Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 994 Don't Let People See You

Mu Qingli forced a smile, seeing the girls with glowing eyes who were gazing closer and closer, silently wiped off the sweat from their foreheads, grabbed Zhou Yunshen's wrist and said decisively, "Let's go!"

Run away with him.

After running a long way, he ran to a remote building with no one there before stopping.

Zhou Yunshen looked at him happily, then tightly embraced him in his arms, and his heart finally fell to the ground peacefully.

"Is this the era you were in before? The women here are terrible! Also, why do they wear clothes that are similar to ours, but they don't fit at all? The one they hold in their hands will Is the thing making the sound the 'cell phone' you said?"

Mu Qingli came back to her senses and answered him one by one: "Well, Master's deduction is correct, and we came back just in time! Those girls... um, they are extras, so why is it strange that their clothes don't fit? Oh, just follow us The opera actors in the theater are similar. You are stupid, they take pictures of you with their mobile phones, why don't you hide?"

If it is posted on the Internet, it will be very lively!

And the overbearing prince? What the hell is that?

Zhou Yunshen suddenly realized that he understood a little bit, and hurriedly distinguished: "I hid, but they are really—cough, they are too shameless, after all, they are a group of innocent women, and I don't want to really do anything to them."

He can't just slap everyone away with one palm, can he?


The corners of Mu Qingli's mouth twitched fiercely, sighed and patted him on the shoulder, smiled a little strangely, and said: "Forget about your previous life, remember what you see now, and remember that everything that exists is reasonable. words."

Although she gave him a brief introduction, saying that in the era she lived in, men and women were equal, and the defense of men and women was not like that of Da Zhou, but there is always a difference between what she heard and what she saw with her own eyes.

Let him figure it out.

He is so smart, and he is calm when he looks at it.

Zhou Yun took a deep look at her, nodded and smiled: "Okay, lady! As long as the lady does not leave my husband's side, everything is reasonable."

Mu Qingli: "."

After coughing, she reminded him with a smile: "When we get here, we can no longer say 'lady' or 'husband'. I told you, what do you want to call me?"

Zhou Yunshen was stunned, and then coughed: "Old, wife?"

Mu Qingli laughed loudly, and raised her arm to hold his arm: "Honey, let's go!"

Zhou Yunshen froze slightly, "Well, can you not call me that?"

Old man, as soon as Mao heard this name, he thought of the group in the palace——peh, pee, pee!

Mu Qingli gave a "pop" smile, "Do as the Romans do!"

Saying that, the hand holding his arm tightened tightly, and her body pressed against him without any scruples.

Zhou Yunshen's heart fluttered, and he turned his head to look at her, his expression immediately became as gentle as water and warm.

This vulgarity is not bad, how to call it is just a title, don't worry too much, right?

However, when passing by someone, Zhou Yunshen subconsciously wanted to keep a distance from her. He didn't move his body yet, and when he saw that no one seemed to be making a fuss about it, he relaxed again and laughed secretly.

Habit is a terrible thing.

Ladies and the others don't care about this here, oh no, it's "wife"!

"Old wife, where are we going now?" Zhou Yunshen asked.

Mu Qingli said with a smile: "Let's find a small hotel first and change out of this clothes."

This is the film and television city, the two of them walking on the road together will at most make people look twice, but it's not too strange.

However, if this outfit were to go out on the street, it would be a bit too eye-catching.

Although this place is still far away from her hometown, it has been almost five years since she had an accident that year, and she doesn't know what's going on with her family now.

So, it's best to keep a low profile.

Too dazzling, not good.

There is still a lot of money in Mu Qingli's space, which is much more convenient now.

In this film and television city, they randomly found an hourly room, and the two went in with a big face.

Right now is just after the beginning of spring and before the arrival of mid-spring, the air is slightly chilly, but girls who love beauty can already change into beautiful short skirts.

Mu Qingli is a martial artist who doesn't like to wear skirts very much.

Then I changed into a white shirt, a light blue denim T-shirt, and a pair of sneakers.

All hairpin decorations were removed, and a neat ponytail was tied.

When she came out of the bathroom, Zhou Yunshen was sitting on the bed, looking at the room with extremely disgusted eyes.

Mu Qingli understood what he was thinking. This is an hourly room. The place where the prince goes to the toilet is bigger and more exquisite than this. It would be strange if he didn't dislike it!

"Hi!" Mu Qingli called him.

Zhou Yunshen raised his eyes to look at her, and his eyes suddenly lit up with a "swish!", sizing her up.

When his eyes fell on her towering chest and slender waist, he couldn't help staying for a while longer, and his eyes became a little hot.

"My wife is so beautiful!" Zhou Yunshen stepped forward to hug her and kissed her, his paw landed on her chest uncontrollably, and said with a smile, "It looks so good dressed up like this!"

"Stop messing around!" Mu Qingli smiled and patted his hand off, "We have to go to the city in a hurry."

My heart is a little sweet. Hearing him praise his good looks, even if he didn't care much about the compliment, he still felt happy for no reason.

No wonder men with flamboyant mouths are popular, especially those who have good skin, money, and status—fuck, Mu Qingli suddenly felt that she seemed to have taken advantage of a huge advantage.

It was hit by a big piece of pie that fell from the sky!

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment: "You want to dress like this?"

Mu Qingli was a little inexplicable, she gave him a strange look and nodded, "Yes, these are the most normal clothes here."

Originally, she still wanted to wear a T-shirt with long sleeves, but it was because of the antique man beside her that she chose a shirt that didn't show any part of her arms. He still seemed dissatisfied?

Of course Zhou Yunshen was not satisfied!

I just feel like I'm at a loss!

The figure of the daughter-in-law is all for people to see!

Especially the high breasts and such a wide neckline - what man wouldn't take a second look when he saw it?

"No!" Zhou Yunshen found it unacceptable just thinking about it, and said angrily, "I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself and beat someone up if you go out wearing it like this!"

Mu Qingli: "."

In the end, he had no choice but to fasten the top button of the shirt tightly, and also took out an extremely loose and thin coat from the space to put it on, Zhou Yunshen looked left and right, still a little dissatisfied.

Think her, uh, trousers are too tight and show off her curves.—

Just ask for a ticket~

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