Mu Qingli took out the binoculars from the space and looked down. Through the smoke and flames, he saw the five poisonous army rushing around in a panic. The effect of the fire on them was obvious.

After this fire, there is really nothing left in the Medicine God Valley.

The two looked at each other, nodded, and landed on the big hairy couple.

Then, after a short detour, I returned to the climbing place.

"Prince and Concubine, you are back!" Ming Da and the others were overjoyed and greeted them with a sigh of relief.

The tense and uneasy atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

Zhou Yunshen nodded, and said, "Let's go back to the camp to rest and recuperate. We will leave the mountain tomorrow and return to Beijing."

At a glance, I saw many corpses of Yaoshengu disciples in the surrounding grass. I guess they found the ropes tied to them and escaped for their lives, but the guards took care of them.

He just didn't see it and didn't say anything.

Since he made a move on Yaoshengu, he would naturally kill everyone who could be killed.

The other little shrimps who were lucky enough to get away by chance have already failed to make a fortune, so forget it.

"Prince, Crown Princess, there is one more person here, look" Ming Da reported boldly, and with a wave of his hand, two guards staggered towards a woman with her hands cut behind her back and her hands bound, with a cloth stuffed in her mouth.

The woman was in a mess and her hair was in a mess. When she looked up and saw Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli, tears welled up in her red and swollen eyes from crying, and she screamed and struggled excitedly, glaring at Mu Qingli viciously.

Mu Qingli: "."

Uh, allow her to say something in good conscience, the prince of Miyao Shengu is the mastermind, and she is just a helper, okay?

It's very unfair to her to stare at her with the eyes that should be used on the culprit, okay?

This woman is Bai Qing.

"The eldest lady of Medicine God Valley, the subordinates don't know how to deal with it, so..."

Ming Da was careful with him, and Zhou Yunshen gave Zhou Yunshen an angry stare before he could finish his sentence.

They didn't know how to deal with this big trouble, so they left it to him?

After all, Bai Qing was a woman, and now that the Valley of the Gods of Medicine had been wiped out, it was impossible for Zhou Yunshen to kill Bai Qing with a sword in this situation.

But keeping this woman, needless to say, would definitely be a disaster.

But if you let her go, it will be a disaster.

Even if she had to be imprisoned, not to mention the long journey to Beijing, it would be very troublesome to take her on the road, even if she returned to Beijing, long-term detention would be a lot of trouble!

All in all it's a hassle!


Zhou Yunshen turned his head to look at Mu Qingli.

Before he could speak, Mu Qingli took a step back and shook her head and hands, saying, "Don't ask me, I don't know anything!"

Zhou Yunshen: "."

In desperation, Zhou Yunshen had no choice but to give Ming Da a hard look, and then said coldly with a long face: "Take her back first, and show her to me. If she gets lost, you are the only ones to ask!"

Mingda had no choice but to bite the bullet and answer "Yes".

Unexpectedly, seeing Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen at this moment, Bai Qing was so excited, struggling desperately, shaking her head desperately and whining, she even spit out the cloth ball in her mouth.

Bai Qing immediately burst into tears, looked at Zhou Yunshen with grief, love and hatred, and cried: "Prince, you are so cruel! You clearly know that I am sincere to you, how can you treat me like this! How could it be like this! You ruined my home and killed my relatives. From then on, I, Bai Qing, are incompatible with you. I will never forgive you in this life! And you, Mu Qingli, all of this is because of you, a bitch. Was it instigated by others? You were afraid that I would snatch your position as the crown princess, so you urged the crown prince to deal with us in Yaoshengu in every possible way! Mu Qingli, you are really vicious, I really regret why I didn’t kill you at the beginning! If I had killed you earlier, there would be no such thing as today, I hate it so much, I hate it so much."

Zhou Yunshen had twitching veins on his forehead, his face was livid, and he glared at Mingda fiercely: "What are you still doing in a daze? Waiting for her to say something nice?"

Mingda snapped back to his senses with an "Ah!", quickly picked up the cloth ball, and stuffed it into Bai Qing's mouth without hesitation.

This time with anger and rudeness, she couldn't vomit no matter what.

Bai Qing was so angry that her eyes burst into flames, and she struggled harder.

To this woman, Zhou Yunshen only had two words: Speechless.

Frowning, he wanted to say something, but Mu Qingli stopped him, shook his head and said lazily: "Forget it, you should save your energy. No matter what you say, listen to this Miss Bai In your ears, um, it was all because of me instigating you."

A woman trapped in her own imagination, she only wants to believe what she wants to believe, and she doesn't listen to anything else.

Mu Qingli looked at Bai Qing, smiled suddenly, raised her eyebrows and said, "You're right, I instigated all of this, because I think your Medicine God Valley is not pleasing to the eye, well, my disfigured account is It's on your heads, so I pestered the crown prince to kill you. Now I have fulfilled my wish, you are just a prisoner, so what if you are not convinced? When you were in the capital, I You played around and around, and now it falls into my hands again, which shows that your ability is limited! So, I advise you to be honest and behave, you must know, this woman's jealousy is terrible, very terrible, if you It pissed me off. Believe it or not, I'll send you to the brothel Chu Guan, so that you can do nothing but serve men—uh, this makes me dizzy!

Mu Qingli was stunned.

When she spoke the first half of the sentence, Bai Qing was still glaring at her angrily, her expression was full of "I knew it was like this, you finally admitted it yourself!" Passed out as soon as I turned it over.

This mental quality is really

All the guards were also dumbfounded, looking at Mu Qingli in a daze. His eyes were full of shock.

How can such words as brothel Chuguan come out of the mouth of the noble princess concubine casually!

Zhou Yunshen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought that Bai Qing was just a paper tiger, although she seemed to be crazy and fierce with her fangs and claws, in fact, it would break if she poked it.

Now that she's in your hands, it's no wonder she doesn't faint if you scare her so much.

"Cough cough!" Zhou Yunshen coughed twice, glared at everyone, and said angrily, "Hurry up!"

Everyone woke up like a dream, and they responded again and again, and the group left here.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen cut off the rope, rode the big hairy couple, and went to the base of Medicine God Valley first to have a look.

Because Zhou Yunshen changed the defensive formation at the exit, although there were a few people who escaped by chance that day, they couldn't leave safely.

The two searched for a while, and were attacked by a few fish that slipped through the net, and they solved it smoothly. Seeing that it was getting late, they also left.

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