Such a high mountain, according to Mu Qingli's visual inspection, even with the ability of the two of them, it is difficult to reach the top of the mountain in one day.

Let alone a day and a half.

But at night, there is no way to climb up. If you force it up, it will be extremely dangerous. But if you don't go up, can you still sleep on such a cliff?

The most test of luck is that after climbing up, no one should pass by, and even if you pass by, don't look up!

Otherwise - hehehe!

"Try?" Zhou Yunshen looked at Mu Qingli with deep black eyes and a little smile.

Mu Qingli looked up at the giant-like peak, and exhaled lightly: "Try, fight!"

"Well, let's start in the middle of the night." Zhou Yunshen nodded.

"Huh? Good!" Mu Qingli smiled, her brows and eyes relaxed.

That's right, starting to climb in the middle of the night sounds like a lot of danger, but in the middle of the night, it is definitely impossible for anyone to pass by here, and even if there is, it is so dark that you can't see anything when you look up.

And after dawn, they had already climbed up to nowhere, and it was not so easy for the people below to look up to find something even if they accidentally looked up.

The two wandered along the bottom for a while, and after choosing a place to climb, they found a safe place, set up a tent, slept and refreshed.

The two of them didn't want to cause trouble, they were not interested in what sect it was, what they were doing, and they didn't want to explore to satisfy their curiosity, they just wanted to get what they needed as soon as possible, and then run away as soon as possible.

After all, this is an ocean-going island with nowhere to rely on. If they are discovered, the two of them will be fine. Can those guards and sailors resist it? When the time comes when the ship crashes and the people die, the two of them will also be unable to fly.

In the dead of night, at one o'clock in the morning, the two woke up.

Mu Qingli took out a complete set of rock climbing equipment from the space, and Zhou Yunshen was also very familiar with this set of equipment. The two quickly armed themselves, went to the place they were optimistic about during the day, and climbed upwards.

The night is not good tonight, and the moonlight is even thinner to the west at this time. Between the high mountains and lush forests, everything you can see is dark.

Not to mention that you can't see your fingers when you reach out.

Fortunately, with their eyesight, as long as their steps are steady and slow, there will be no problems.

When the sky was getting brighter, Mu Qingli turned her head and glanced down, half relieved.

In this position, it is already very difficult for the people below to find out.

If it is really unlucky to that point, then there is nothing to say.

Neither of them said to stop and rest, it's better to do this kind of thing in one go.

After saying a few words, I ate something to replenish my strength, and continued to go up step by step.

"Miss, let's speed up a bit, and we'd better climb to the top of the mountain before the sun goes down." Zhou Yunshen said.

Mu Qingli nodded her head in agreement.

When the sky is still bright, you can also take a good look at the surrounding environment.

After a whole day, the two finally climbed to the summit before the sun went down.

The setting sun in the western sky was fiery red, and everything under the radiant rays of the sun seemed to be covered with a thin layer of golden brilliance.

Under the radiance of this vast glow, two panting and embarrassed guys climbed up from under the cliff, bathed in the glow, instantly taller.

"Ouch!" Mu Qingli sat down on the ground with a bang, straightened her legs and leaned against an irregular boulder without any image, and leaned her head on the boulder and panted.

Before, I held my breath and held on, but now I relax, I feel that all the bones in my body are about to fall apart.

There is no necessary connection between high martial arts and suffering.

She didn't seem to have experienced this kind of suffering.

Even in the Changyun Desert, being chased and killed by the black-clothed dark guards to nowhere, it was not so hard.

Zhou Yunshen smiled lowly, but sat down gracefully beside her, looked up at the western sky, and said with a smile: "I will be Ling Jueding, and I can see all the small mountains. Look, my lady, how beautiful the scenery is from this high place."

Mu Qingli rolled her eyes: "I just want to sleep!"

Zhou Yun smiled lowly, leaned over and pulled her, making her lean on him.

After the two rested for a while, Mu Qingli struggled to get up.

Zhou Yunshen stood up and gave her a hand.

It's not time to rest yet, and both of them are well aware of the urgency of time.

The mountain peak is very high, but the top of the mountain is quite spacious, the terrain is slightly undulating, and the trees are also so tall that you can't see the edge at a glance.

After choosing a direction, the two proceeded carefully.

Apart from the fact that the tree is still a tree, there is nothing particularly special about it.

"It's getting dark, let's take a closer look tomorrow."

In such a short time, it is impossible to explore the entire mountaintop.

That night, the two were lucky and found a cave to spend the night.

After dark, Mu Qingli couldn't bear it any longer, and asked Zhou Yunshen to light a fire in the cave, and she wanted to boil water for a bath.

The terrain here is the highest, and it is in the cave, so people are not afraid of seeing the smoke rising from the burning firewood at night, so they said yes with a smile.

Mu Qingli took a bath, and Zhou Yunshen also washed carelessly, and then cooked something on the fire.

It was too tiring to add one day to the middle of the night. After eating and drinking enough, the two went into the tent to sleep.

The next morning, the two of them were in a drowsy sleep, when they suddenly heard the sound of something moving outside, coming from the corner of the cave.

The hearts of both of them jumped.

It was too late when they found this cave last night, and the two of them only looked at it hastily, and did not investigate carefully.

Looking at each other, the two quickly got up lightly.

When the tent was opened, Mu Qingli was stunned for a moment, and stared directly at a huge pangolin.

She had never seen such a big pangolin in her life, it was an accident within an accident, and she couldn't help but screamed "Ah!"

The pangolin was also timid, so it was so frightened that it turned around and ran deep into the cave.

"It's a pangolin. This guy is really timid." Mu Qingli immediately relaxed and came out of the tent with a smile.

Zhou Yunshen also heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't pay much attention, he just smiled and said, "Let's eat something, and then we'll walk around."

"Hmm!" Mu Qingli nodded and couldn't help but sigh.

I hope you are lucky and can find something today.

However, it is not so easy to discover such a large area on the top of the mountain.

Their luck has always been very good, let's see how their luck is this time.

After Zhou Yunshen got out of the tent, Mu Qingli folded the tent and put it back in the space.

While she was busy, Zhou Yunshen suddenly exclaimed: "My lady, come and see what this is!"

Mu Qingli was taken aback by his surprised, joyful and excited voice, turned around to look, her eyes widened, she grabbed his wrist, and gasped for breath: "You, you, where did you find that?" of?"

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