This is how the eagle was pecked at the eye, and the boat capsized in the gutter. I think their Medicine God Valley is best at using poison, and today people blatantly poisoned him!

For a moment, Eldest Young Master Bai felt ashamed to see his ancestors.

Mu Qingli smiled softly: "Who told you to be stupid? Do you think you are my prince? If you tell me to stop, I will really stop obediently?"

Young Master Bai rolled his eyes, and immediately fell to the ground without breathing.

Mu Qingli glanced at his corpse, with an indifferent expression, and said indifferently: "The death is peaceful and painless, and this princess is kind. If I were to fall into your hands, the end would be miserable than this Thousands of times."

After clapping her hands, Mu Qingli calmly returned to the square.

Bai Feng kept staring at the direction where she and Mr. Bai left, and Mu Qingli just came over when he noticed it.

Seeing that it was Mu Qingli who came back, but his son was nowhere to be seen, Bai Feng's heart sank, he was startled and angry, and yelled "Sorceress!" Regardless of the injury of his broken arm, he killed Mu Qingli.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qingli had a shining big ring knife in his hand, and killed Bai Feng with a sneer.

After fighting, Bai Feng realized that this woman was also extremely difficult, and he was even more annoyed when he was shocked.

Knowing this earlier, he shouldn't have let his son chase after him alone.

The son has probably grown up too, so I don't know at this moment——

"What did you do to my son?" Bai Feng asked through gritted teeth.

Mu Qingli smiled and said, "Guess!"

Guess your size! Bai Feng held his breath hard in his chest, staring at Mu Qingli, his eyes wishing to burst into flames.

A palm hit him suddenly, hitting him hard on the chest, Bai Feng couldn't help but fly backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

I saw Zhou Yunshen standing beside Mu Qingli, mocking and sneering at him.

Bai Feng's heart shuddered, and he turned his head abruptly. The four elders had already been dealt with by Zhou Yunshen!

How advanced is this prince's martial arts? Perhaps the Second Highness and the Emperor were all deceived by him.

He was seriously injured, and looking at the fight in front of him, although it was still stalemate and there was no clear winner, but Yaoshen Valley no longer had any top fighters who could fight.

Once Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli join the battle, they will be defeated like a mountain, and it will be impossible to recover.

not reconciled

The good Medicine God Valley is about to be ruined in his hands.

Bai Feng sneered sadly, shouted "Stop them!" and rushed towards the palace area.

Seeing this, Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli wanted to chase after him, but the disciples of Medicine God Valley rushed forward like gangrene after receiving the order.

There were too many people, and by the time Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen broke through, Bai Feng had already disappeared.

The two looked at each other, performed lightness kung fu, and Qi Qi chased after him where he disappeared.

That guy may not know what to do, Yaoshengu always has some skills to suppress the bottom of the box, he will not admit defeat so quickly.

"Ah, snakes! So many snakes! My God, there are also centipedes, scorpions, spiders, toads...the five poisons, damn it, don't they flaunt their medical skills? How come they keep so many disgusting things? Isn't this putting the cart before the horse!"

The two failed to find Bai Feng, but suddenly found countless poisonous snakes and insects rushing out, densely packed and dense like a tide.

It is impossible to estimate its quantity at all.

Moreover, it keeps coming out from nowhere, forming a powerful torrent. Wherever it passes, even under the extremely faint moonlight, you can clearly see the flowers, plants and trees visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​quickly withers.

"Damn it, that guy is crazy!" Zhou Yun said angrily.

Mu Qingli also gritted her teeth, shameless, shameless!

"My lady, go back and greet the guards. I'll find out where Bai Feng is hiding!" Zhou Yunshen stared at the palace in front of him with gloomy eyes.

"Then be careful yourself!" Mu Qingli nodded, without saying anything to him, turned around and ran away in a hurry.

There are too many of these guys, and they are very poisonous. They are coming like a tide, and I am afraid that no one will be spared.

She didn't believe that the disciples of Medicine God Valley could stop this army of five poisons.

Even if it can be temporarily resisted, sooner or later it will become their midday meal.

The number of the five poisonous army is tens of millions, and it is impossible to count clearly, and their bodies are not big, such as those snakes, the thickest is no bigger than the wrist, and the smallest is only as small as a finger.

The same goes for those scorpions and centipedes.

But the speed is very fast.

Mu Qingli had just returned to the square, and before she could think of a way to stop the two sides fighting, the army of five poisons came.

Accompanied by them, there is also the polluted air with poisonous gas.

"Ah! What is that!"

"It's not good, it's the five poisons! It's the five poisons! So there really are five poisons!"

"It's not good, run away!"

The disciples of Medicine God Valley, who had been fighting with the guards before, also saw the army of five poisons, all of them were frightened and screamed as if they had seen a ghost. How could they care about the guards? ?

They fled in all directions.

The guards were about to chase, but were stopped by Mu Qingli.

"With the antidote of the Crown Princess, these guys may not be able to do anything to us!" The guards were very calm, and they wanted to chase those Yaoshen Valley disciples who fled in all directions, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of success?

Wouldn't it be too bad to let them escape like this.

"The army of five poisons is too many, you all have to be careful!" Mu Qingli hurriedly said: "Quickly, stand together, and no one is allowed to move!"

Everyone raised their eyes and looked around, their hearts were awe-inspiring and their scalps were numb.

In just a short while, the army of five poisons seemed to be much stronger than what I saw just now, except for the places where they had not yet reached, they were everywhere as far as the eye could see, making one's hair stand on end.

Mu Qingli also felt a layer of goose bumps on her body.

And it seems that the number is still increasing, it is hard to know how many there will be.

Just like a river with a source of living water, it is endless.

If you want to keep thinking about it like this, I'm afraid that all the corners above will be occupied by them.

"Princess Concubine, where did these things come from?" someone asked.

Mu Qingli shook her head: "I don't know the details. I guess it's probably Bai Feng's fault. The prince has already gone to him. Let's wait here."

Mu Qingli felt a little irritable. Facing these ugly and hateful things, she couldn't feel better.

Suddenly, her face changed: "Not good! Get on the roof! Quick!"

The guards were stunned, and Mu Qingli had already performed lightness kung fu and flew towards a tall house not far away, flying to the roof.

She was very confident in her antidote from the beginning.

With so many people gathered together, and the smell of medicine on the robe was strong enough, she originally thought that it would definitely be able to prevent those poisons from approaching.

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