopeless, she cried even more heartbroken.

Xue's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help being startled.

Seeing that the arrogant and domineering concubine Liu turned into this, she couldn't tell what it was like for a moment.

In the end, my heart softened by two points, although this two points of softness could not make her change her view of Concubine Liu, let alone let her go because she couldn't bear it, the tone of her speech finally softened by two points.

"It's not what it used to be," Xue said indifferently, "You can only bear the consequences of what you did yourself, so don't act like this. Speak quickly if you have something to say."

Concubine Liu wiped her tears in embarrassment, and said with a choked voice: "I beg your concubine to be merciful, and let the concubine leave the palace. No matter which village or temple you go to, the concubine is willing to do so. Concubine. I really have no face." Live in the palace again!"

Xue Shi was startled, she didn't expect Concubine Liu to go to such great lengths to insist on seeing her, and she said that it was indeed the matter.

After thinking about it for a while, seeing Concubine Liu in such a distressed state, Mrs. Xue understood a little more.

Xin Dao said that this woman's arrogance is arrogant and domineering is domineering, but she is not really stupid.

She has stepped on too many people and offended too many people before, and now she is in a difficult situation, and it is obviously impossible to make a comeback. Some people are willing to step on her hard and step on her. In a puddle.

She will not die, but she will live better than death.

Rather than that, it is better to leave the palace.

"It's not easy for my concubine to decide on this matter. You should go back and wait for the news. This concubine will ask His Highness before I can discuss it." Xue said flatly.

Concubine Liu has fallen to such a point, seeing her kneeling and humiliating at her feet, Xue Shi has no hatred for her in an instant.

There is only one His Highness, and His Highness only has one share of his favor. There was no right or wrong between the two of them no matter how intriguing they were in the past.

She lost, lost completely, and she was safe.

There's no need to argue with her, a mortal person.

"Princess Wangfei." Concubine Liu looked at her, her eyes were full of humility and pleading, and she buried the hatred deep in her eyes.

"It's useless for you to beg my concubine, let's go down first." Xue waved his hand.

Concubine Liu covered her face and cried: "The concubine is only asking for something. I beg the concubine to say a few words for the concubine. The concubine will be a cow and a horse in the next life, and she will also repay the concubine's great kindness, woo woo Woo."

Xue raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

This kind of words, just listen to it, if it is true - what a stupid person.

Concubine Liu left in a daze.

Mrs. Xue thought for a while, and finally delivered the message in front of His Highness Second Highness for her.

The Second Highness scolded a few words with anger when he heard the words "Liu Fangfei", but after listening to Xue's retelling, he fell into a groan.

It's fine to move that bastard away, from now on out of sight and out of mind, otherwise if he stays in the mansion, even if he can't get to him, he will still be afraid of it.


The Second Highness's heart moved, he glanced at Xue Shi, and said slowly: "Tomorrow, we will move her to the most remote Zhuangzi, and tell the outside world that she deeply regrets what she has done, and asks for atonement—that's roughly what it means. , you know what to do, right?"

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