Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 977 Let's talk after beating

I'm really in a hurry to report to the government, but to see if Miss Mo dares to go to court and whether she can afford to lose this face.

Second Young Master Zhang appeared imposingly with the shopkeeper's attendants, and stood with his hands behind his back, with an expression of "being bullied by you dignitaries, but neither humble nor overbearing and never compromise".

With a cold face, he said: "Dare to ask, this is the eldest lady of the Long Enhou Mansion? Miss Mo, you—"

"Who are you? Are you the head of Zhang Ji's family? Don't fool me with another irresponsible person. I want to see Zhang Ji's head of the family!"

Mo Xinyuan wore a veiled hat and plain clothes, her thin body was like a weak willow Fufeng, even though she was surrounded by guards and maidservants, she still looked a bit pitiful.

It's just that the words are really annoying.

Originally, he had a perfect posture, stood up straight, had already prepared a draft in his stomach, and was going to say something perfect, not humble, not afraid of the powerful, and very strong, but before he could finish a sentence, he stopped talking. Was interrupted rudely.

This feeling is really bad, very, very bad!

The Second Young Master Zhang couldn't hold his breath, his eyes suddenly became gloomy, and he said coldly with a long face: "Miss Mo, don't worry, I am the second young master of Zhang Ji Company. If you have anything to do, Miss Mo just tell me." , what I can do is master!"


"Of course!" Second Young Master Zhang glanced at her with a slight sneer in his eyes.

"Okay!" Mo Xinyuan pointed at Second Young Master Zhang angrily, and her tone suddenly turned sharp: "Take him down and hit me!"


Second Young Master Zhang was completely stupid, he hadn't realized what was going on, and was already beaten up by the murderous guards brought by Mo Xinyuan.

Naturally, the Zhangji firm also has employees and house servants, but Mo Xinyuan is the lady of Hou's mansion. Facing such a behemoth as the Hou's mansion, the servants of Zhangji firm are somewhat psychologically hindered and hesitant.

Do not dare to do your best.

This hesitation, once flinching, turned out to be helpless.

Besides, even if they tried their best, would they be able to beat the people brought by Mo Xinyuan?

In addition to the guards of the Hou Mansion, Mo Xinyuan's people also included Zhou Yunshen's people.

When it comes to fighting people, there are few opponents.

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

Second Young Master Zhang was furious, and cursed secretly in his heart, but at this moment, there was nothing he could say except screams of pain.

The location of Zhang Ji Company is very good and very lively.

There was such a lively commotion at the gate, and soon countless people were attracted to watch the commotion.

Mo Xinyuan took off the veiled hat, her pale face looked haggard, and her eyes were red and swollen like peaches.

Coupled with that plain dress and slender figure, she looks a bit fragile, making people feel pity for her at first sight.

The surrounding audience gasped in surprise, buzzing and discussing with each other.

"This is the eldest lady of Long Enhou Mansion?"

"God, this young lady looks so pitiful!"

"No, it's completely different from what I thought. I thought that the rich and powerful who oppressed people were all coquettish and domineering, but that's true."

"It's no wonder that this Miss Mo is also quite pitiful. All her relatives have died. She married the Mo family a few years ago. It is said that her life is not very good, and she divorced again. Do you know who her father is? He is famous. General Mo"

Mo Xinyuan shed tears before she spoke, and accused Zhang Ji's firm of deceiving others to the crowd.

Even Zhao Ji, who was managing the dowry shop and Zhuangzi for her, would not let go of it and wanted to annex it. This is clearly not giving her a way out!

I don't know where they got the courage to be so arrogant.

Pity my father and brother for leaving early. After I left the court, because of the discord with Mr. Meng, the two parties reconciled peacefully, and now they are living on the income from the dowry shop and Zhuangzi.

Unexpectedly, their Zhang Ji firm even dared to make such a decision.

So, this is to see my father and brother die, and the adopted brother is bedridden and unconscious, so it is easy to bully without the support of my father and brother?

If his father and brother were still there, if the former queen and aunt were still there, would Zhang Ji dare to be so arrogant?

No matter how poor she is, she is still the eldest lady of the Hou's mansion, and she will not be angry with this mere merchant's family.

Rather than being so oppressed by Zhang Ji, it would be better to vent this bad breath first! What should she accept.

The Zhang family still wanted to do whatever they could, and she followed suit.

Any death is better than a worthless death!

Die early, reunite with parents and elder brother under the Nine Springs, that's fine

Thinking of her parents, brothers, aunt, etc. who were no longer alive, Mo Xinyuan felt sad and couldn't help covering her face and crying, crying very sadly.

Everyone in the audience sighed.

Although Second Young Master Zhang was beaten, he still heard Mo Xinyuan's words, and was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

This woman is too shameless!

There was such a commotion here that some staff rushed in to report to Mr. Zhang and others.

Master Zhang and the others didn't expect that Miss Mo didn't come to reason, nor did she come to make trouble, she was clearly here to fight, and they were all dumbfounded.

The faces of the two stewards of the Meng family became particularly ugly, and they looked at each other: that young lady who was bullied so badly by the aunts in the mansion that she dared not resist, how could she show her face so openly?

Actually started to swear like other shrews?

What was thought to be easy to deal with turned out to be like this. The two Meng family stewards felt ashamed in front of everyone in Zhang Ji, and were extremely annoyed and ashamed for a while, secretly scolding Mo Xinyuan for causing trouble.

The steward of the Meng Mansion slapped the table fiercely, and said coldly: "Let's all go out, I want to see how powerful Miss Mo is now!"

Another manager of the Meng Mansion also sneered: "That's right, let's go, let's go now!"

Both of them thought the same thing.

What kind of bullshit is the eldest lady of the Hou Mansion, the niece of the former empress?

The current queen is still the aunt of their Meng family!

When this young lady of Hou's mansion was in Meng's mansion, she was bullied like a maid, didn't she dare to fart?

Now she dared to make such a disturbance because she didn't know that there were people from the Meng family here.

Once she saw the two of herself and knew that there were people from the Meng family, forgive her for not daring to make any more fuss, where did she come from and where did she go back in desperation.

When Mr. Zhang heard that his son had been beaten, he was angry, anxious and angry. He wanted to run away. After hearing the words of the two men in charge of the Meng Mansion, he felt a little relieved. He cupped his hands and thanked him. The government stewards rushed out.

The battle outside has come to an end.

Mu Qingli had explained in advance that when ordering everyone to beat someone, they should use hidden hands, punching and kicking only on the body, legs, and arms, but not on the face.

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