It's afternoon, and it's the sunniest and warmest time in the desert.

Luffy and the others have already walked into the desert, hundreds of meters away from the seaside where the Merry docked, and looking back, where are the shadows of the Merry and the coast, full of golden desert, which is dazzling.

The temperature in the air continued to rise, and at first Luffy didn't think it was anything, and they were still walking with great interest, but after walking more than a hundred meters, some people couldn't.

Led by Usopp, Chopper and Nami are all showing some symptoms of dehydration, and the others are still holding on with their own willpower.

The temperature in the desert is very high, and the sun is very strong, and if Luffy doesn't wrap his body tightly, I'm afraid that he will be sunburned by the desert sun first.

Along the way, Luffy didn't encounter any desert killer plants or vicious beasts, but this temperature was already very fatal.

In this way, water is particularly precious.

Although Luffy brought a lot of water with them, which seemed to be enough, but in the desert, their water consumption was also several times more than usual, so it was better to save a little.

No, they saw a huge stone not far ahead, and immediately picked up their speed and ran to rest under the shadow of the stone.

"Oh my God, this desert is really not a place for people, Vivi, and now I admire the people of your country more and more. Usopp said, lying in the shadow of the stone in the shape of a large figure.

Chopper is a product of Winter Island, how can it stand the heat of the desert, it is now hot and tired, sticking out its tongue and head out to gasp, and it is not even happy to speak.

Luffy asked Sanji to distribute water to everyone, and in just a few moments, everyone drank several times the usual water, and after drinking the water, everyone felt better, but it was still hot and uncomfortable.

"Vivi, you said it would take a few days to reach the Rainlands?" asked Zoron.

"No matter how fast we travel, it will take three days at the earliest!" replied Vivi as she fanned her clothes.

"Three days?" Luffy listened, touching his chin and thinking, he glanced at everyone, it seems that he is going to speed up, but the weather is so hot, and there is no means of transportation, so he can't be fast if he wants to!

"Are you hungry?" Luffy asked.

Everyone shook their heads, and Nami said, "I'm not hungry, I'm thirsty, and that little bit of water just now is not enough to drink, Luffy, can the water we bring last us to the rain?"

"Of course you can!" Luffy handed Nami a reassuring smile.

Luffy stood up and said, "In that case, let's go forward a little longer while we still have the spirit!"

Despite some reluctance, the crowd climbed up.

"In the evening we have a good rest. Luffy said.

As soon as they stepped out of the shadow part of the stone, Luffy and the others felt a strange heat, and the sun above them was literally killing people.

But in the next second, everyone felt that the temperature around them was dropping, although the sun in the sky was still so poisonous, but the air around them was not very hot, correspondingly, much cooler.

Luffy looked back at Kaiya and asked, "Kaiya, isn't this a bit of a drain on you?"

"Hehe, little meaning, don't worry about me!" Kaiya wiped the sweat from her head and smiled.

When the others saw this, they all glanced at Kaiya gratefully, and then walked forward, because Kaiya used her ability to make the temperature around her drop a lot, so Luffy and their speed was obviously much faster.

It's just that Kaiya's physical strength is a little too much.

Just in case, Luffy and Nami walked next to Kaeya together, and they advanced for more than an hour.

"Hey, look, there's a village up ahead!" Usopp exclaimed in surprise.

When they heard this, they looked up.

Sure enough, there was a tall building standing three hundred meters in front of them, and Luffy couldn't see anything because of the distance, but they were sure that it would be their resting place.

For more than an hour, Kaiya has been using her air ability to refresh the air around her, and the physical strength consumed is not ordinary, and she needs to rest and recover her strength.

Luffy: They quickened their pace.

What greeted everyone's eyes was an abandoned village, with ravines, ruined walls, rubble and rubble everywhere, and a strong wind blowing, and there were heart-palpitating sounds in the abandoned village, as if someone was screaming.

Seeing this scene, Wei Wei's expression suddenly became sad, he bent down to pick up some sand, and said to himself: "We are the people of the desert, and it has been a lot of hardship to survive, why does God still let us suffer this kind of suffering......".

The others chose a shaded place to rest, and Luffy looked at Vivi, who was still standing in place, frowned, and pulled her over.

"Vivi, don't be sad, since I decided to help you defeat Klockdahl, then please rely on me, don't bury your grief in your heart like this, we are partners, we are people you can rely on, just confide in us!" Luffy patted Vivi on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

Vivi bit her lower lip with tears in her eyes, she looked at Luffy and them, didn't speak, just nodded heavily.

