That's why Empress Meng quietly resorted to tricks and delayed Mo Xinyuan in the palace.

When she went back, the day lily was cold.

At this time, Mo Xinyuan also understood a little bit, and was a little stunned in addition to being afraid.

God's will is God's will, can she not believe it?

Isn't God clearly on the side of her cousin?

Earlier, my cousin contracted a strange disease, and even the Master of the State Council was helpless. Everyone thought that he was bound to die, but he came back alive and well.

The cousin sister-in-law insisted on taking the risk to enter the palace on a whim, and she was worried at first.

In the end, he escaped by accident.

If it was not God's will, Mo Xinyuan would not believe anything!

I couldn't help being full of confidence for a while, her cousin and sister-in-law are amazing

In the palace, Empress Meng finally got the news. She was full of confidence and thought that the Shuntian Mansion must have captured Mu Qingli.

This time, she wanted to slap the Mo family and the prince in the face, but if she didn't want to, it was all in vain.

"It's impossible!" Empress Meng was a little dumbfounded, and said angrily, "Didn't the Palace send someone to help? The bunch of waste in Shuntian Mansion, just like this, they can't find anyone?"

The person who came was the eunuch who was sent back to her mother's house to reward things by special excuses from her palace today, but in fact, she was in disguise and accompanied in the group of Shuntian Prefecture police officers to personally participate in the search operation.

Kneeling in front of her at this moment, he didn't dare to vent his breath.

Bite the bullet and explain one by one.

Empress Meng's face was as gloomy as iron, and she was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

She didn't believe that her calculations would be wrong, but she had personally explained this matter and sent people to follow along with her. Naturally, the Meng family knew it was easy and would definitely send elites to cooperate.

And my son's house will also send people to cooperate.

If Mu Qingli is really in Long Enhou's mansion, she will definitely be unable to escape.

But it's not here?

how can that be? What went wrong?

Didn't she return to Beijing? Zhou Yunshen really fell in love with a white-eyed wolf that day.

But what about Mo Xinyuan's abnormal behavior? Is it just that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black?

That bitch Mu Qingli didn't teach her, she learned it herself

Empress Meng didn't dare to be so sure again for a while, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she became, so she had to wave her hand to dismiss the eunuch resentfully.

If I let her know, her guess is completely correct, the only thing wrong is the timing of the action.

Coincidentally, just as Mu Qingli left, she made a move.

I'm afraid I'm really going to vomit blood.

Let's talk about Mu Qingli, after Mo Xinyuan's master and servant got out of the car and left.

After a while, she quietly slipped out of the carriage, and hid in a remote place in the imperial garden under the cover of various buildings and flowers and trees.

The palace is a very well-mannered place, and the masters and slaves are all strict. Don't dare to make mistakes.

Not many servants in the palace dared to walk around at will, and most of them stayed in their own rooms obediently when they were not on duty.

There is no such thing as visiting and visiting places.

At this time, the sun has risen high, and the masters will not go out to wander around.

Even if there are those who walk around, they will only take a few steps in the shade of the imperial garden.

Therefore, Mu Qingli had no dangers along the way, and was not discovered by anyone.

She is adventurous, but never reckless.

Since Qin'an Hall is the place where the prince is under house arrest, there must be people guarding it day and night.

This is the palace, and without the emperor's will, the crown prince would never dare to step out of the palace indiscriminately.

Therefore, the guards will not be very strict, at most they are on duty in normal shifts.

In broad daylight, Mu Qingli naturally didn't dare to show up.

But at night, under the cover of night, under the not so strict supervision, it would not be too difficult to find an opportunity to sneak into the Qin'an Hall.

The plum garden in the imperial garden was lush and lush with luxuriant branches and leaves, but no one would come.

Mu Qingli is hiding in the Plum Appreciation Pavilion, so she can rest assured.

After spending a day in a daze, I finally waited for night to fall.

In the dead of night, Mu Qingli took out a set of eunuch's clothes from the space and changed into them, and quietly left the plum garden.

She is not familiar with the palace, the location of Qin'an Hall, Mo Xinyuan drew a simple picture to point her to the specific location.

After all, Mo Xinyuan grew up in the palace since she was a child, and she is very familiar with every place.

Fortunately, the houses in the palace were built squarely, and the palace area and the imperial garden were clearly separated.

Even though Mu Qingli had never been to the Qin'an Hall, according to what Mo Xinyuan said, she could easily find the place after seeing the exact direction.

As she expected, there were guards outside Qin'an Hall, but they were not strict.

There were only two guards standing on both sides of the courtyard gate, one on the left and the other on the right like door gods.

There are two palace lanterns hanging under the eaves of the door. Under the dim light, they can be seen clearly.

That's easy.

Mu Qingli pursed her lips and smiled silently, walked around and used lightness kung fu to climb over the wall and enter the courtyard without disturbing the two people outside.

There was light in the main hall, reflecting on the window lattice, Mu Qingli's eyes flickered a little, as if he saw the shadow that he was thinking about day and night.

Pursing his lips, he quietly stepped forward.

"Who is it?" Her footsteps were very soft, which still alarmed the people in the hall.

Hearing the low, vigilant and majestic voice, Mu Qingli's heart suddenly softened, and she pushed the door open with a silent smile.

Zhou Yunshen was stunned.

In order to prove whether he was dazzled by a dream, he rubbed his eyes.

Seeing this, Mu Qingli "Puchi!" chuckled, ran forward and threw himself into his arms with a low smile, "Why are you rubbing your eyes? I'm here! You're not dreaming!"

The corner of Zhou Yunshen's mouth twitched: "."

Sighing and hugging her, he would rather he was dreaming.

"Why are you here? What is this place? You dare to break in?" Zhou Yunshen supported her shoulders with both hands, grinding his teeth a bit.

This woman's courage is truly greater than the sky.

Once her father found out, she would definitely not be able to leave the palace alive.

"I just want to see you!" Mu Qingli was a little unhappy immediately, curled her lips and said: "I finally took the risk, you don't praise me, but blame me instead? Don't be so disappointing, okay?"

"." Zhou Yunshen choked hard! Praise her? Can you boast?

"You are really——ah!" Sighing, he couldn't bear to blame her anymore, so he hugged her into his arms again, Zhou Yunshen said helplessly, "I'm fine, the poison of a tiger doesn't eat its offspring, my father just got angry, You won’t really do anything to me, but you, didn’t I tell you not to return to Beijing? Why are you here?”

Mu Qingli lazily said: "If I don't go back to Beijing, I have nowhere to go! Your father may not send someone to look for me, where can I escape? It's better to go back to Beijing! This is called black under the lamp." .I heard that you were beaten? Is the wound healed? Let me see!"

Mu Qingli looked him up and down as she spoke.

back to black

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