Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1221: Can't I let go?

"Yes, Pei Anzhi, I regret it. If you can't accept my high-sounding reason, then I admit that I was wrong. I shouldn't insist on marrying you. I shouldn't still choose after you gave me a choice. Stay by your side—"

"Yes Susu!" Pei Anzhi suddenly interrupted Ye Susu's words severely, he didn't want to listen to Ye Susu anymore.

What happened tonight?

What happened and why did things develop into this situation.

"Pei Anzhi!"

Ye Susu suddenly closed his eyes and shouted Pei Anzhi's name harder, and finally looked up at him.

I couldn't stop the tears on her face, and she no longer suppressed herself.

Even if it is impulsive, even after the impulse, she will still reluctant to give up and feel distressed.

Now that she has reached this point, she will bear all the consequences herself.

You can't live without the past.

I have never seen Ye Susu like this before.

No, he has never seen Ye Susu tonight.

When Ye Susu suddenly shouted louder than him, Pei Anzhi was taken aback.

Then I heard her continue to hiss and say:

"Pei Anzhi, it's all my fault, I can't make up for you, I change it, can't I let it go?!"

"No way!"

Pei Anzhi's white forehead raised a few obvious traces of cyan, and he dropped two words heavily without thinking.


Ye Susu raised her head when she heard the words, but before she could say anything, Pei Anzhi suddenly leaned over and bit her lip fiercely, almost crushing her lips hard and blocking her lips to death. Yes, swallow everything he didn't want to hear...

Ye Susu tilted his head back, and was stunned for a moment, his eyes falling into her hair sideburns from the end of her eyes.

She was so eager to receive Pei Anzhi's love and affection before, hoping that he would touch her, even if it was a little worried, she thought she would be content.

To be content, replace the cruelty he had given her in the past.

She has got what she most greedily wants in her life.

So she is not greedy, as long as he treats her a little bit nicely, it is enough.

But she waited for two years, waited for him to be a childhood sweetheart, waited for the result that she would never be able to restore the image in his heart, waited for his worse evaluation and attitude towards her.

She failed.

Even if it continued, she thought, she couldn't change anything.

The deep-rooted thing is the most terrible. She can't deny that "marriage" brought her marriage. She can't get rid of the fact that Liang has fallen into his childhood sweetheart, and she can't build a perfect image of the "hypocritical" in his heart.

Choosing to end this marriage may be the best choice.

She fulfilled him and liberated herself.


"Let go... well... you let me go..."

Ye Susu struggled hard.

She is well aware of her weak concentration on Pei Anzhi.

Even if he spends an extra minute and a second entangled with him, if he trances her with intimacy, then she will definitely fall again anytime, anywhere.

She is so hopeless, otherwise, she would not be where she is now.

Pei Anzhi's hands pinched her jaw harder and harder, Ye Susu shook her head vigorously in an attempt to get rid of his angry heavy kiss.

But Pei Anzhi buckled her neck firmly and held her firmly, still biting her lips hard, with deep anger and eagerness...

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