Seeing Vivi like this, Luffy knew that this girl had opened his heart knot a little, he looked up at the blue-gray sky, and said in his heart: Sure enough, pirates are good and bad? It doesn't seem right, pirates are all bad people, no one likes pirates, and it's really ...... like Nami said

The others didn't know what Luffy was thinking, and they were all seizing all the time to rest, who knew if they would start again soon, and it was important to recover their strength at the moment.

"Guys, it's not getting early, let's camp here tonight!".

Luffy's proposal was approved by everyone.

Wei Wei looked at the sky in the distance filled with the smell of earthy yellow, and was a little worried, and said to everyone: "Everyone, there may be a sandstorm passing by at night, everyone set up their tents." "

Everyone nodded, thinking that the unpredictable weather in this desert could be compared to the sea.

Luffy stepped out of the shadows and said to the people behind him, "I always feel tired of eating dry food, so I'll go out and find some game." "

When Zoro and Sanji heard this, they also wanted to go with Luffy.

Luffy gave the two of them a blank look: "Captain's order, let me stay here to protect the others!

At first, Zoro thought Luffy was in the way of him, and was about to retort, but was stopped by Sanji: "Okay, Green Algae Head, since the captain has said so, then let's follow the captain's orders!"

"Cut, okay then!" Zoro sat down, leaning against the wall.

Vivi came over at this time and said, "Luffy, there are many killer plants and vicious beasts in the desert, although I know that with your strength, there will not be much danger, but please be careful." "

"Well, I will. Luffy could tell that Vivi really cared about herself.

Luffy turned around, took a moon step, and galloped away into the distance.

"The desert is also an extremely hot place, could it be that the ancient kingdom that Rey's grandfather said was here?" Luffy looked around as he stepped on the moon steps and galloped through the air.

But there was no trace of the ruins except sand and sand.

"Whew!" Luffy stopped using the moon step and landed on the sand from the air, and it was also physically exhausting to use the moon step in such a hot environment.

Luffy didn't want to wait for him to meet Klockdahl and lose his physical strength first.

"By the way, I wonder what will happen if you cultivate the heat flow in my body here?"

Luffy just did what he said, and there was no shady place around, so he simply sat on the ground.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground under the scorching sun above his head, Luffy was enduring the unbearable heat of ordinary people.

As soon as his mind moved, a stream of heat with a strange aura appeared in his abdomen, and Luffy triggered this heat flow and began to operate in the limbs.

After only a few moments, Luffy found that his surroundings were much cooler and less hot than before.

"The air in the desert is dry and hot, and it contains a lot of fire elements, I always feel that this heat flow in my body can swallow the flames, I don't know if it can swallow these fire elements, why don't you try it?"

Thinking like this, Luffy immediately mobilized the heat flow in his body, causing it to flow through his skin and slowly flow out of his body.

This process caused a great drain on Luffy's energy, and Luffy even felt that his body was about to be hollowed out, but he still gritted his teeth and persevered, and at the same time he was shocked in his heart: What kind of huge power is hidden in this heat flow?

The heat flow appeared outside Luffy's body, and there was no need for Luffy's control at all, and the invisible heat flow turned into a large net, no, ready to say a fierce beast, the fierce beast opened its terrifying giant mouth and devoured the surrounding fire elements without hesitation.

For a moment, Luffy felt that the air around him was much cooler, and the feeling of dryness and heat disappeared completely, which was even more effective than Kaiya's air ability.


devoured fire elements were continuously sent into Luffy's body, but he didn't feel the slightest heat, thinking that those fire elements were absorbed by the heat flow in his body.

As the fire element continued to be swallowed by the heat flow, Luffy was pleasantly surprised to find that the heat flow in his body became more condensed and seemed to become stronger.

Although he doesn't know how to use this mysterious power, Luffy feels that it is necessary to strengthen this mysterious power, what if he encounters a strong enemy one day and is saved by the mysterious power in his body?

Thinking like this, Luffy once again hooked the remaining heat flow in his body, moving it out of his body and devouring the fire element in the air.

The desert is known as the hot land, and it is the area where the fire elemental is most and strongest, and the fire elemental here is endless, as if it can never be swallowed.

This was a cheap heat flow in Luffy's body, because he devoured a large amount of fire element, and the invisible heat flow outside changed again, turning into a lizard-like giant beast walking upright, and the giant beast floated in the air, and a strange aura emanated from the top of the giant beast's head.

Then Luffy felt that all the fire elements within a radius of hundreds of meters had gathered, and the giant beast opened its mouth and devoured these fire elements frantically, so that a fire element vortex was formed.

Luffy in the center of this vortex is also pitiful, such a fire element gathered together, the heat generated is not ordinarily strong, and the lethality is extremely great, God knows what kind of terrifying temperature Luffy is suffering at this time.

But looking at his sweaty head and frowning brows, it must be very uncomfortable!

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